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Google Javascript Style for nTPL.block strict!
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indutny committed Sep 2, 2010
1 parent d8c3046 commit 8bd8d98
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Showing 2 changed files with 273 additions and 267 deletions.
352 changes: 177 additions & 175 deletions lib/nTPL.block.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,175 +1,177 @@
* @param{array} data internal storage with gid as key
(function ($ , data , undefined) {
// Check if nTPL is included
if (!$) {
console.log("require nTPL first!");

/** @const */
var ext = "e";
/** @const */
var namespace ="n";
/** @const */
var args = "a";
/** @const */
var cached_args = "q";
/** @const */
var cached_$_ = "_";
/** @const */
var flag = "f";
/** @const */
var cached_$p = "p";

* This function will be called everytime with {%extends ... %} statement
* @param{array} $_ template output stack
* @param{int} gid id of template
* @param{string} name name of template to extend
* @param{object} argums argument that will be passed to template with block values
function $extends($_ , $p, gid , name , argums) {
// Store template into internal storage
data[gid][ext] = $(name);

// Preprocess and prepare
argums = argums || {};

// Change standart join function in output stack array
// So when output will be created this function will be called
$_.join = function () {

// Create local output stack
$_ = [];

// Add block values if we have them
argums.$blockStack = data[gid][args];

// Call cached template with arguments
// And store output into $_ (it will be jQuery object)
, $_);

// Clear storage on this gid

// Return concatenated value
return $_.join("");


* This function will be called everytime with {%block ... %} statement
* @param{string} name Name of block
* @param{int} gid Id of template
* @param{function():string} code Block value function
* @param{int} flag Is that first call of this function
* @param{arary} $_ Output stack of template
function $block(name, gid, code, flag, $args, $_, $p, cache) {
// Get data storage for gid

// If we're here first time (during current run of template)
if (!flag) {
// Cache arguments and stack into storage
cache[cached_args] = $args;
} else {
// If not - get from cache
$args = cache[cached_args];

// If we are just passing block values to template
if (cache[ext]) {

// Collect them to local storage
// Then we will call template passing this like arguments
(cache = data[gid][args][name]) ?
(cache[cache.length] = code([]))
(data[gid][args][name] = [ code([]) ]);

// Stop
return "";

// Wow, some template want to pass us some arguments
// Really?
if ( (flag = $args.$blockStack) && flag[name] )
// Get first value and slice array
(cache = (code = flag[name])[0]) && (code.length>1) && (flag[name] = code.slice(1));
// Simply get source
cache = code([]);

// And send it all to the output stack
return cache;

* This function is initializing datastorage(gid) with namespace
* @param{int} gid Gid
* @param{object} namespace Template's namespace
function init(gid, namespace) {
data [gid] = {};
data [gid][args] = {};
data [gid][namespace] = namespace || data[gid][namespace];
data [gid][flag] = 0;

* This function is extending "init"'s behavior and return gid
* @param{object} namespace
* @return{int}
function align(namespace) {

// If allready is in local storage
// Return gid
if (data[namespace.$gid]) return namespace.$gid;

// Initialize local storage
init(namespace.$gid, namespace);

// Add default functions
namespace.$extends = $extends;
namespace.$block = $block;

// Return gid
return namespace.$gid;

// Add modificators
$.modificators["extends"] = function (str , namespace) {

return "$scope.$extends($_,$p," + align(namespace) + "," + str + ");";

$.modificators.block = function (name , namespace) {

return "$p($scope.$block(" + name + "," + align(namespace) + ",function($_){";

$.modificators["/block"] = function (junk, namespace, gid, store) {

// Mark first time traveling
store = data[ gid = align(namespace) ][ flag ];
data[ gid ][ flag ] = 1;

return ";return $_.join('')},"+store + (store ? ")" : ",$args)") + ",$_);";


// Pass some constants
})(nTPL, {});/**@preserve nTPL block plugin v.0.0.2;Copyright 2010, Fedor Indutny;Released under MIT license **/
nTPL block plugin v.0.0.2;
Copyright 2010, Fedor Indutny;
Released under MIT license
* @param {array} data internal storage with gid as key.
(function($, data, undefined) {
// Check if nTPL is included
if (!$) {
console.log('require nTPL first!');

/** @const */
var ext = 'e';
/** @const */
var namespace = 'n';
/** @const */
var args = 'a';
/** @const */
var cached_args = 'q';
/** @const */
var cached_$_ = '_';
/** @const */
var flag = 'f';
/** @const */
var cached_$p = 'p';

* This function will be called everytime with {%extends ... %} statement
* @param {array} $_ template output stack.
* @param {int} gid id of template.
* @param {string} name name of template to extend.
* @param {object} argums argument that will be passed to template with
* block values.
function $extends($_ , $p, gid , name , argums) {
// Store template into internal storage
data[gid][ext] = $(name);

// Preprocess and prepare
argums = argums || {};

// Change standart join function in output stack array
// So when output will be created this function will be called
$_.join = function() {

// Create local output stack
$_ = [];

// Add block values if we have them
argums.$blockStack = data[gid][args];

// Call cached template with arguments
// And store output into $_ (it will be jQuery object)
$p(data[gid][ext](argums), $_);

// Clear storage on this gid

// Return concatenated value
return $_.join('');


* This function will be called everytime with {%block ... %} statement
* @param {string} name Name of block.
* @param {int} gid Id of template.
* @param {function():string} code Block value function.
* @param {int} flag Is that first call of this function.
* @param {array} $_ Output stack of template.
function $block(name, gid, code, flag, $args, $_, $p, cache) {
// Get data storage for gid
cache = data[gid];

// If we're here first time (during current run of template)
if (!flag) {
// Cache arguments and stack into storage
cache[cached_args] = $args;
} else {
// If not - get from cache
$args = cache[cached_args];

// If we are just passing block values to template
if (cache[ext]) {

// Collect them to local storage
// Then we will call template passing this like arguments
(cache = data[gid][args][name]) ?
(cache[cache.length] = code([])) :
(data[gid][args][name] = [code([])]);

// Stop
return '';

// Wow, some template want to pass us some arguments
// Really?
if ((flag = $args.$blockStack) && flag[name]) {
// Get first value and slice array
(cache = (code = flag[name])[0]) && (code.length > 1) &&
(flag[name] = code.slice(1));
} else {
// Simply get source
cache = code([]);

// And send it all to the output stack
return cache;

* This function is initializing datastorage(gid) with namespace
* @param {int} gid Gid.
* @param {object} namespace Template's namespace.
function init(gid, namespace) {
data[gid] = {};
data[gid][args] = {};
data[gid][namespace] = namespace || data[gid][namespace];
data[gid][flag] = 0;

* This function is extending "init"'s behavior and return gid
* @param {object} namespace namespace where to align.
* @return {int} $gid.
function align(namespace) {

// If allready is in local storage
// Return gid
if (data[namespace.$gid]) return namespace.$gid;

// Initialize local storage
init(namespace.$gid, namespace);

// Add default functions
namespace.$extends = $extends;
namespace.$block = $block;

// Return gid
return namespace.$gid;

// Add modificators
$.modificators['extends'] = function(str , namespace) {

return '$scope.$extends($_,$p,' + align(namespace) + ',' + str + ');';

$.modificators.block = function(name , namespace) {

return '$p($scope.$block(' + name + ',' + align(namespace) +

$.modificators['/block'] = function(junk, namespace, gid, store) {

// Mark first time traveling
store = data[gid = align(namespace)][flag];
data[gid][flag] = 1;

return ';return $_.join("")},' + store +
(store ? ')' : ',$args)') + ',$_);';


// Pass some constants
})(nTPL, {});

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