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Added clsqr for solving least squares
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igniting committed Jul 23, 2014
1 parent 4fbafdd commit a5daec4
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,975 additions and 19 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/CMakeLists.txt
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904 changes: 904 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/lsqr.c

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400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/lsqr.h

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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/lsqr_c.README
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The software for LSQR (C version) is provided by SOL, Stanford University
under the terms of the OSI Common Public License (CPL):

08 Sep 1999: First set of files provided by James W. Howse <>.

11 Oct 2000: Files unpacked by Michael Saunders.
Lines longer than 80 characters had extraneous carriage returns.
Tried to repair them, but not sure if I/O formats will be correct.

09 Dec 2005: Beware that this C version of LSQR allows x0 to be input.
I RECOMMEND THAT YOU ALWAYS USE x0 = 0 (an n-vector of zeros).

Otherwise, you must be conscious of the fact that LSQR will be
solving A dx = r0 = b - A x0 and adding parts of dx to x0
AS IT GOES. If x0 is very close to a solution (that is, if dx
is very small compared to x0), many digits of accuracy in dx
will be lost. It is safer to solve A dx = r0 (with x0 = 0)
and then compute x = x0 + dx yourself at the end.

In either case, providing x0 will generally not save work
(will not reduce the number of LSQR iterations) unless you
use larger tolerances atol and btol than you would for Ax = b.

31 Aug 2007: Some bugs fixed (see lsqr.c).
Note that some of the rectangular test problems
at the end of test_prog.c are really too ill-conditioned
for any least-squares method to give an accurate solution.
Ignore the "LSQR seems to have failed" messages if ||A'r||
is quite small.

31 Aug 2007: Simplified C version of LSQR contributed by
Michael Friedlander. Added as clsqr2 to

02 Aug 2007: Dima Sorkin <> recommends changes
to improve portability. Also the following compile command:
gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -c lsqr.c

Please send comments to Michael Saunders, SOL, Stanford University 650-723-1875

The C version of LSQR involves the following files:


test_lstp.c contains lstp, a least-square test problem generator.
It constructs data for a matrix A and a vector b.
test_mult.c computes products Ax and A'y.
test_lsqr.c calls lstp to generate a problem,
then calls lsqr to solve it.
test_prog.c calls test_lsqr several times to generate and solve
various problems.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/test_lsqr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
* test_lsqr.c
* For testing C version of LSQR.
* 08 Sep 1999: First version from James W. Howse <>
* 02 Sep 2007: "max" redefined here to be "lsqr_max".
* test_in->rel_mat_err changed from 1e-10 to 1e-15 and
* test_in->rel_rhs_err changed from 1e-10 to 1e-15
* to ensure "success" on the ill-conditioned rectangular
* test cases.

#include "lsqr.h"

#include "test_lsqr.h"

# define lsqr_max(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (b) : (a) )

void test_lsqr( long num_rows,
long num_cols,
long duplicate_param,
long power_param,
double damp_param )
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is an example driver routine for running LSQR.
* It generates a test problem, solves it, and examines the results.
* Note that subroutine APROD must be declared 'extern' if it is
* used only in the call to LSQR.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
double dvec_norm2( dvec * );

long col_indx;

double unorm,

dvec *act_rhs_vec,

lsqr_input *test_in;
lsqr_output *test_out;
lsqr_work *test_work;
lsqr_func *test_func;
prod_data *test_prod;

extern void test_mult( long, dvec *, dvec *, void * );
extern void lstp_mult( dvec *, dvec *, dvec * );

alloc_lsqr_mem( &test_in, &test_out, &test_work, &test_func, num_rows,
num_cols );

test_func->mat_vec_prod = test_mult;
test_in->lsqr_fp_out = stdout;
* Allocate the the data structure of type 'prod_data'.
test_prod = (prod_data *) malloc( sizeof(prod_data) );

test_prod->d_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( num_cols );
if (!test_prod->d_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'d\' allocation failure "
"in function lsqr_test()", -1);

test_prod->hy_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( num_rows );
if (!test_prod->hy_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'hy\' allocation "
"failure in function lsqr_test()", -1);

test_prod->hz_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( num_cols );
if (!test_prod->hz_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'hz\' allocation "
"failure in function lsqr_test()", -1);

test_prod->work_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( lsqr_max( num_rows, num_cols ) );
if (!test_prod->work_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'work\' allocation "
"failure in function lsqr_test()", -1);
* Allocate the other needed vectors.
act_rhs_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( num_rows );
if (!act_rhs_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'b\' allocation failure in "
"function lsqr_test()", -1);

act_sol_vec = (dvec *) alloc_dvec( num_cols );
if (!act_sol_vec) lsqr_error("test_prog: vector \'x_ans\' allocation failure "
"in function lsqr_test()", -1);
* Set the true solution for the test problem.
for( col_indx = 0; col_indx < num_cols; col_indx++ )
act_sol_vec->elements[col_indx] = (double)( num_cols - (col_indx + 1) );
* Call the routine LSTP which generates the least squares test problem.
lstp( duplicate_param, power_param, damp_param, act_sol_vec, act_rhs_vec,
test_prod, &act_mat_cond_num, &act_resid_norm );
* Copy the right-hand side vector generated for the test problem by LSTP
* into the right-hand side vector for LSQR.
dvec_copy( act_rhs_vec, test_in->rhs_vec );
* Set the initial guess for LSQR.
for( col_indx = 0; col_indx < num_cols; col_indx++ )
test_in->sol_vec->elements[col_indx] = 0.0;
* Print information about the test problem.
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out,

"--------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out,
"Least-Squares Test Problem P( %5li %5li %5li "
"%5li %12.2e )\n\n",
num_rows, num_cols, duplicate_param, power_param, damp_param );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out,
"Condition No. = %12.4e Residual Function = "
act_mat_cond_num, act_resid_norm );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out,

"--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" );
* Set the input parameters for LSQR.
test_in->num_rows = num_rows;
test_in->num_cols = num_cols;
test_in->damp_val = damp_param;
test_in->rel_mat_err = 1.0e-15; /* Previously 1.0e-10; */
test_in->rel_rhs_err = 1.0e-15; /* Previously 1.0e-10; */
test_in->cond_lim = 10.0 * act_mat_cond_num;
test_in->max_iter = num_rows + num_cols + 50;
* Solve the test problem generated by LTSP by calling the routine LSQR.
lsqr( test_in, test_out, test_work, test_func, test_prod );

* Examine the results.
* Print the residual norms RNORM and ARNORM given by LSQR, and then compute
* their true values in terms of the solution X obtained by LSQR.
* At least one of these norms should be small.
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\t\t\tResidual Norm Residual Norm "
"Solution Norm\n" );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\t\t\t||A x - b||_2 ||A^T A x - A^T b||_2 "
"||x - x0||_2\n\n" );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "Estimated by LSQR %17.5e %17.5e "
test_out->resid_norm, test_out->mat_resid_norm, test_out->sol_norm );
* Compute U = A*x - b.
* This is the negative of the usual residual vector. It will be close to
* zero only if b is a compatible rhs and x is close to a solution.
dvec_copy( act_rhs_vec, test_in->rhs_vec );
dvec_scale( (-1.0), test_in->rhs_vec );
test_mult( 0, test_out->sol_vec, test_in->rhs_vec, test_prod );
* Compute v = A^T*u + DAMP**2 * x.
* This will be close to zero in all cases if x is close to a solution.
dvec_copy( test_out->sol_vec, test_work->bidiag_wrk_vec );
dvec_scale( ( lsqr_sqr(damp_param) ), test_work->bidiag_wrk_vec );
test_mult( 1, test_work->bidiag_wrk_vec, test_in->rhs_vec, test_prod );
* Compute the norms associated with x, u, v.
test_out->sol_norm = dvec_norm2( test_out->sol_vec );
unorm = dvec_norm2( test_in->rhs_vec );
test_out->resid_norm = sqrt( lsqr_sqr( unorm ) + lsqr_sqr( damp_param ) *
lsqr_sqr( test_out->sol_norm ) );
test_out->mat_resid_norm = dvec_norm2( test_work->bidiag_wrk_vec );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "Computed from X %17.5e %17.5e "
test_out->resid_norm, test_out->mat_resid_norm, test_out->sol_norm );
* Print the solution and standard error estimates from LSQR.
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "Solution X\n" );
for( col_indx = 0; col_indx < num_cols; col_indx++ )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "%6li %14.6g", col_indx,
test_out->sol_vec->elements[col_indx] );
if( ( (col_indx + 1) % 4 ) == 0 )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\n" );

fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\n\n" );

fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "Standard Errors SE\n" );
for( col_indx = 0; col_indx < num_cols; col_indx++ )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "%6li %14.6g", col_indx,
test_out->std_err_vec->elements[col_indx] );
if( ( (col_indx + 1) % 4 ) == 0 )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\n" );
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "\n\n" );
* Print information about the accuracy of the LSQR solution.
for( col_indx = 0; col_indx < num_cols; col_indx++ )
test_work->srch_dir_vec->elements[col_indx] =
- act_sol_vec->elements[col_indx];

enorm = dvec_norm2( test_work->srch_dir_vec ) /
( 1.0 + dvec_norm2( act_sol_vec ) );
etol = 1.0e-5;

if( enorm <= etol )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "LSQR appears to be successful. Relative "
"error in X = %10.2e\n\n",
enorm );
if( enorm > etol )
fprintf( test_in->lsqr_fp_out, "LSQR appears to have failed. Relative "
"error in X = %10.2e\n\n",
enorm );
* Free the memory allocated for LSQR.
free_lsqr_mem( test_in, test_out, test_work, test_func );

free_dvec( test_prod->d_vec );
free_dvec( test_prod->hy_vec );
free_dvec( test_prod->hz_vec );
free_dvec( test_prod->work_vec );
free( (prod_data *) (test_prod) );

free_dvec( act_rhs_vec );
free_dvec( act_sol_vec );


26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions clsqr/test_lsqr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* test_lsqr.h
* 08 Sep 1999: First version from James W. Howse <>

/* Type definitions */

typedef struct PROD_DATA {
dvec *d_vec;
dvec *hy_vec;
dvec *hz_vec;
dvec *work_vec;
} prod_data;

/* Function prototypes */

void test_lsqr( long, long, long, long, double );
void lstp( long, long, double, dvec *, dvec *, prod_data *,
double *, double * );
void test_mult( long, dvec *, dvec *, void * );
void lstp_mult( dvec *, dvec *, dvec * );

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