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Seccomp Profile Distribution Controller


This is a work in progress.

This provides a CRD and controller components to distribute seccomp profiles to nodes, automating the process described in Kubernetes docs:

Seccomp profiles allow users to audit or limit system calls ("syscalls") used by containers.

Try it out

If you don't have a cluster, you can create one with KinD:

kind create cluster --config=kind.yaml

This creates a cluster with 2 worker nodes, to demonstrate that profiles are distributed to every node.

I've also tested this on a GKE cluster.

Then install the components:

KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local ko apply -f config/

(On Apple Silicon this also needs --platform=linux/arm64)

Check that the components are up:

$ kubectl get pods -n seccomp-profile
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
controller-pg4fg           1/1     Running   0          11m
controller-ssshb           1/1     Running   0          11m
webhook-65f995489c-chvll   1/1     Running   0          22m

Create some SeccompProfile resources:

$ kubectl apply -f profiles/ unchanged unchanged unchanged

Then create a Pod that uses the audit policy:

$ kubectl create -f pods/audit-pod.yaml
pod/audit-pod-wczbg created
$ kubectl get pod audit-pod-wczbg
NAME              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
audit-pod-wczbg   0/1     Completed   0          9s

...and a Pod that uses the violation policy; this should fail:

$ kubectl create -f pods/violation-pod.yaml
pod/violation-pod-jsmkp created
$ kubectl get pod violation-pod-jsmkp
NAME                  READY   STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE
violation-pod-jsmkp   0/1     StartError   0          4s

Future Work

Container images could distribute their seccomp profiles in their metadata. If they did, the webhook component could extract these profiles from incoming images, and create SeccompPolicy resources, and mutate PodSpecs to use those policies.

An image build tool could determine the seccomp profile based on source analysis, or hand-curated overrides, and distribute those profiles with the image.


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