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Release Candidate for inlets 0.9.0

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@alexellis alexellis released this 18 Aug 10:26
· 41 commits to master since this release

Changelog for 0.9.0-rc2:


The inlets 0.9.0 releases adds:

  • A new status CLI command to monitor tunnels
  • Load-balancing of requests between clients using TCP tunnels
  • An ARM64 Darwin binary for Apple M1 users
  • Prometheus metrics for TCP and HTTP tunnels

The --token-env option has been added to the client and server commands so that inlets can be used more easily with PaaS platforms that store secrets as environment variables. Examples include ECS, Fargate, Heroku and Fly. In the same vein, --license-env has been added to the client commands so that ECS Anywhere users can update their license tokens on edge devices, if and when required.

The inlets-pro http fileserver command has moved up one level to inlets-pro fileserver so that it's easier to discover and less to type in.

The flag --token-from is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release, see also: token-file which does the same thing with a more consistent name.

The --print-token flag has been removed from the inlets HTTP client and server, given that the token is an input it should already be possible to print this value yourself.

df3cc4d Update chart to inlets 0.8.9 by @alexellis

Generated by Derek