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Chimpstation-Homebase: Infochimps developers' desktop environment

This repo uses Chef and Ironfan to provision a developer workstation on OSX. It unifies:

  • Cookbooks, roles, and environments
  • Cluster descriptions
  • Your Chef and cloud credentials
  • Pantries (collections of cookbooks, roles and so forth)

Getting Started

Environment variables

Customize the following and add it to your startup script (.zsh_profile for zsh users, .bash_profile for bash users):

    export CSTN_DIR=$HOME/dev/chimpstation    # the directory holding chimpstation-homebase
    export CSTN_ORG="chimpstation"            # the name of your chef organization
    export CSTN_CLUSTER="ducats"              # the name of the chef cluster for your boxes
    export CSTN_FACET="coolhand"              # the name of the chef facet for your machine
    export CHEF_USER="dlaw"                   # your user name on the chef server

Source the file, so those variables are set:

source ~/.bash_profile    # (or ~/.zsh_profile)

Install preliminaries

Install Xcode and the no-longer-installed-with-Xcode GCC compiler binary.

Install homebrew (and take ownership of /usr/local) if it's not already installed:

    sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"

Run brew doctor and follow its instructions to make homebrew happy:

brew doctor

Ensure brew is up-to-date:

brew update

If you don't have ruby installed, or your ruby is out of date (< 1.9.2-p125):

    brew install git readline ruby-build rbenv
    rbenv install 1.9.3-p194
    rbenv rehash
    echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.bash_profile

Install a few gems (chef, ironfan, and pry) and programs:

    brew install gecode  # if this fails, see TROUBLESHOOTING below.
    cd ${CSTN_DIR}
    bundle update

Create homebase

Make your own chimpstation repo by forking the chimpstation-homebase repo. Clone it to your machine:

git clone git:// ${CSTN_DIR}

Initialize all the git submodules and set up a symlink:

    cd ${CSTN_DIR}
    git submodule update --init
    git submodule foreach git checkout master
    git submodule foreach git pull
    ln -sn ./knife .chef

At this point running knife should display all possible knife commands. knife cluster list, however, will fail, because knife isn't yet authorized to talk to the chef server.

Make a home for your credentials. Note that the credentials directory will not be added to the chimpstation-homebase.

    cd ${CSTN_DIR}
    cp -rp knife/example-credentials knife/${CSTN_ORG}-credentials
    ln -s ${CSTN_ORG}-credentials knife/credentials
    mv knife/credentials/knife-user-example.rb knife/credentials/knife-user-${CHEF_USER}.rb
    ln -s ./knife .chef
    git add . ; git commit -m "set up credentials pointers"

Chef organization

Create a chef organization:

  • go to opscode, create a chef organization with the name you set $CSTN_ORG to.
  • download the ${CSTN_ORG}-validator.pem to ${CSTN_DIR}/knife/credentials
  • copy your chef server user key to ${CSTN_DIR}/knife/credentials/${CHEF_USER}.pem
  • fix the permissions on the key files: chmod 600 knife/credentials/*.pem

knife client list should now work, and you should see your username among the entries. You shouldn't see it error out.

Seed the chef server:

    cd ${CSTN_DIR}
    knife cookbook upload --all
    knife role from file roles/*.rb
    knife environment from file environment/ws.rb

Check that they all uploaded:

    knife cookbook list
    knife role list
    knife environment list

Configuring Your Personal Cluster

Create a new cluster configuration file from the example template:

    cd ${CSTN_DIR}
    cp clusters/example.rb clusters/${CSTN_CLUSTER}.rb

MAKE SURE TO ADJUST the following override in the cluster file:

        :chef_server => {
            # set this to YOUR username on the local machine
           :user => '$USER',

Yes, that should be your user on your local machine (not the $CHEF_USER, and not 'chef').

Running Chef Client

Now sync your cluster definitions and run chef-client! Your workstation should provision itself.

    knife cluster sync ${CSTN_CLUSTER}-${CSTN_FACET} --sync-all --no-cloud
    chef-client -c $CSTN_DIR/config/client.rb

While running chef-client you might hit a few errors. Debug them as necessary.

If you see sh: 1: Permission denied when chef-client starts running, ignore it -- it's a harmless bug in ohai.

Starting Chef Server

Before you start chef-server the first time, check that all the chef services are not running (ps aux | egrep 'chef|rabbit|couch|epmd|solr') and run the setup script:

sh /usr/local/etc/chef/

It should run without complaint, and you should see a just-made file /usr/local/etc/chef/webui.pem.

The chimpstation cookbooks are configured to leave no services running by default -- we assume you will want full control over their start/stop state. To start the daemons, run:

    foreman start -f /usr/local/etc/chef/Procfile-chef-backend & sleep 5
    foreman start -f /usr/local/etc/chef/Procfile-chef-server &

Local homebase

The chimpstation homebase is for configuring your machine. Now you need the proper ironfan homebase.

(note: you should probably reference the actual ironfan install, it's more detailed; defer to it unless something here makes more sense in a local context.)

Check out a copy of the ironfan-homebase, initialize all the git submodules and set up a symlink:

    cd $HOME
    git clone --recursive git:// ${CHEF_HOMEBASE}
    git submodule foreach git checkout master
    git submodule foreach git pull
    ln -sn ./knife .chef

Set up the credentials dir:

    cp -rp knife/example-credentials knife/local-credentials
    ln -sn local-credentials knife/credentials
    mv knife/credentials/knife-user-example.rb knife/credentials/knife-user-${CHEF_USER}.rb
    cp /usr/local/etc/chef/validation.pem knife/credentials/local-validator.pem

Edit your $CHEF_HOMEBASE/knife/credentials/knife-org.rb file:

    Chef::Config.instance_eval do
      organization            "local"
      validation_client_name  'chef-validator'
      validation_key          "#{credentials_path}/#{organization}-validator.pem"
      hostname =              `hostname -f`.chomp
      chef_server_url         "http://#{hostname}:4000/"     # for local
      host_network_base       '33.33.33'
      host_network_ip_mapping :chef_server => 20, :sandbox => 30, :elasticsearch => 40

Log in to the chef webui

  • username admin, password p@ssw0rd1
  • change it immediately
  • make a user account for yourself. Best to name it the same as your opscode chef account ID
  • create a clients with the same name.
  • copy the private key -- everything from -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY to -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, including those lines -- into

Run knife client list; you should see your client, along with chef-validator and chef-webui.

Hooray! now populate the chef server:

    knife cookbook upload --all
    knife role from file roles/*.rb
    for chefenv in prod stag dev ; do knife environment from file environments/${chefenv}.rb ; done

    # Check that they all uploaded
    knife cookbook list
    knife role list
    knife environment list

Follow the instructions in ironfan-ci for setting up vagrant and importing your basebox. Vagrant up:

      knife cluster vagrant up sandbox-simple-0 -VV


brew install of gecode fails

If installing gecode fails, try editing /usr/local/Library/Formula/gecode.rb to say:

def install
  system "./configure", .... "--with-architectures=i386,x86_64","--disable-qt"

And then re-run brew install gecode

resetting your system

remove chef, rabbitmq and couchdb

Note: This will remove these entirely.

If the following command shows anything is running, stop it:

ps axu | egrep -i 'rabbit|chef|couch|beam|epmd' | egrep -v 'grep'
ps axu | egrep -i 'virtualbox' | egrep -v 'grep'

now uninstall:

mkdir -p /tmp/chef-away/{etc,etc/logrotate.d,var/{log,run,chef,lib}} /tmp/chef-away/Applications
brew unlink         rabbitmq couchdb
brew remove --force rabbitmq couchdb
(cd /usr/local ; for dir in {etc,etc/logrotate.d,var/*,var}/{couchdb,rabbitmq,chef}* ; do mv $dir /tmp/chef-away/$dir ; done )
#mv /Applications/ /tmp/chef-away/Applications

nothing should be running, and only items in Library should match:

ps axu | egrep -i 'rabbit|chef|couch|beam|epmd|virtualbox' | egrep -v 'grep'
find /usr/local/{lib,var,etc} -iname '*rabbit*' -o -iname '*couch*' -o -iname '*chef*'

reset your chimpstation chef node

knife client delete ${CSTN_CLUSTER}-${CSTN_FACET}-0
knife node   delete ${CSTN_CLUSTER}-${CSTN_FACET}-0
rm ${CSTN_DIR}/knife/credentials/client_keys/client-${CSTN_CLUSTER}-${CSTN_FACET}-0

Ironfan Toolset

Chimpstation uses ironfan, an expressive toolset for constructing scalable, resilient architectures. The full Ironfan toolset:


  • ironfan-homebase: Centralizes the cookbooks, roles and clusters. A solid foundation for any Chef user.
  • ironfan gem: The core Ironfan models, and Knife plugins to orchestrate machines and coordinate truth among your homebase, cloud and chef server.
  • ironfan-pantry: Our collection of industrial-strength, cloud-ready recipes for Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Zabbix and more.
  • silverware cookbook: Helps you coordinate discovery of services ("list all the machines for awesome_webapp, that I might load balance them") and aspects ("list all components that write logs, that I might logrotate them, or that I might monitor the free space on their volumes"). Found within the ironfan-pantry.


To jump right into using Ironfan, follow our Installation Instructions. For an explanatory tour, check out our Web Walkthrough. Please file all issues on Ironfan Issues.


Ideas, code, inspiration, two bucks in change, an old copy of Tiger Beat, but mostly code were taken from:


it's like rocket fuel for cookbook development







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