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###s111023 / Corneliu

#Final Project

Screen1 ###Description As we know some categories of shops in Denmark (i.e. restaurants) are periodically inspected for issues regarding food safety and afterward given a grade, represented by a smiley, on how well they conform to food saftey measures. SmileyReport wants to be an easy accesible way to see the reports of restaurants nearby or in specific areas. Moreover, the user benifits from this information by getting notifications or alerts whenever he enters a restaurant that is below or equal to a given threshold. [More screenshots and short video link below]


  1. Ability to see ratings of restaurants nearby easily on the map
  2. Additional table view with historic data of inspections and category of resturant icon
  3. Possiblity to add restaurants to a favorites list
  4. Additional detailed pdf report on the latest inspection by pressing the right callout of the annotation view.
  5. Editable list of favorites. Swipe to delte. Press the star on the table list to add.
  6. Editable alert threshold level and possibility to shut down the alerts.

###Future features 7. Search bar is not currently implemented, when it will, the user will be able to search directly with a restaurant name. 8. Google Places integration instead of Forsquare.

###Known Issues

Forsquare data is often not precise, the resturants are placed at wrong coordinates (i.e. middle of streets), and there's not enough information to supply to the findsmiley crawler to get the exact shop. The crawler would be more precise if the Foresquare data was more accurate and include things like street number, postal code etc. This is why it would be best to move to the Google Places API.

The app will not be functional if it's turned off, all geofences are cleared when the app is terminated. Unfortunetly, even if a geofence would be maintained for a restaurant and the system would monitor for it (while our app is not running), applications are not currently allowed no more than 20 seconds of computation time if they are launched by a geofence border cross event. This is insufficient to update nearby places and make new Forsquare and FindSmiley requests and also set up new geofences. Apple advises not to even attempt any network activity when initialized by such an event.

Standard region monitoring is also sometimes imprecise. More real world tests should be carried out.

Short Video Demo ###More Screenshots Screen1 Screen2 Screen3 Screen4

##Assigment 5 ###Done all required tasks Screen1 Screen1 Screen1

##Assigment 4 ###Done all required tasks

##Assigment 3 Screen1 Screen1 Screen1

Have done all the required tasks.
  1. Create an application that plays both the Set game (single player) in one tab and the Playing Card matching game in another.

  2. You must use polymorphism to design your Controllers for the two games (i.e. you must have a (probably abstract) base card game Controller class and your Set game and Playing Card game Controllers must be subclasses thereof).

  3. For Set, 12 cards should be initially dealt and Set cards should always show what’s on them even if they are technically “face down”. For the Playing Card game deal 22 cards, all face down.

  4. The user must then be able to choose matches just like in last week’s assignment.

  5. When a Set match is successfully chosen, the cards should be removed from the game (not just blanked out or grayed out, but actually removed from the user-interface and the remaining cards rearranged to use up the space that was freed up in the userinterface).

  6. Set cards must have the “standard” Set look and feel (i.e. 1, 2 or 3 squiggles, diamonds or ovals that are solid, striped or unfilled, and are either green, red or purple). You must draw these using Core Graphics and/or UIBezierPath. You may not use images or attributed strings. Use the PlayingCardView from the in-class demo to draw your Playing Card game cards.

  7. In the Set game (only), the user must always have the option somewhere in the UI of requesting 3 more cards to be dealt at any time if he or she is unable to locate a Set.

  8. Automatically scroll to show any new cards when you add some in the Set game.

  9. Do something sensible when no more cards are in the deck and the user requests more.

  10. If there are more cards than will fit on the screen, simply allow the user to scroll down to see the rest of the cards. Pick a fixed (and reasonable) size for your cards and keep them that size for the whole game.

  11. It is very important that you continue to have a “last flip status” UI and that it show not only matches and mismatches, but also which cards are currently selected (because there can be so many cards now that you have to scroll to get to all the cards in a match). A UILabel may no longer be sufficient for this UI.

  12. The flip counter can be removed from the game. You must still show the score, however.

  13. The user should still be able to abandon the game and start over with a fresh group of cards at any time (i.e. re-deal).

  14. The game must work properly (and look good) in both Landscape and Portrait orientations on both the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 5. Use Autolayout to make this work (not struts and springs).

##Assigment 2

Please use retina 4 inch to view otherwise tab will occlude score, flip labels and reset button!

Screen1 Screen1 Screen1 ###Required Tasks

  1. Add a tab bar controller to your application. One tab will be the game you built last week in Assignment 1. The other tab will be a new game, Set. Set is still a card game, so a good solution to this assignment will use object-oriented programming techniques to share a lot of code.

  2. Don’t violate any of the Required Tasks from Assignment 1 in the playing card game tab (in other words, don’t break any non-extra-credit features from last week). The only exception is that your playing card game is required to be a 2-card-match-only game this week, so you can remove the switch or segmented control you added for Required Task #5 in Assignment 1. Your Set game is a 3-card matching game.

  3. The Set game only needs to allow users to pick sets and get points for doing so (e.g. it does not redeal new cards when sets are found). In other words, it works just like your other card game (except that it is a 3 card (instead of 2 card) match with different kinds of cards)

  4. Choose reasonable amounts to award the user for successfully finding a set (or incorrectly picking cards which are not a set).

  5. Your Set game should have 24 cards.

  6. Instead of drawing the cards in the classic form (we’ll do that next week), we’ll use these three characters ▲ ● ■ and use attributes in NSAttributedString to draw them appropriately (i.e. colors and shading).

  7. Your Set game should have a Deal button, Score label and Flips label just like your playing card matching game from Assignment 1 does.

  8. Your Set game should also report (mis)matches like Required Task #3 in Assignment 1, but you’ll have to enhance this feature (to use NSAttributedString) to make it work for displaying Set card matches.


  1. Create appropriate icons for your two tabs. The icons are 30x30 and are pure alpha channels (i.e. they are a “cutout” through which the blue gradient shines through). Search the documentation for more on how to create icons like that and set them.
  2. Add third tab to track the user’s scores. It should be clear which scores were playing card match games and which scores were Set card match games.


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