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Traverse your JavaScript objects and inject/transform them with a callback you provide.


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#Gnosis v0.2.0

##What is it? Gnosis is a utility to traverse JavaScript objects, allowing you to pass a callback to do something with each member of the object, etc. You can transform the object in place, or do anything else you need.

##API It's pretty simple. The main method you're concerned with is: gnosis.traverse(targetObject, transformCallback [,path, options]);

The transformCallback argument is a function with the following signature:

var cb = function(instance, key, val, meta, root) {
    instance is the object that owns the member we're on
    key is the member name
    val is the current value of target[key]
    meta is an object containing the following:
        source    : OBJECT - The source of the property descriptor. This could
                    be the instance for instance props OR a prototype for things
                    like Array.prototype.push, etc. USE THIS WITH CAUTION!
        name      : STRING - The member name,
        descriptor: OBJECT - Result of calling Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, name),
        path      : STRING - The dot-notation hierarchy of the path to the member.
                    For example, if you have an array containing address objects, you might
                    see a path like this: {ROOT}.addresses.0.street1. It's possible to use
                    the path to build a full reference to the target field from the root
        level     : INTEGER - The depth in the prototype chain. 0 = instance, 1 first prototype, etc.
        type      : STRING - The result of calling[key]);
    root is the top level object that was originally passed to traverse as the target.


In the example below, we take a simple object and traverse it, forcing getters and setters on the members, and writing a message to the DOM with information about properties being read or written to (or in the case of push on the array, we find out if it was invoked, etc.).

var me = {
    name: "Jim",
    city: "Signal Mountain",
    family: ["Stephanie"]

    function(target, key, val, meta, root) {
        var v = val;
        if (key === "push" && meta.type === "[object Function]" && === "[object Array]") {
            target[key] = function() {
                val.apply(target, arguments);
                writeToDom("The value '" + arguments[0] + "' was pushed into the array.");
        } else if (key !== "length") {
            Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
                enumerable: true,
                configurable: true,
                get: function() {
                    var action = meta.type === "[object Function]" ? "invoked" : "read";
                    writeToDom("The '" + key + "' " + meta.type + " was " + action + ".");
                    return v;
                set: function(x) {
                    v = x;
                    writeToDom("The '" + key + "' value was set.");
    "me", {
        nonEnumerable: true,
        walkPrototype: true
); = "James"; = "Chattanooga";"Ian");

 The following output would be generated:
    The 'family' [object Array] was read.
    The 'name' value was set.
    The 'city' value was set.
    The 'family' [object Array] was read.
    The value 'Ian' was pushed into the array.

For a live demo of usage, see this jsbin


Traverse your JavaScript objects and inject/transform them with a callback you provide.







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