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Fusebox allows you to employ self-contained, autonomous widgets throughout your app. It is responsible for controlling widget lifecycle and provides several helper methods to widgets that hide platform-specific implementations.

Getting it

Install through Bower:

bower install fusebox --save

Fusebox works best with RequireJS, but non-AMD builds are also provided. You can register your own loader function through the fusebox.setRequireLib method.

What's a widget?

Basically, a small module of functionality. Think of a photo gallery, a chat component, or a navigation top bar.

Widgets live in their own folder (this folder is then found inside another folder, "widgets/" by default). They have a main entry point (main.js), which is what gets require()'d by Fusebox. Inside it's own folder, widgets are free to use whatever structure they wish.

Registering a widget

Widgets interface with the platform application through events, handled by Fusebox. The only two required events are bootstrap and unload, which are triggered when the Fusebox methods start and stop are called.

Registering permissions

Fusebox keeps a registry of permissions for each widget. These permissions allow the platform to control which widget events are published.

Before a Widget is started, the Fusebox must then register its permissions:

  "my-widget": {
    bootstrap: true,
    unload: true,
    makePopcorn: true,
    cookRoast: false

Starting a Widget

fusebox.start takes only one mandatory parameter, the Widget's name. The rest are optional and are passed to the callback the Widget registered to it's bootstrap event. One of the most common patterns is to initialise a Widget with a CSS/Sizzle selector to inform it of it's assigned element:

fusebox.start("my-widget", "[data-widget='my-widget']")

Or add an options hash:

fusebox.start("my-widget", "[data-widget='my-widget']", {myWidgetOption: "Kittens"})

Stopping a widget

fusebox.stop takes one mandatory parameter, the Widget's name. The rest are optional, just like fusebox.start. They are passed to the callback registered to the Widget's unload event.

If you send a valid CSS/Sizzle selector as a second parameter, it is considered to be the widget's main container element. After unload is processed, that element's HTML is forcefully emptied.

fusebox.stop("my-widget", "[data-widget='my-widget']")

Unloading a widget

fusebox.stop will only unbind those widget's events and clear its element's HTML. If you're using RequireJS and wish to completely unload the module from memory, use fusebox.unload:


Widget Communication

Widgets work better if they're dumb. If a widget needs some data that is not considered to be in their scope, they can request it from a central Fusebox registry. On the other hand, if widgets (or modules that manage widgets, like a page) can provide useful information, they can use Fusebox to register themselves as providers. Fusebox uses jQuery's Deferreds, because it was practical and jQuery was already sort of needed.

Responding to requests

When you register with Fusebox to respond to a data point (in this case, "events:56:related"), you pass a callback with it. This callback receives a Deferred object as its argument. You are responsible for resolving or rejecting the Deferred.

fusebox.responds("events:56:related", function(dfd) {
  // Your async call...
  // And then call dfd.resolve(myData) or dfd.reject(myError)

Requesting a data point

When performing a request for a data point, you get back a Promise object. You can then attach handlers to it like you would any other promise. If you request a data point that no one has registered to respond to, you get back a rejected promise.

result = fusebox.request("events:56:related");

  // Do something with the data
.fail(function() {
  // It failed! Do something

Stop responding to requests

If you need to stop responding to a request (ie. a page is being trashed), use the stopsResponding method. This frees up the slot for other modules to register as responders.



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