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How to save and load projects

Mike Hoolehan edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 11 revisions

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Select and configure icons, press the download button. FlutterIcon creates all the necessary files in single zip archive.

Sometimes you need to modify an existing project - add new glyphs and so on. Every zip-file, generated by FlutterIcon, contains config.json in root. That's configuration of your project. You can always import it back to continue your work. Let's look at all possibilities.

Simple import

Just drag config.json or the whole project's zip archive to fontello page.

Or import via Settings > Import menu.

Keep glyph codes, when importing third party SVG fonts

If you're importing an existing SVG font, prepared by third party tools, you may wish to keep existing glyph codes intact. To do it:

  1. Go to Menu -> Advanced Font Settings and set encoding to unicode.
  2. Import your font (as custom icons)
  3. Change encoding back, as described in (1), according to your needs.

Advanced import/export

FlutterIcon has API, inheritied from Fontello that allows to completely automate your workflow. See this Fontello wiki page for more info.