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This repository is a collection of code, documentation, and other resources that support the management and automation of a Data Science project.

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Data Science Workflow Management

Data Science Workflow Management

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Table of Contents


Project Overview

Data Science Workflow Management: A Comprehensive Guide is an ambitious project aimed at creating a detailed manual that encompasses every aspect of a data science project. This book/manual is designed to be a comprehensive resource, guiding readers through the entire journey of a data science project * from the initial data acquisition to the final step of deploying a model into production. It addresses the multifaceted nature of data science projects, covering a wide range of topics and stages in a clear, structured, and detailed manner.


The primary motivation behind this project is the recognition of a gap in existing resources for data scientists, particularly in terms of having a single, comprehensive guide that covers all stages of a data science project. The field of data science is vast and complex, often requiring practitioners to consult multiple sources to guide them through different stages of project development. This book aims to bridge this gap by providing a one-stop resource, rich in libraries, examples, and practical tips.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: To provide an all-encompassing guide that details each step of a data science project, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

  • Practical Application: To include a wealth of practical examples and case studies, enabling readers to understand and apply concepts in real-world scenarios.

  • Tool and Library Integration: To offer insights into the most effective tools and libraries currently available in the field, along with hands-on examples of their application.

  • Insider Tips and Tricks: To share small, practical tips and tricks that experienced data scientists use, offering readers insider knowledge and practical advice that isn’t typically found in textbooks.

  • Bridging Theory and Practice: To ensure that the content not only covers theoretical aspects but also focuses on practical implementation, making it a pragmatic guide for actual project work.

In summary, Data Science Workflow Management: A Comprehensive Guide seeks to be an indispensable resource for anyone involved in data science, providing a clear pathway through the complexity of data science projects, enriched with practical insights and expert advice.

Data Science Workflow Management

Data Science Workflow Management is a critical aspect of the data science field, encapsulating the entire process of transforming raw data into actionable insights. It involves a series of structured steps, starting from data collection and cleaning to analysis, modeling, and finally, deploying models for prediction or decision-making. Effective workflow management is not just about applying the right algorithms; it's about ensuring that each step is optimized for efficiency, reproducibility, and scalability. It requires a deep understanding of both the technical aspects, like programming and statistical analysis, and the domain knowledge relevant to the data. Moreover, it encompasses the use of various tools and methodologies to manage data, code, and project development, thus enabling data scientists to work collaboratively and maintain high standards of quality. In essence, Data Science Workflow Management is the backbone of successful data science projects, ensuring that the journey from data to insights is smooth, systematic, and reliable.

Reproducible Research

Importance of Reproducible Research

Reproducible research is a cornerstone of high-quality data science. It ensures that scientific results can be consistently replicated and verified by others, thereby enhancing the credibility and utility of the findings. In the rapidly evolving field of data science, reproducibility is crucial for several reasons:

  • Trust and Validation: Reproducible research builds trust in the findings by providing a transparent pathway for others to validate and understand the results.

  • Collaboration and Sharing: It facilitates collaboration among scientists and practitioners by enabling them to build upon each other's work confidently.

  • Standardization of Methods: Reproducibility encourages the standardization of methodologies, which is essential in a field as diverse and interdisciplinary as data science.

  • Efficient Problem-Solving: It allows researchers to efficiently identify and correct errors, leading to more reliable and robust outcomes.

  • Educational Value: For students and newcomers to the field, reproducible research serves as a valuable learning tool, providing clear examples of how to conduct rigorous and ethical scientific inquiries.

Recommended Tools and Practices

To achieve reproducible research in data science, several tools and practices are recommended:

  • Version Control Systems (e.g., Git, GitHub): These tools track changes in code, datasets, and documentation, allowing researchers to manage revisions and collaborate effectively.

  • Jupyter Notebooks: These provide an interactive computing environment where code, results, and narrative text can be combined, making it easier to share and replicate analyses.

  • Data Management Practices: Proper management of data, including clear documentation of data sources, transformations, and metadata, is vital for reproducibility.

  • Automated Testing: Implementing automated tests for code ensures that changes do not break existing functionality and that results remain consistent.

  • Literacy in Statistical Methods: Understanding and correctly applying statistical methods are key to ensuring that analyses are reproducible and scientifically sound.

  • Open Source Libraries and Tools: Utilizing open-source resources, where possible, aids in transparency and ease of access for others to replicate the work.

  • Documentation and Sharing: Comprehensive documentation of methodologies, code, and results, coupled with sharing through open platforms or publications, is essential for reproducibility.

By following these practices and utilizing these tools, researchers and practitioners in data science can contribute to a culture of reproducible research, which is vital for the integrity and progression of the field.

Links & Resources


In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of data science, continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and methodologies are crucial. The "Data Science Workflow Management" guide includes an extensive list of resources, meticulously curated to provide readers with a comprehensive learning path. These resources are categorized into Websites, Documents & Books, and Articles, ensuring easy access and navigation for different types of learners.


Websites are invaluable for staying current with the latest developments and for accessing interactive learning materials. Key websites include:

  • Towards Data Science: A platform offering a rich array of articles on various data science topics, written by industry experts.

  • Kaggle: Known for its competitions, Kaggle also offers datasets, notebooks, and a community forum for practical data science learning.

  • DataCamp: An interactive learning platform for data science and analytics, offering courses on various programming languages and tools.

  • Stack Overflow: A vital Q&A site for coding and programming-related queries, including a significant number of data science topics.

  • GitHub: Not just for code sharing, GitHub is also a repository of numerous data science projects and resources.

Documents & Books

Documents and books provide a more in-depth look into topics, offering structured learning and comprehensive knowledge. Notable mentions include:

  • "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney: A key resource for learning data manipulation in Python using pandas.

  • "The Art of Data Science" by Roger D. Peng & Elizabeth Matsui: This book focuses on the philosophical and practical aspects of data analysis.

  • "R for Data Science" by Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund: A guide to using R for data importing, tidying, transforming, and visualizing.

  • "Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng: A practical guide to the strategies for structuring machine learning projects.

  • "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python" by Andreas C. MĂĽller & Sarah Guido: This book is a fantastic starting point for those new to machine learning. It provides a hands-on approach to learning with Python, focusing on practical applications and easy-to-understand explanations.

  • "Machine Learning Pocket Reference" by Matt Harrison: This compact guide is perfect for practitioners who need a quick reference to common machine learning algorithms and tasks. It's filled with practical tips and is an excellent resource for quick consultations during project work.

  • icebreakeR: This document is designed to seamlessly introduce beginners to the fundamentals of data science, blending key concepts with practical applications. Whether you're taking your first steps in data science or seeking to understand its core principles, "icebreaker" offers a clear and concise pathway.

Document Name Brief Description Link
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart Learn to automate daily tasks using Python. Link
R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund Comprehensive guide on data manipulation, visualization, and analysis using R. Link
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville Introduction to the fundamentals of deep learning. Link
Fundamental of data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke A primer on making informative and compelling figures Link

Each of these books offers a unique perspective and depth of knowledge in various aspects of data science and machine learning. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these resources can significantly enhance your understanding and skills in the field.


Articles provide quick, focused insights into specific topics, trends, or issues in data science. They are ideal for short, yet informative reading sessions. Examples include:

By leveraging these diverse resources, learners and practitioners in the field of data science can gain a well-rounded understanding of the subject, keep abreast of new developments, and apply best practices in their projects.

Certainly! Here’s an English version of the descriptions for each YouTube playlist, organized under a suitable heading:

YouTube Playlists for Data Science

Explore this selection of YouTube playlists designed to enhance your skills in Data Science, covering topics from Python programming to advanced Machine Learning.

  • Python: This playlist covers Python tutorials from beginner to advanced levels, focusing on essential concepts, data structures, and algorithms specifically applied to data science.

  • SQL: An exhaustive resource for learning SQL, from fundamentals to complex querying, ideal for analysts and data scientists who need to extract and manipulate data from relational databases.

  • Machine Learning: Videos that introduce the principles of machine learning, including regression algorithms, classification, and neural networks, suitable for beginners and professionals looking to delve into advanced techniques.

  • Data Analysis: This playlist provides a comprehensive look at data analysis, offering techniques and tools for handling, processing, and visualizing large datasets in various contexts.

  • Data Analyst: Focused on the practical skills needed for a data analyst, these videos cover everything from data cleansing to advanced analysis and data presentation techniques.

  • Linear Algebra: Ideal for those looking to understand the mathematics behind data science algorithms, this playlist covers vectors, matrices, linear transformations, and more, applied to data science.

  • Calculus: This series covers fundamental calculus concepts such as derivatives, integrals, and series, essential for models and algorithms in machine learning and data science.

  • Deep Learning: Dedicated to deep learning, the videos explore neural networks, learning algorithms, and training techniques, suitable for those looking to apply these technologies to complex data problems.

Online Reference Hub

Clean Data

Exploratory Data Analysis, EDA





Expanded List of Books


Python for Data Analysis "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney: This book is an indispensable resource for anyone aiming to utilize Python for data manipulation and analysis. Authored by Wes McKinney, the creator of the pandas library, it provides a comprehensive and practical approach to working with data in Python. The book covers basics to advanced techniques in pandas, making it accessible to both novices and seasoned practitioners. It's an essential read for those aspiring to excel in data analysis using Python.

The Art of Data Science "The Art of Data Science" by Roger D. Peng & Elizabeth Matsui: This book offers a unique blend of philosophy and practicality in data analysis, delving into the decision-making process and key question formulation. Authored by Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui, it emphasizes a holistic approach in data science, extending beyond techniques to encompass the art of deriving insights from data. An essential read for a comprehensive understanding of data science as a discipline.

R for Data Science "R for Data Science" by Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund: This book is a must-have for those interested in delving into the R programming language. Hadley Wickham, a prominent figure in the R community, along with Garrett Grolemund, guide readers through importing, tidying, transforming, visualizing, and modeling data in R. Ideal for both beginners to R and seasoned analysts looking to enhance their skills, it provides a comprehensive tour through the most important parts of R for data science.

Machine Learning Yearning "Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng: Authored by Andrew Ng, a leading figure in machine learning, this book focuses on structuring machine learning projects. It discusses strategies to make intelligent decisions during the development of machine learning algorithms. A great resource for strategic thinking in machine learning, it's valuable for professionals aiming to enhance their project management and strategic skills in the field.

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python" by Andreas C. MĂĽller & Sarah Guido: Introduction to Machine Learning with Python" by Andreas C. MĂĽller & Sarah Guido: This book serves as an accessible introduction to machine learning using Python. Authors Andreas C. MĂĽller and Sarah Guido focus on practical application, utilizing the scikit-learn library. It's an excellent starting point for beginners and a solid resource for practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding of machine learning fundamentals.

Machine Learning Pocket Reference "Machine Learning Pocket Reference" by Matt Harrison: Authored by Matt Harrison, this compact book is a quick-reference tool for data science professionals. It offers practical tips and concise examples covering the essential aspects of machine learning. Ideal for quick consultations and specific problem-solving in machine learning projects, it's a handy resource for on-the-go reference.

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think "Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think" by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier: This book offers a broad perspective on how big data is changing our understanding of the world. It's an essential read for anyone interested in the implications of big data on society and business, exploring both the opportunities and challenges presented by vast amounts of data.

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts "Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts" by Andrew Bruce and Peter Bruce: Perfect for those seeking a solid grounding in statistics applied to data science, this book covers essential concepts and provides practical examples. It's extremely useful for understanding how statistics are applied in data science projects, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world applications.

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop: A bit more advanced, this book focuses on the technical aspects of pattern recognition and machine learning. Ideal for those with a foundation in data science and looking to delve deeper into these topics, it offers a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the techniques and algorithms in machine learning and pattern recognition.

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals "Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals" by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic: This book is fantastic for learning how to effectively present data. It teaches the skills necessary to turn data into clear and compelling visualizations, a key skill for any data scientist. The book focuses on the art of storytelling with data, making it a valuable resource for professionals who need to communicate data-driven insights effectively.

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals "Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction" by Kieran Healy: This book is a vital guide for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of visual data representation. Written by Kieran Healy, it emphasizes practical skills for creating effective visualizations that communicate insights clearly and effectively. The book integrates theory with step-by-step examples, teaching readers how to transform raw data into meaningful visuals. Ideal for students and professionals alike, it offers invaluable lessons in crafting visual narratives that stand out in the digital age.

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals "Fundamentals of Data Visualization" by Claus O. Wilke: Claus O. Wilke's book serves as an essential primer on the art and science of data visualization. It covers a range of strategies to present complex data with clarity and precision. Through detailed illustrations and examples, Wilke demonstrates how to avoid common pitfalls and create impactful visual representations of data. This book is perfect for researchers, data scientists, and anyone interested in the fundamentals of how to effectively communicate information visually.

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals "R Programming for Data Science" by Roger D. Peng: This book is a comprehensive introduction to using R for data science. Roger D. Peng, a renowned statistician, focuses on the practical aspects of coding in R for data analysis and statistical modeling. The book covers basic programming in R, data handling and processing, and how to perform statistical analyses. It is a crucial resource for anyone starting their journey in data science or for those seeking to solidify their R programming skills in a data-driven world.

Project Documentation

Documentation Process

Effective documentation is a pivotal component of any data science project, especially when it comes to managing complex workflows and ensuring that the project's insights and methodologies are accessible and reproducible. In this project, we emphasize the use of MkDocs and JupyterBooks for creating comprehensive and user-friendly documentation.

MkDocs is a fast, simple tool that converts Markdown files into a static website. It is particularly favored for its ease of use and efficient configuration. The process begins with converting Jupyter Notebooks, which are often used for data analysis and visualization, into Markdown format. This conversion can be seamlessly done using nbconvert, a tool that provides the command:

jupyter nbconvert --to markdown mynotebook.ipynb

Once the notebooks are converted, MkDocs can be used to organize these Markdown files into a well-structured documentation site.

JupyterBooks is another excellent tool for creating documentation, particularly when dealing with Jupyter Notebooks directly. It allows the integration of both narrative text and executable code, making it an ideal choice for data science projects where showcasing live code examples is beneficial.

Examples and Guides

To assist in the documentation process, the following resources are recommended:

  • MkDocs: Visit MkDocs Official Website for detailed guides on setting up and customizing your MkDocs project.

  • Sphinx: Another powerful tool that can be used for creating comprehensive documentation, especially for Python projects. Learn more at the Sphinx Official Website.

  • Jupyter Book: To get started with JupyterBooks and understand its features, visit the Jupyter Book Introduction Page.

Real Python Tutorial on MkDocs: For a practical guide on building Python project documentation with MkDocs, check out Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs.

These resources provide both foundational knowledge and advanced tips for creating effective documentation, ensuring that your data science workflow is not only well-managed but also well-documented and easy to follow.

Repository Structure

The structure of this repository is meticulously organized to support the development and compilation of the data science book/manual. Each directory and file serves a specific purpose, ensuring a streamlined process from writing to publication. Below is a detailed description of the key components of the repository: File

Description: This is the file you're currently reading. It serves as the introductory guide to the repository, outlining its purpose, contents, and how to navigate or use the resources within.

makefile File

Description: A makefile is included to facilitate the compilation of the book. It contains a set of directives used by the make build automation tool to generate the final output, streamlining the build process. File

Description: This file is used to add configuration settings to the final PDF output using pdftk (PDF Toolkit). It allows for customization of the PDF, such as metadata modification, which enhances the presentation and usability of the final document.

book Directory

Description: This folder contains the Markdown files for the different sections of the book. Each file represents a chapter or a significant section, allowing for easy management and editing of the book's content.

figures Directory

Description: The figures directory houses all the necessary figures, diagrams, and images used in the book. These visual elements are crucial for illustrating concepts, enhancing explanations, and breaking up text to make the content more engaging.

notes Directory

Description: Here, you'll find a collection of notes, code snippets, and references that are useful for enhancing and updating the book. This folder acts as a supplementary resource, providing additional information and insights that can be integrated into the book.

templates Directory

Description: This directory contains the template files used to generate the book with a specific layout and design. These templates dictate the overall appearance of the book, ensuring consistency in style and formatting across all pages.

Together, these components form a well-organized repository structure, each element playing a crucial role in the development, compilation, and enhancement of the data science book. This structure not only facilitates efficient workflow management but also ensures that the content is accessible, easy to update, and aesthetically pleasing.

Tools and Libraries Used

Purpose Library Description Project & Documentation
Data Processing pandas A powerful library for data manipulation and analysis. Project
Numerical Computing numpy A fundamental library for numerical operations in Python. Project
Scientific Computing scipy An extensive library for scientific and statistical computations. Project
scikit-learn A comprehensive library for machine learning. Project
Data Visualization matplotlib A versatile plotting library for creating various visualizations. Project
seaborn A high-level data visualization library based on matplotlib. Project
altair A declarative visualization library for creating interactive visuals. Project
Web Scraping and Text beautiful soup A popular library for parsing HTML and XML documents. Project
Processing scrapy A powerful and flexible framework for web scraping and crawling. Project
Statistics and Data Analysis pingouin A statistical library with a focus on easy-to-use functions. Project
statannot A library for adding statistical annotations to visualizations. Project
tableone A library for creating summary statistics tables. Project
missingno A library for visualizing missing data patterns in datasets. Project
Database sqlite3 A Python module for interacting with SQLite databases. Documentation
yaml A library for reading and writing YAML files. Project
Deep Learning tensorflow A popular open-source library for deep learning. Project
Web Application Development streamlit A library for creating interactive web applications for data visualization and analysis. Project

Book Index and Contents

The "Data Science Workflow Management" book is structured to offer a comprehensive and deep understanding of all aspects of data science workflow management. The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a key area of data science, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Below is a detailed overview of the book's contents:


  • What is Data Science Workflow Management?
    • An overview of the concept and its significance in the field of data science.
  • Why is Data Science Workflow Management Important?
    • Discussion on the impact and benefits of effective workflow management in data science projects.

Fundamentals of Data Science

  • What is Data Science?
    • A comprehensive introduction to the field of data science.
  • Data Science Process
    • Exploration of the various stages involved in a data science project.
  • Programming Languages for Data Science
    • Overview of key programming languages and their roles in data science.
  • Data Science Tools and Technologies
    • Insight into the tools and technologies essential for data science.

Workflow Management Concepts

  • What is Workflow Management?
    • Detailed discussion on workflow management and its relevance.
  • Why is Workflow Management Important?
    • Understanding the necessity of workflow management in data science.
  • Workflow Management Models
    • Exploration of different models used in workflow management.
  • Workflow Management Tools and Technologies
    • Overview of various tools and technologies used in managing workflows.
  • Practical Example: Structuring a Data Science Project
    • A real-world example illustrating how to structure a project using well-organized folders and files.

Project Planning

  • What is Project Planning?
    • Introduction to the concept of project planning within data science.
  • Problem Definition and Objectives
    • The process of defining problems and setting objectives.
  • Selection of Modeling Techniques
    • Guidance on choosing the right modeling techniques for different projects.
  • Selection of Tools and Technologies
    • Advice on selecting appropriate tools and technologies.
  • Workflow Design
    • Insights into designing an effective workflow.
  • Practical Example: Project Management Tool Usage
    • Demonstrating the use of a project management tool in planning and organizing a data science workflow.

Data Acquisition and Preparation

  • What is Data Acquisition?
    • Exploring the process of acquiring data.
  • Selection of Data Sources
    • Criteria for selecting the right data sources.
  • Data Extraction and Transformation
    • Techniques for data extraction and transformation.
  • Data Cleaning
    • Best practices for cleaning data.
  • Data Integration
    • Strategies for effective data integration.
  • Practical Example: Data Extraction and Cleaning Tools
    • How to use data extraction and cleaning tools in preparing a dataset.

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • What is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)?
    • An introduction to EDA and its importance.
  • Data Visualization
    • Techniques and tools for visualizing data.
  • Statistical Analysis
    • Approaches to statistical analysis in data science.
  • Trend Analysis
    • Methods for identifying trends in data.
  • Correlation Analysis
    • Techniques for analyzing correlations in data.
  • Practical Example: Data Visualization Library Usage
    • Utilizing a data visualization library for exploring and analyzing a dataset.

Modeling and Data Validation

  • What is Data Modeling?
    • Overview of the data modeling process.
  • Selection of Modeling Algorithms
    • Criteria for selecting appropriate modeling algorithms.
  • Model Training and Validation
    • Techniques for training and validating models.
  • Selection of Best Model
    • Methods for choosing the most effective model.
  • Model Evaluation
    • Approaches to evaluating the performance of models.
  • Practical Example: Machine Learning Library Application
    • Example of using a machine learning library to train and evaluate a prediction model.

Model Implementation and Maintenance

  • What is Model Implementation?
    • Insights into the process of model implementation.
  • Selection of Implementation Platform
    • Choosing the right platform for model implementation.
  • Integration with Existing Systems
    • Strategies for integrating models with existing systems.
  • Testing and Validation of the Model
    • Best practices for testing and validating models.
  • Model Maintenance and Updating
    • Approaches to maintaining and updating models.
  • Practical Example: Implementing a Model on a Web Server
    • Demonstrating how to implement a model on a web server using a model implementation library.

Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

  • What is Monitoring and Continuous Improvement?
    • Understanding the ongoing process of monitoring and improving models.
  • Model Performance Monitoring
    • Techniques for monitoring the performance of models.
  • Problem Identification
    • Methods for identifying issues in models or workflows.
  • Continuous Model Improvement
    • Strategies for continuously improving models.

How to Contribute

Contribution Guide for Collaborators

We warmly welcome contributions from the community and are grateful for your interest in helping improve the "Data Science Workflow Management" project. To ensure a smooth collaboration and maintain the quality of the project, we've established some guidelines and procedures for contributions.

Getting Started

  • Familiarize Yourself: Begin by reading the existing documentation to understand the project's scope, structure, and existing contributions. This will help you identify areas where your contributions can be most effective.

  • Check Open Issues and Discussions: Look through open issues and discussions to see if there are any ongoing discussions where your skills or insights could be valuable.

Making Contributions

  • Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the repository. This is your personal copy where you can make changes without affecting the original project.

  • Create a New Branch: For each contribution, create a new branch in your fork. This keeps your changes organized and separate from the main branch.

  • Develop and Test: Make your changes in your branch. If you're adding code, ensure it adheres to the existing code style and is well-documented. If you're contributing to documentation, ensure clarity and conciseness.

  • Commit Your Changes: Use meaningful commit messages that clearly explain what your changes entail. This makes it easier for maintainers to understand the purpose of each commit.

  • Pull Request: Once you're ready to submit your changes, create a pull request to the original repository. Clearly describe your changes and their impact. Link any relevant issues your pull request addresses.

Review Process

  • Code Review: The project maintainers will review your pull request. This process ensures that contributions align with the project's standards and goals.

  • Feedback and Revisions: Be open to feedback. Sometimes, your contribution might require revisions. This is a normal part of the collaboration process.

  • Approval and Merge: Once your contribution is approved, it will be merged into the project. Congratulations, you've successfully contributed!

Additional Contribution Norms

  • Respectful Communication: Always engage respectfully with the community. We aim to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  • Report Issues: If you find bugs or have suggestions, don't hesitate to open an issue. Provide as much detail as possible to help address it effectively.

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest project updates and changes. This helps in making relevant and up-to-date contributions.


Copyright (c) 2024 Ibon Martinez-Arranz

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Contact & Support

  • Contact information for support and collaborations.