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3) Loading a process model

igler edited this page Apr 17, 2012 · 1 revision

Move to the source folder of ESProNa and load it with the swilgt command in your terminal/shell:

cd /path/to/ESProNa
swilgt -g "{loader}"

The output in your shell should look like this:

    ___________ ___________________                _______                              
	\_   _____//   _____/\______   \_______  ____  \      \ _____                  
	 |    __)_ \_____  \  |     ___/\_  __ \/  _ \ /   |   \\__  \              
	 |        \/        \ |    |     |  | \(  <_> )    |    \/ __ \_               
	/_______  /_______  / |____|     |__|   \____/\____|__  (____  /                  
	        \/        \/                                  \/     \/                 
+++ Modeling, Execution and Navigation of Declarative Business Processes +++         
+++ Loading (modified) OWL2 parser Thea2...
+++ Loading state-space definitions...
+++ Loading debugging tools...
+++ Loading performance measurement tools...
+++ Loading heuristics and solvers...
+++ Loading helper predicates/utilities...
+++ Loading POPM Functional Perspective definitions...
+++ Loading POPM Behavioral Perspective definitions...
+++ Loading POPM Organizational Perspective definitions...
+++ Loading POPM Data Perspective definitions...
+++ Loading POPM Operational Perspective definitions...
+++ Loading process and constraint predicates definitions...
+++ Loading process model definitions...
+++ Loading planning components...
+++ Loading visualization (dot-export)...
+++ Loading REST/JSON interface...
+++ Starting ESProNa-server on port 2600...


After that you can load an example process model which are stored in folder process_models. To load the model set_up_surgery_plan_extended copy and paste the following command:


The answer of ESProNa will look like this:

+++ Loading process model...                                
+++ Transforming ontologies used within process model...                      
+++ Loading transformed ontologies...                                         
+++ Loading process model and process definitions...                          