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Create management command base class that sends emails on exceptions. F…
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jennifer-richards committed Oct 29, 2021
1 parent 0d955b6 commit 968b775
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Showing 8 changed files with 434 additions and 22 deletions.
30 changes: 25 additions & 5 deletions ietf/ipr/management/commands/
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,49 @@

import io
import sys
from textwrap import dedent

from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from import CommandError

from import EmailOnFailureCommand
from ietf.ipr.mail import process_response_email

import debug # pyflakes:ignore

class Command(BaseCommand):
class Command(EmailOnFailureCommand):
help = ("Process incoming email responses to ipr mail")
msg_bytes = None

def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--email-file', dest='email', help='File containing email (default: stdin)')

def handle(self, *args, **options):
email = options.get('email', None)
msg = None

if not email:
msg =
self.msg_bytes = msg.encode()
msg =, "r").read()
self.msg_bytes =, "rb").read()
msg = self.msg_bytes.decode()

except ValueError as e:
raise CommandError(e)

failure_subject = 'Error during ipr email processing'
failure_message = dedent("""\
An error occurred in the ipr process_email management command.
def make_failure_message(self, error, **extra):
msg = super().make_failure_message(error, **extra)
if self.msg_bytes is not None:
'application', 'octet-stream', # mime type
return msg
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions ietf/ipr/management/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Copyright The IETF Trust 2021, All Rights Reserved
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests of ipr management commands"""
import mock

from import call_command
from django.test.utils import override_settings

from ietf.utils.test_utils import TestCase, name_of_file_containing

@override_settings(ADMINS=(('Some Admin', ''),))
class ProcessEmailTests(TestCase):
def test_process_email(self, process_mock):
"""The process_email command should process the correct email"""
with name_of_file_containing('contents') as filename:
call_command('process_email', email_file=filename)
self.assertEqual(process_mock.call_count, 1, 'process_response_email should be called once')
'process_response_email should receive the correct contents'

def test_send_error_to_admin(self, process_mock, send_smtp_mock):
"""The process_email command should email the admins on error"""
# arrange an mock error during processing
process_mock.side_effect = RuntimeError('mock error')

with name_of_file_containing('contents') as filename:
call_command('process_email', email_file=filename)

(msg,) = send_smtp_mock.call_args.args
self.assertEqual(msg['to'], '', 'Admins should be emailed on error')
self.assertIn('error', msg['subject'].lower(), 'Error email subject should indicate error')
self.assertTrue(msg.is_multipart(), 'Error email should have attachments')
parts = msg.get_payload()
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 3, 'Error email should contain message, traceback, and original message')
content = parts[0].get_payload()
traceback = parts[1].get_payload()
original = parts[2].get_payload(decode=True).decode() # convert octet-stream to string
self.assertIn('RuntimeError', content, 'Error type should be included in error email')
self.assertIn('', content, 'File where error occurred should be included in error email')
self.assertIn('traceback', traceback.lower(), 'Traceback should be attached to error email')
self.assertEqual(original, 'contents', 'Original message should be attached to error email')
67 changes: 51 additions & 16 deletions ietf/nomcom/management/commands/
Expand Up @@ -4,47 +4,82 @@

import io
import sys
from textwrap import dedent

from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from import CommandError

from ietf.utils.log import log
from import EmailOnFailureCommand
from ietf.nomcom.models import NomCom
from ietf.nomcom.utils import create_feedback_email
from ietf.nomcom.fields import EncryptedException

import debug # pyflakes:ignore
import debug # pyflakes:ignore

class Command(BaseCommand):

class Command(EmailOnFailureCommand):
help = ("Receive nomcom email, encrypt and save it.")
nomcom = None
msg = None # incoming message

def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--nomcom-year', dest='year', help='NomCom year')
parser.add_argument('--email-file', dest='email', help='File containing email (default: stdin)')
parser.add_argument('--nomcom-year', dest='year', help='NomCom year')
parser.add_argument('--email-file', dest='email', help='File containing email (default: stdin)')

def handle(self, *args, **options):
email = options.get('email', None)
year = options.get('year', None)
msg = None
nomcom = None
help_message = 'Usage: feeback_email --nomcom-year <nomcom-year> --email-file <email-file>'

if not year:
log("Error: missing nomcom-year")
raise CommandError("Missing nomcom-year\n\n"+help_message)

if not email:
msg =, 'rb').read()
msg =, "rb").read()
raise CommandError("Missing nomcom-year\n\n" + help_message)

nomcom = NomCom.objects.get(group__acronym__icontains=year,
self.nomcom = NomCom.objects.get(group__acronym__icontains=year,
except NomCom.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("NomCom %s does not exist or it isn't active" % year)

if not email:
self.msg =, 'rb').read()
self.msg =, "rb").read()

feedback = create_feedback_email(nomcom, msg)
feedback = create_feedback_email(self.nomcom, self.msg)
log("Received nomcom email from %s" %
except (EncryptedException, ValueError) as e:
raise CommandError(e)

# Configuration for the email to be sent on failure
failure_email_includes_traceback = False # error messages might contain pieces of the feedback email
failure_subject = '{nomcom}: error during feedback email processing'
failure_message = dedent("""\
An error occurred in the nomcom feedback_email management command while
processing feedback for {nomcom}.
def failure_recipients(self):
return self.nomcom.chair_emails() if self.nomcom else super().failure_recipients

def make_failure_message(self, error, **extra):
failure_message = super().make_failure_message(
nomcom=self.nomcom or 'nomcom',
if self.nomcom and self.msg:
# Attach incoming message if we have it and are sending to the nomcom chair.
# Do not attach it if we are sending to the admins. Send as a generic
# mime type because we don't know for sure that it was actually a valid
# message.
'application', 'octet-stream', # mime type
return failure_message
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions ietf/nomcom/management/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Copyright The IETF Trust 2021, All Rights Reserved
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests of nomcom management commands"""
import mock

from collections import namedtuple

from import call_command
from django.test.utils import override_settings

from ietf.nomcom.factories import NomComFactory
from ietf.utils.test_utils import TestCase, name_of_file_containing

@override_settings(ADMINS=(('Some Admin', ''),))
class FeedbackEmailTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.year = 2021
self.nomcom = NomComFactory(group__acronym=f'nomcom{self.year}')

def test_send_error_to_admins(self, send_smtp_mock):
"""If a nomcom chair cannot be identified, mail goes to admins
This email should not contain either the full traceback or the original message.
# Call with the wrong nomcom year so the admin will be contacted
with name_of_file_containing('feedback message') as filename:
call_command('feedback_email', nomcom_year=self.year + 1, email_file=filename)

(msg,) = send_smtp_mock.call_args.args # get the message to be sent
self.assertEqual(msg['to'], '', 'Email recipient should be the admins')
self.assertIn('error', msg['subject'], 'Email subject should indicate error')
self.assertFalse(msg.is_multipart(), 'Nomcom feedback error sent to admin should not have attachments')
content = msg.get_payload()
self.assertIn('CommandError', content, 'Admin email should contain error type')
self.assertIn('', content, 'Admin email should contain file where error occurred')
self.assertNotIn('traceback', content.lower(), 'Admin email should not contain traceback')
self.assertNotIn(f'NomCom {self.year} does not exist', content,
'Admin email should not contain error message')
# not going to check the line - that's too likely to change

def test_send_error_to_chair(self, create_feedback_mock, send_smtp_mock):
# mock an exception in create_feedback_email()
create_feedback_mock.side_effect = RuntimeError('mock error')

with name_of_file_containing('feedback message') as filename:
call_command('feedback_email', nomcom_year=self.year, email_file=filename)

(msg,) = send_smtp_mock.call_args.args # get the message to be sent
[addr.strip() for addr in msg['to'].split(',')],
'Email recipient should be the nomcom chair(s)',
self.assertIn('error', msg['subject'], 'Email subject should indicate error')
self.assertTrue(msg.is_multipart(), 'Chair feedback error should have attachments')
parts = msg.get_payload()
content = parts[0].get_payload()
# decode=True decodes the base64 encoding, .decode() converts the octet-stream bytes to a string
attachment = parts[1].get_payload(decode=True).decode()
self.assertIn('RuntimeError', content, 'Nomcom email should contain error type')
self.assertIn('', content, 'Nomcom email should contain file where error occurred')
self.assertIn('feedback message', attachment, 'Nomcom email should include original message')

def test_feedback_email(self, create_feedback_mock):
"""The feedback_email command should create feedback"""
# mock up the return value
create_feedback_mock.return_value = namedtuple('mock_feedback', 'author')('')

with name_of_file_containing('feedback message') as filename:
call_command('feedback_email', nomcom_year=self.year, email_file=filename)

self.assertEqual(create_feedback_mock.call_count, 1, 'create_feedback_email() should be called once')
(self.nomcom, b'feedback message'),
'feedback_email should process the correct email for the correct nomcom'
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ietf/nomcom/
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,15 @@ def encrypt(self, cleartext):
raise EncryptedException(error)

def chair_emails(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_cached_chair_emails'):
self._cached_chair_emails = list('chair').values_list('email__address', flat=True)
self._cached_chair_emails = []
return self._cached_chair_emails

def delete_nomcom(sender, **kwargs):
nomcom = kwargs.get('instance', None)
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