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File metadata and controls

448 lines (347 loc) · 14.7 KB

Configuring an EMMAA model

Each EmmaaModel has to be initiated with a config.json file. Config files can be generated manually or automatically with relevant methods in :ref:`priors` module (e.g. see :ref:`literature_prior` to start a model with default config from literature). This document describes the structure of the config.

First level fields of config.json

  • name : str

    A short name of a model.

    • Example: aml
  • search_terms : list

    A list of jsonified SearchTerms (see emmaa.priors) to search the literature for.

    • Example:
    [{"type": "gene",
      "name": "PRKCA",
      "db_refs": {"HGNC": "9393", "UP": "P17252"},
      "search_term": "'PRKCA'"},
     {"type": "drug",
      "name": "SB 239063",
      "db_refs": {"HMS-LINCS": "10036",
                  "PUBCHEM": "5166",
                  "LINCS": "LSM-44951",
                  "CHEBI": "CHEBI:91347"},
      "search_term": "'SB 239063'"}]
  • human_readable_name : str

    A human readable name of the model that will be displayed on the dashboard.

    • Example: Acute Myeloid Leukemia
  • ndex : dict, optional

    Configuration for NDEx network formatted as {"network": <NDEx network ID>}

    • Example:
    {"network": "ef58f76d-f6a2-11e8-aaa6-0ac135e8bacf"}
  • description: str

    Description of a model (will be displayed on EMMAA dashboard).

    • Example: A model of molecular mechanisms governing AML, focusing on frequently mutated genes, and the pathways in which they are involved.
  • dev_only : bool, optional

    Set to True if this model is still in development mode and should not be displayed on the main dashboard. Default: False.

  • twitter : str, optional

    If the model has Twitter account, this field should provide a key to retrieve Twitter secret keys stored on AWS SSM.

    • Example: covid19
  • twitter_link : str, optional

    URL to model's Twitter account if it exists.

  • run_daily_update : bool

    Whether the model should be updated with new literature daily.

  • export_formats : list[str], optional

    A list of formats the model can be exported to. Accepted values include: indranet, pybel, sbml, kappa, kappa_im, kappa_cm, gromet, bngl, sbgn, pysb_flat, kappa_ui. Note that kappa_ui option does not generate a separate export file but adds a link to Kappa interactive UI that uses model's kappa export (generated if kappa is in this list).

  • assembly : dict or list[dict]

    Configuration of model assembly represented as a dictionary where each key is a type of assembly (main for general purpose assembly steps and dynamic for additional steps to assemble a simulatable model) and values should contain corresponding jsonified steps to pass into the INDRA AssemblyPipeline class. Each step should have a function key and, if appropriate, args and kwargs keys. For more information on AssemblyPipeline, see For backward compatibility, if a model has only one type of assembly (main), assembly configuration can be a list of steps instead of a dictionary with assembly types.

    • Example:
    {"main": [
        {"function": "map_grounding",
         "kwargs": {"grounding_map": {
            "Viral replication": {"MESH": "D014779"},
            "viral replication cycle": {"MESH": "D014779"}}}},
        {"function": "run_preassembly",
         "kwargs": {"return_toplevel": false}},
        {"function": "filter_by_curation",
         "args": [{"function": "get_curations"},
                  ["correct", "act_vs_amt", "hypothesis"]],
         "kwargs": {"update_belief": true}}
     "dynamic": [
        {"function": "filter_by_type",
         "args": [{"stmt_type": "Complex"}],
         "kwargs": {"invert": true}},
        {"function": "filter_direct"},
        {"function": "filter_belief", "args": [0.95]}
  • reading : dict, optional

    Configuration of model update process. For more details see :ref:`reading_config`

  • test : dict

    Configuration of model testing. For more details see :ref:`test_config`

  • query : dict, optional

    Configuration of model queries. For more details see :ref:`query_config`

  • make_tests : bool or dict, optional

    It is possible to create tests from model assembled statements to test other models against them. If set to True, then tests will be created from all assembled statements. For details on filtering the statements to a specific subset, see :ref:`make_tests_config`

Model update configuration

Model update configuration is the value mapped to the key reading in the model config. It defines the model update process. It can include the following fields:

  • reader : list[str], optional

    A list of readers to process the literature. Accepted elements are: indra_db_pmid, indra_db_doi, elsevier_eidos, aws. See :ref:`readers` for more information about readers. Default: ["indra_db_pmid"]

  • literature_source : list[str], optional

    A list of sources to search the literature. Accepted elements are: pubmed, biorxiv, elsevier. Default: ["pubmed"]. Note that literature sources should be provided in the same order as the readers to read them.

  • cord19_update : dict, optional

    COVID-19 specific configuration to update model from the CORD19 corpus. The dictionary should have the following fields:

    • metadata : dict
      Metadata to pass to new EmmaaStatements.
    • date_limit: int
      Number of days to search back.
    • Example:
    {"cord19_update": {
        "metadata": {
            "internal": true,
            "curated": false
        "date_limit": 5
  • disease_map : dict, optional

    A configuration to update a model from MINERVA Disease Map. It should have the following fields:

    • map_name : str
      A name of a disease_map.
    • filenames : list[str] or str
      A list of SIF filenames from the disease map to process or all to process all filenames.
    • metadata : dict
      Metadata to pass to new EmmaaStatements.
    • Example:
    {"disease_map": {
        "map_name": "covid19map",
        "filenames" : "all",
        "metadata": {
            "internal": true
  • other_files: list[dict]

    A list of configurations to load statements from existing pickle files on S3. Each dictionary in the list should have the following fields:

    • bucket : str
      A name of S3 bucket.
    • filename : str
      A name of a pickle file.
    • metadata : str
      Metadata to pass to new EmmaaStatements loaded from this file.
    • Example:
    {"other_files": [
            "bucket": "indra-covid19",
            "filename": "ctd_stmts.pkl",
            "metadata": {"internal": true, "curated": true}
  • filter : dict, optional

    Configuration of a statement filter used for statistics generation (e.g. to not include external statements into statistics). The filter dictionary should have the following fields:

    • conditions : dict
      Conditions represented as key-value pairs that statements' metadata can be compared to.
    • evid_policy: str
      Policy for checking statement's evidence objects. If "all", then the function returns True only if all of statement's evidence objects meet the conditions. If "any", the function returns True as long as at least one of statement's evidences meets the conditions.
    • Example:
    {"filter": {
        "conditions": {"internal": true},
        "evid_policy": "any"

Model testing configuration

Model testing configuration is the value mapped to the key test in the model config. It defines the model testing process. It can include the following fields:

  • test_corpus : list[str]

    A list of test corpora names that the model will be tested against daily.

    • Example : ["covid19_curated_tests", "covid19_mitre_tests"]
  • default_test_corpus : str

    The name of the test corpus that will be loaded by default on the model page on the EMMAA dashboard.

    • Example : "large_corpus_tests"
  • mc_types : list[str]

    A list of network types a model should be assembled into. For each of the model types, a ModelChecker instance will be created and used to find explanations to tests. Accepted elements are: pysb, pybel, signed_graph, unsigned_graph, dynamic.

  • statement_checking : dict, optional

    Maximum paths and maximum path length to limit test results. In the most general case the dictionary should have only two keys (max_path_length and max_paths) but it is also possible to set a custom configuration for one model type. In this case, a nested dictionary can be added with model type as a key and a simple dictionary with the same two keys as a value. Default: {"max_path_length": 5, "max_paths": 1}.

    • Example (adding a custom config to a model type):
    {"statement_checking": {
        "max_paths": 1,
        "max_path_length": 4,
        "pybel": {
            "max_paths": 1,
            "max_path_length": 10
  • filters : dict

    Configuration for applying semantic filters to the model checking process. It is represented as a dictionary mapping a test corpus name to a filter function name. The filter function should be defined in :ref:`filter_functions` and registered with @register_filter('node') decorator.

    • Example:
    {"filters": {
        "covid19_mitre_tests" : "filter_chem_mesh_go"
  • edge_filters : dict

    Configuration to apply edge filters to the model checking process. It is represented as a dictionary mapping a test corpus name to an edge filter function name. Filter function should be defined in :ref:`filter_functions` and registered with @register_filter('edge') decorator.

    • Example:
    {"edge_filters": {
        "covid19_tests" : "filter_to_internal_edges"

Model queries configuration

Configuration for model queries represented as a dictionary keyed by the type of query: statement_checking (source-target paths), open_search (up/down-stream paths), dynamic (temporal properties), and intervention (source-target dynamics). Configuration for statement_checking and open_search queries is similar to the model test statement_checking format. Same as in test config, it is possible to set different values for different model types.

Configuration for dynamic and intervention queries has different fields (all optional):

  • use_kappa : bool

    Determines the mode of the simulation. If True, uses kappa, otherwise, runs the ODE simulations. Default: False.

  • time_limit : int

    Number of seconds to run the simulation for. Default: 200000.

  • num_times : int

    Number of time points in the simulation plot. Default: 100.

  • num_sim : int

    Number of simulations to run. This should be only provided if hypothesis_tester is not set. Default: 2.

  • hypothesis_tester : dict; currently only for dynamic, not intervention.

    Configuration to test a hypothesis using random samples with adaptive size. If this is given, num_sim should not be provided. The hypothesis_tester dictionary should include the following keys: alpha (Type-I error limit, between 0 and 1), beta (Type-II error limit, between 0 and 1), delta (indifference parameter for interval around prob in both directions), prob (probability threshold for the hypothesis, between 0 and 1).

Having dynamic and intervention key in query config is required for a model to be listed as an option for model selection on temporal properties and source-target dynamics queries pages (for path-based queries all models will be listed).

  • Example (all query types):
{"statement_checking": {
    "max_paths": 5,
    "max_path_length": 4,
    "pybel": {
        "max_paths": 10,
        "max_path_length": 10
 "open_search": {
    "max_paths": 50,
    "max_path_length": 2
 "dynamic": {
    "use_kappa": true,
    "time_limit": 100,
    "num_times": 100,
    "hypothesis_tester": {"alpha": 0.1,
                          "beta": 0.1,
                          "delta": 0.05,
                          "prob": 0.8}
 "intervention": {
    "use_kappa": true,
    "time_limit": 1000,
    "num_times": 100,
    "num_sim": 1

Making tests from model configuration

Configuration to filter the statements before creating the tests (e.g. to make tests from literature derived statements and skip curated). It is the value mapped to the key make_tests in the model config (if you do not need to filter the statements and want to make tests from all assembled statements, it is enough to set make_tests to True). To filter statements, the make_tests should be set to dictionary with the key filter and the value should be another dictionary with the following fields:

  • conditions : dict

    Conditions represented as key-value pairs that statements' metadata can be compared to.

  • evid_policy: str

    Policy for checking statement's evidence objects. If "all", then the function returns True only if all of statement's evidence objects meet the conditions. If "any", the function returns True as long as at least one of statement's evidences meets the conditions.

        {"filter": {
            "conditions": {"curated": false},
            "evid_policy": "any"