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🎍 Bamboo - HTTP(S) Load Tester

Welcome to Bamboo, a lightweight and efficient tool for performing load testing on your HTTP and HTTPS services. This Python-based command line utility assists in bombarding your web applications with requests, helping you gauge performance under stress.

Screenshot from 2023-12-28 05-38-33


  • Custom number of requests
  • Concurrent connections support
  • Multiple URLs testing through file input
  • Custom HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)
  • Data payload support for testing APIs
  • Custom headers for each request
  • Optional SSL certificate verification
  • Detailed summary report using PrettyTable
  • Ability to set timeouts for requests
  • Ability to set delay between request
  • Monitors a list of websites too just like FreshPing

Direct Installation (Pypi)

You can install Bambo directly from PyPI:

pip install bambo

Usage as a Library

from bambo import HTTPLoadTester
tester = HTTPLoadTester([''], 5, 2)

# Start the test.
results = tester.results

Usage: bambo <--parameters>

bambo -u ""

Find more details about the package here: Bambo on PyPI


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Poetry (can be installed via curl)
  • An internet connection

To install Poetry, run the following command in your terminal:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Source Installation

Before running the tool, ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can then install the required packages using poetry:

poetry install
poetry shell


To use Bamboo, simply invoke the script from the command line with the desired options.

python bambo/ < --parameters >

Basic Example

Test a single URL with the default number of requests (5):

python bambo/ -u ""


bambo -u ""

With Custom Number of Requests

Specify the number of requests to send:

python bambo/ -u "" -n 100

Concurrent Requests

Set the number of concurrent requests:

python bambo/ -u "" -n 100 -c 10

Testing Multiple URLs from File

You can test multiple URLs by providing a file (one URL per line):

python bambo/ -f urls.txt

Setting Custom Headers

Include custom headers with each request:

python bambo/ -u "" --headers "Authorization:Bearer YOUR_TOKEN" "Content-Type:application/json"

Using Different HTTP Methods and Data Payload

Use different HTTP methods and send data:

python bambo/ -u "" -m POST --data '{"key":"value"}'


Enable debug output to get more details:

python bambo/ -u "" --debug


Enable site monitoring to check website health:

python bambo/ -u "" --monitor

Parameters Details

Here's a list of all parameters you can use:

Parameter Description
-u, --url URL to test (required if no file is provided)
-f, --file File containing URLs to test (required if no URL is provided)
-n, --num-requests Number of requests to make (default is 5)
-c, --num-concurrent Number of concurrent requests (default is 1)
-d, --delay Delay between requests in seconds
-t, --timeout Timeout for each requests in seconds
-m, --method HTTP method to use (default is GET)
--data Data to send with the request
--headers Custom HTTP headers to set, format: key:value
--no-verify Disable SSL certificate verification
--debug Enable DEBUG mode
--monitor Enable website monitoring


Feel free to fork this repository and contribute to the development of Bamboo! If you find bugs or would like to suggest features, please create an issue in the repository.


Find more details about the Coding Challenge by John Crickett Coding Challenge


Bamboo is released under the MIT License. Check out the LICENSE file for more information.

Enjoy testing your applications with Bamboo! 🚀