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An application that allows Event Centers owners provide centers to event planners who may be looking for a good event center to use for their events


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability License: MIT codecov

Getting Started

This is a javascript application built with Express framework on the nodejs platform. Authentication of users is done via JSON Web Tokens. To view the UI template for the Events-Manager web application on Github Pages, you should click on this link Events-Manager :

To get more information on how to use the API, a good place to start would be here: Events-Manager Doc on swaggerhub you could also use Postman to test the API endpoints as you go through the documentation. Please see how to download and install Postman in the Installation & Starting section.

Installation & Starting

  1. Install Node JS

    If you are a windows OS user follow the instructions in this link to install and setup Node Js

    For Mac OS users, use this link

    To download the Node Js go to

    To download and install Postgres on your machine please follow this link

    To download and install Postman use this resource

  2. Clone this repository

    • To clone this repository.
    • Scroll to the top of the page and look for the clone or download green button
    • click on this green button and a white tab pops up with an https url and an option to either Open in Desktop or Download Zip
    • copy the https link may look like this
    • open your terminal and cd to the directory where you would want the repository to be cloned
    • in your terminal run the command git clone in order to clone the repository.
  3. Change directory into the root of the project directory.

    • After cloning the repository, change directory into the repository

    • In the repository root directory run npm install in the terminal to install all Dependecies

    • Create Postgresql database, and run migrations

    • In order to create a database after setting up the repository use the following resources:

      1. How to create a postgres database using PG Admin
      2. PostgreSQL create a database
    • After creating a database run the following command to run database migerations

    • If you would love to run the command in my package.json run this command in your terminal npm run seq:create

    • Else you can (after installing all the dependencies and devDependencies) run the command sequelize db:migrate

  4. Create a .env file in the root directory of the application. The purpose of the file is to enable you add information that would normally be Use a different database for your testing and development. Example of the content of a .env file is shown in the .env.example file.

  5. To start the application:

    In Production To run the application in production, ensure that you have an Heroku account and if not below are links on how to signup and host an application on Heroku:

    To start the application, use the command npm run start:prod or npm start

    In Development

    npm run start:dev
  6. To try out the API you can either use the API documentation which can be found on Heroku here Event-Manager API-DOC


Server-Side Tests For Sever side tests run npm test on the terminal while within the project root directory. Server side testing is done through the use of the supertest, mocha & chai npm packages. supertest is used to make requests to the api and mocha is the testing framework and chai is the assertion library. They will both be installed when you run the npm install command while setting up the project above and the tests will run when you run npm test.

Client-Side Tests To run the the client-side test, run the command npm run jest and nightwatch in the terminal in the root project directory. Note that jest is a frontend reactjs testing framework, while nightwatch is an End-2-End integration testing



  • It uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.
  • Token is generated when user sign-up
  • Token gets verified each time user interact with the application
  • Admin User will be created in the application with administrative priviledges to create centers by a Super-Admin


  • Users can register/signup
  • Users can log in
  • Users can add event
  • Users can modify event they added
  • Users can delete event they added

Admin Users

  • Admins can edit center they added
  • Admins can add new center
  • Admins can delete a center they added
  • Admin can cancel an event and a mail notification is sent about the cancellation
  • Super-Admins can do all the above and upgrade a user to an admin

Technology Stack & State of Project


Server Side

Current state

  • Still in development


The limitations with this current version of Event Manager includes:

  • Some extra features that would enable the application to offer more services to the user are still pending.


How To Get Started

To contribute to this project, please checkout this project's


  • Idrees Ibraheem


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


An application that allows Event Centers owners provide centers to event planners who may be looking for a good event center to use for their events








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