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Takes PolicyID and PolicyName from every file in the PasswordManager_info safe and INSERT INTO capolicies table in mssql to cols caPolicyID and caPlatformName.


  • This PowerShell script is unsigned and may throw warnings from PowerShell.
    • To prevent this, run Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted in an elevated PowerShell console window.
  • git clone into C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
    • This will add the PoShPACLI PowerShell Module for PACLI into the proper directory.
  • Install CyberArk PACLI into C:\PACLI on the local machine this script is run from.
    • If you install to a different location, please update the variable in the .ps1 file.
  • Create a user.ini credential file to be used for authentication to prevent passing plaintext passwords. (See Troubleshooting section for help.)
    • Browse into CreateCredFile directory.
    • Shift+Right Click in whitespace in the directory, select Open command window here. (May need to run in escalated cmd prompt.)
    • CreateCredFile.exe user.ini Password (If user.ini already exists in the directory, add a number to the end. i.e. user2.ini)
    • Enter username and password and all default values and user.ini will be created in the directory CreateCredFile.exe ran from.


  • Edit Settings.xml and set the parameters to your specifications.
  • Open PowerShell Console, browse to directory the .ps1 is at and .\CAPolicySQLDump.ps1


  • If CreateCredFile included with this repository does not work, use the CreateCredFile located on your CPM Server at {Drive}:\Program Files (x86)\CyberArk\Password Manager\Vault.


Please update the Issues on this repo for support.
