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a composite render engine for isomorphic express apps to render both plain react views and react-router views


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What is react-engine?

  • a composite render engine for express apps to render both plain react views and react-router views on server
  • enables server rendered views to be client mountable


  npm install react-engine --save

Usage On Server Side

Setup in an Express app
    var Express = require('express');
    var ReactEngine = require('react-engine');

    var app = Express();

    // create an engine instance
    var engine = ReactEngine.server.create({
        see the complete server options spec here:

    // set the engine
    app.engine('.jsx', engine);

    // set the view directory
    app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');

    // set jsx or js as the view engine
    // (without this you would need to supply the extension to res.render())
    // ex: res.render('index.jsx') instead of just res.render('index').
    app.set('view engine', 'jsx');

    // finally, set the custom view
    app.set('view', require('react-engine/lib/expressView'));
Setup in a KrakenJS app's config.json
    "express": {
        "view engine": "jsx",
        "view": "require:react-engine/lib/expressView",
    "view engines": {
        "jsx": {
            "module": "react-engine/lib/server",
            "renderer": {
              "method": "create",
                "arguments": [{
                          see the complete server options spec here:
Server options spec

Pass in an optional JavaScript object as options to the react-engine's server engine create method. The options object can contain properties from react router's create configuration object.

Additionally, it can contain the following optional properties,

  • performanceCollector: - to collects perf stats
  • routesFilePath: - path for the file that contains the react router routes. react-engine used this behind the scenes to reload the routes file in development mode, this way you don't need to restart the server every time a change is made in the view files or routes file.
Rendering views on server side
var data = {}; // your data model

// for a simple react view rendering
res.render(viewName, data);

// for react-router rendering
// pass in the `url` and react-engine
// will run the react-router behind the scenes.
res.render(req.url, data);

Usage On Client Side (Mounting)

// assuming we use `browserify`
var client = require('react-engine').client;

// finally, boot whenever your app is ready
// example:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function onLoad() {

  // `onBoot` - Function (optional)
  // returns data that was used
  // during rendering as the first argument
  client.boot(/* client options object */, function onBoot(data) {


// if the data is needed before booting on 
// client, call `data` function anytime to get it.
// example:
var data =;
Client options spec

Pass in a JavaScript object as options to the react-engine's client boot function. The options object can contain properties from react router's create configuration object.

Additionally, it should contain the following required property,

  • viewResolver : - a function that react-engine needs to resolve the view file. an example of the viewResolver can be found here.

Yeoman Generator

There is a Yeoman generator available to create a new express or KrakenJS application which uses react-engine: generator-react-engine.

Performance Profiling

Pass in a function to the performanceCollector property to collect the stats object for every render.


The object that contains the stats info for each render by react-engine. It has the below properties.

  • name - Name of the template or the url in case of react router rendering.
  • startTime - The start time of render.
  • endTime - The completion time of render.
  • duration - The duration taken to render (in milliseconds).
// example
function collector(stats) {

var engine = require('react-engine').server.create({
  reactRoutes: './routes.jsx'
  performanceCollector: collector


  • On the client side, the state is exposed on the window object's property __REACT_ENGINE__
  • In development mode, views are automatically reloaded before render. So there is no need to restart the server for seeing the changes.
  • You can use js as the engine if you decide not to write your react views in jsx.
  • Blog on react-engine


Apache Software License v2.0


a composite render engine for isomorphic express apps to render both plain react views and react-router views







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