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[DDW-1213] Optimize E2E tests (#1874)
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* [DDW-1213] Init


* [DDW-1213] Progress

* [DDW-1213] Progress

* [DDW-1213] Progress

* [DDW-1213] Fixes CHANGELOG

* [DDW-1213] Progress

* [DDW-1213] Progress

* [DDW-1213] Remove skippable step

* [DDW-1213] Remove skippable step

* [DDW-1213] Removes unnecessary call

* [DDW-1213] Removes unnecessary waitForVisible and waitForText

* [DDW-1213] Adjustments

* [DDW-1213] Update yarn.lock to fix CI

* [DDW-1213] Remove integrity hashes from yarn.lock

* [DDW-1213] Remove @types/npmlog

* [DDW-1213] Remove react-syntax-highlighter ^11.0.2

* [DDW-1213] Run prettier

* [DDW-1213] Fixes failing test when running after the first time

* [DDW-1213] Remove watch

* [DDW-1213] Fixes failing test after first run

* [DDW-1213] Fixes failing test after first run

* [DDW-1213] Skippable promisse

* [DDW-1213] Adjustments

* [DDW-1213] Fixes and improves failing test

* [DDW-1213] Misspelling

* [DDW-1213] Adjustment

* [DDW-1213] Re-introduce empty balance wallets and wait for wallet syncing

* [DDW-1213] Adjustments

* [DDW-1213] Tests results output

* [DDW-1213] Rename

* Merge branch 'v2-integration' into chore/ddw-1213-optimize-e2e-tests

* [DDW-1213] Removes incorrectly commited screenshots on commit ddfdef3

* [DDW-1213] Increase Transfer Funds step timeout

* [DDW-1213] add gitkeep

* [DDW-1213] Use Promise.all in testReset()

* [DDW-1213] Add cucumber-html-reporter fixed version

* [DDW-1213] Add yarn.lock changes

* [DDW-1213] Fix CI

Co-authored-by: Nikola Glumac <>
Co-authored-by: Tomislav Horaček <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed Mar 18, 2020
1 parent a758072 commit 6ac6def
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 39 changed files with 442 additions and 183 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,12 @@ translations/reports

# 'Screenshots' and 'Paper wallet ceritifcate PDF file' generated by acceptance tests

# Old ignored files

# Webpack
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Changelog

### Chores

- Optimized e2e tests ([PR 1874](
- Updated `react-polymorph` dependency ([PR 1882](
- Updated small 3rd party dependencies ([PR 1877](
- Updated React dependencies ([PR 1873](
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -11,16 +11,21 @@
"dev": "IS_WATCH_MODE=true gulp dev",
"dev:itn": "NETWORK=itn_rewards_v1 IS_WATCH_MODE=true gulp dev",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test yarn build && yarn test:unit && yarn test:e2e",
"test:generate:report": "node tests/reporter.js",
"test:unit": "yarn cucumber:run --require 'tests/**/unit/**/*.js' --tags '@unit and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:unit:rerun": "yarn cucumber:rerun --require 'tests/**/unit/**/*.js' --tags '@unit and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:unit:watch": "nodemon --watch source --watch tests --exec \"yarn test:unit --tags '@unit and @watch'\"",
"test:unit:unbound": "yarn cucumber:run --require 'tests/**/unit/**/*.js' --tags '@unbound and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:e2e": "yarn cucumber:run --require 'tests/setup-e2e.js' --require 'tests/**/e2e/**/*.js' --tags '@e2e and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:e2e:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber:fail-fast --require 'tests/setup-e2e.js' --require 'tests/**/e2e/**/*.js' --tags '@e2e and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:e2e:rerun": "yarn cucumber:rerun --require 'tests/setup-e2e.js' --require 'tests/**/e2e/**/*.js' --tags '@e2e and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:e2e:rerun:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber:rerun --require 'tests/setup-e2e.js' --require 'tests/**/e2e/**/*.js' --tags '@e2e and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:e2e:watch": "gulp test:e2e:watch",
"cucumber": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test cucumber-js --require 'tests/setup-common.js' --require-module @babel/register --fail-fast --format rerun:tests/@rerun.txt -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}'",
"cucumber": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test cucumber-js --require 'tests/setup-common.js' --require-module @babel/register -f json:tests-report/report-data.json -f summary:tests-report/summary.log -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty:tests-report/results.log --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f rerun:tests/@rerun.txt",
"cucumber:run": "yarn cucumber tests",
"cucumber:rerun": "yarn cucumber tests/@rerun.txt",
"cucumber:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber tests --fail-fast",
"cucumber:rerun": "yarn cucumber tests-report/@rerun.txt",
"cucumber:rerun:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber tests-report/@rerun.txt --fail-fast",
"test:e2e:watch:once": "KEEP_APP_AFTER_TESTS=true yarn test:e2e --tags '@e2e and @watch'",
"debug": "gulp debug",
"package": "gulp build && cross-env NODE_ENV=production node -r @babel/register -r @babel/polyfill scripts/package.js",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +142,8 @@
"svg-inline-loader": "0.8.2",
"thread-loader": "2.1.3",
"transform-loader": "0.2.4",
"webdriverio": "5.18.7",
"url-loader": "2.0.1",
"webdriverio": "5.18.7",
"webpack": "4.39.1",
"webpack-cli": "3.1.2",
"webpack-stream": "5.2.1",
Expand All @@ -156,6 +161,7 @@
"chroma-js": "2.1.0",
"classnames": "2.2.6",
"csv-stringify": "5.3.6",
"cucumber-html-reporter": "5.1.0",
"electron": "3.0.14",
"electron-log-daedalus": "2.2.20",
"electron-store": "2.0.0",
Expand All @@ -180,9 +186,9 @@
"ps-list": "7.0.0",
"qr-image": "3.2.0",
"qrcode.react": "1.0.0",
"react": "16.8.0",
"react-animate-height": "2.0.20",
"react-copy-to-clipboard": "5.0.2",
"react": "16.8.0",
"react-custom-scrollbars": "4.2.1",
"react-datetime": "2.16.3",
"react-dom": "16.8.0",
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions source/renderer/app/api/api.js
Expand Up @@ -1370,13 +1370,13 @@ export default class AdaApi {
Logger.debug('AdaApi::testReset called');
try {
const wallets: AdaWallets = await getWallets(this.config); => deleteWallet(this.config, { walletId: }));
Promise.all( => deleteWallet(this.config, { walletId: })));
const legacyWallets: LegacyAdaWallets = await getLegacyWallets(
); =>
Promise.all( =>
deleteLegacyWallet(this.config, { walletId: })
Logger.debug('AdaApi::testReset success');
} catch (error) {
Logger.error('AdaApi::testReset error', { error });
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions source/renderer/app/api/utils/patchAdaApi.js
Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ export default (api: AdaApi) => {

api.resetTestOverrides = () => {
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Empty file added tests-report/.gitkeep
Empty file.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/.gitignore

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/addresses/e2e/steps/addresses.js
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Given('I generate {int} addresses', async function(numberOfAddresses) {

When('I click the ShowUsed switch', async function() {
await waitAndClick(this.client, SELECTORS.SHOW_USED_SWITCH);
await this.waitAndClick(SELECTORS.SHOW_USED_SWITCH);

Then('I should see {int} used addresses', { timeout: 60000 }, async function(
Expand Down
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions tests/common/e2e/steps/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
export const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20000;
export const rewardsMnemonics = [
['awkward', 'electric', 'strong', 'early', 'rose', 'abuse', 'mutual', 'limit', 'ketchup', 'child', 'limb', 'exist', 'hurry', 'business', 'whisper'],
['blood', 'limit', 'pumpkin', 'fringe', 'order', 'trick', 'answer', 'festival', 'ethics', 'educate', 'luggage', 'dinner', 'record', 'fox', 'truth'],
['bridge', 'joke', 'jeans', 'width', 'social', 'banner', 'visit', 'enlist', 'reason', 'hand', 'license', 'subway', 'butter', 'render', 'absent'],
['bless', 'turkey', 'install', 'across', 'bronze', 'check', 'true', 'icon', 'treat', 'that', 'tuition', 'flush', 'panther', 'powder', 'ecology'],
['trick', 'razor', 'bicycle', 'front', 'hollow', 'liberty', 'swift', 'coconut', 'pull', 'raccoon', 'level', 'woman', 'awful', 'sound', 'swarm'],
export const balanceMnemonics = [
['collect', 'fold', 'file', 'clown', 'injury', 'sun', 'brass', 'diet', 'exist', 'spike', 'behave', 'clip'],
['arctic', 'decade', 'pink', 'easy', 'jar', 'index', 'base', 'bright', 'vast', 'ocean', 'hard', 'pizza'],
['finish', 'evoke', 'alone', 'town', 'express', 'wide', 'pair', 'story', 'west', 'safe', 'news', 'wrap'],
['fox', 'now', 'hello', 'inmate', 'era', 'jealous', 'cruel', 'wreck', 'dash', 'supply', 'book', 'attend'],
['must', 'lock', 'cereal', 'water', 'silver', 'cake', 'circle', 'express', 'sock', 'arm', 'chapter', 'avoid'],
['give', 'verb', 'balcony', 'hurdle', 'pistol', 'flee', 'manage', 'barely', 'pulse', 'episode', 'speak', 'school'],
['divert', 'entire', 'urge', 'banner', 'repair', 'mechanic', 'muffin', 'illness', 'genre', 'intact', 'coin', 'boss'],
['pink', 'radio', 'various', 'frame', 'argue', 'draft', 'sun', 'speak', 'club', 'salute', 'thank', 'price'],
['all', 'beef', 'link', 'funny', 'swing', 'duck', 'sweet', 'swallow', 'slow', 'shield', 'weekend', 'open'],
['green', 'friend', 'captain', 'entry', 'utility', 'lake', 'blur', 'matrix', 'will', 'prefer', 'breeze', 'shed'],
['reveal', 'jazz', 'equal', 'salmon', 'first', 'decline', 'liquid', 'wolf', 'powder', 'account', 'elbow', 'figure'],
['olympic', 'uncover', 'stone', 'tiger', 'oppose', 'icon', 'property', 'heart', 'mean', 'interest', 'account', 'head'],
['poverty', 'hungry', 'depart', 'shift', 'proud', 'wrap', 'voice', 'throw', 'spoon', 'this', 'system', 'flee'],
['tattoo', 'crop', 'genuine', 'impact', 'govern', 'banana', 'hope', 'bamboo', 'junior', 'pride', 'best', 'skirt'],
['model', 'hundred', 'exact', 'control', 'random', 'cross', 'burst', 'fame', 'ladder', 'bleak', 'car', 'virus'],
['ripple', 'lazy', 'void', 'zoo', 'social', 'plunge', 'badge', 'jungle', 'similar', 'draft', 'lawn', 'execute'],
['guide', 'penalty', 'erupt', 'plate', 'benefit', 'moon', 'motion', 'sing', 'envelope', 'range', 'midnight', 'spell'],
['bulb', 'normal', 'curious', 'leg', 'essence', 'chronic', 'envelope', 'cannon', 'comfort', 'spare', 'private', 'uniform'],
['tongue', 'cabin', 'enact', 'square', 'feature', 'prevent', 'journey', 'pigeon', 'valid', 'unable', 'drum', 'opera'],
['assist', 'pact', 'vessel', 'spot', 'fine', 'fine', 'crouch', 'body', 'gown', 'allow', 'hair', 'universe'],
['tape', 'glue', 'rate', 'squirrel', 'jeans', 'canoe', 'bicycle', 'sausage', 'lunar', 'pair', 'fit', 'ice'],
['chronic', 'soda', 'history', 'famous', 'owner', 'print', 'student', 'wool', 'pulse', 'sound', 'melt', 'gate'],
['exist', 'arrest', 'north', 'tunnel', 'height', 'style', 'announce', 'real', 'uncover', 'sphere', 'sorry', 'sudden'],
['celery', 'slim', 'stone', 'hand', 'inmate', 'enrich', 'stem', 'ice', 'glass', 'fault', 'pig', 'island'],
['ancient', 'update', 'number', 'oil', 'degree', 'virtual', 'stairs', 'reunion', 'question', 'toilet', 'disagree', 'deliver'],
['surge', 'inherit', 'gown', 'witness', 'true', 'fame', 'couch', 'artwork', 'orchard', 'tunnel', 'toss', 'mom'],
['oblige', 'room', 'table', 'auto', 'build', 'very', 'street', 'margin', 'faculty', 'purpose', 'shoe', 'prison'],
['theory', 'afraid', 'tell', 'depth', 'issue', 'cover', 'pass', 'vacant', 'poet', 'fury', 'fortune', 'cruise'],
['clay', 'mix', 'capable', 'student', 'scissors', 'ugly', 'prefer', 'change', 'adjust', 'push', 'cake', 'harsh'],
['shift', 'sunny', 'brick', 'supreme', 'tank', 'duck', 'garment', 'feature', 'cloud', 'canyon', 'harbor', 'nut'],
['delay', 'exhibit', 'social', 'wood', 'plate', 'donate', 'differ', 'knock', 'dignity', 'sport', 'cost', 'visual'],
['banner', 'expand', 'fringe', 'kiss', 'laugh', 'muffin', 'maximum', 'program', 'hurdle', 'gorilla', 'spray', 'prepare'],
['together', 'sorry', 'amazing', 'loyal', 'civil', 'rely', 'success', 'range', 'adult', 'truly', 'trade', 'tip'],
['secret', 'like', 'type', 'honey', 'average', 'sword', 'rookie', 'mass', 'blade', 'myth', 'double', 'salmon'],
['buddy', 'assault', 'armed', 'whale', 'bid', 'unfair', 'zone', 'minimum', 'fat', 'employ', 'front', 'lizard'],
['verb', 'blossom', 'kiwi', 'butter', 'express', 'other', 'shoulder', 'hold', 'enter', 'beyond', 'special', 'devote'],
['exhibit', 'install', 'act', 'craft', 'grain', 'soap', 'coral', 'jaguar', 'echo', 'midnight', 'ride', 'raise'],
['credit', 'raw', 'dinosaur', 'target', 'sustain', 'permit', 'regret', 'strong', 'abandon', 'guard', 'expand', 'science'],
['timber', 'grid', 'cement', 'resemble', 'engage', 'sugar', 'february', 'regular', 'print', 'timber', 'produce', 'pizza'],
['solution', 'dice', 'symbol', 'ignore', 'gauge', 'exist', 'also', 'mention', 'west', 'pet', 'rule', 'first'],
['tuition', 'cost', 'tattoo', 'vicious', 'vast', 'doctor', 'prevent', 'asthma', 'barely', 'orphan', 'close', 'bus'],
['puppy', 'crew', 'glide', 'feature', 'bottom', 'stumble', 'prefer', 'hidden', 'extra', 'north', 'bleak', 'shoulder'],
['innocent', 'unfold', 'combine', 'gas', 'custom', 'luggage', 'cricket', 'thing', 'speak', 'bubble', 'pitch', 'festival'],
['gospel', 'garlic', 'midnight', 'enemy', 'legal', 'speed', 'sleep', 'discover', 'enlist', 'camp', 'metal', 'chunk'],
['lyrics', 'lend', 'volume', 'cruise', 'engage', 'relief', 'memory', 'wine', 'board', 'scorpion', 'educate', 'differ'],
['law', 'same', 'wrist', 'cotton', 'outer', 'debris', 'put', 'other', 'wife', 'father', 'collect', 'chef'],
['february', 'expand', 'decline', 'sort', 'pull', 'silk', 'average', 'update', 'spatial', 'betray', 'remind', 'hero'],
['security', 'hill', 'flight', 'improve', 'rotate', 'language', 'home', 'carbon', 'boil', 'enhance', 'pulse', 'pill'],
['inside', 'fancy', 'sea', 'blouse', 'estate', 'chest', 'early', 'office', 'woman', 'license', 'obey', 'helmet'],
['course', 'toe', 'sentence', 'defense', 'because', 'trip', 'hockey', 'abandon', 'essay', 'give', 'deputy', 'insect'],
['sister', 'slogan', 'hour', 'build', 'squeeze', 'favorite', 'inject', 'smart', 'slim', 'near', 'tired', 'blind'],
['upper', 'mouse', 'spray', 'wrong', 'food', 'affair', 'before', 'object', 'mention', 'then', 'ask', 'solution'],
['video', 'fall', 'run', 'engine', 'wheat', 'baby', 'december', 'issue', 'vehicle', 'between', 'reopen', 'wink'],
['nuclear', 'glide', 'invest', 'speed', 'essence', 'friend', 'clog', 'hamster', 'service', 'crisp', 'weasel', 'pigeon'],
['stumble', 'either', 'orbit', 'bundle', 'pepper', 'total', 'radio', 'spatial', 'umbrella', 'explain', 'exercise', 'science'],
['slam', 'entry', 'nation', 'frog', 'advice', 'process', 'cycle', 'lawsuit', 'scrub', 'strategy', 'shrimp', 'push'],
['ecology', 'female', 'item', 'crime', 'remember', 'denial', 'swallow', 'forward', 'call', 'vehicle', 'glue', 'hello'],
['spin', 'dinosaur', 'honey', 'abuse', 'exit', 'coffee', 'ethics', 'denial', 'proof', 'hour', 'number', 'annual'],
['power', 'age', 'slush', 'tube', 'island', 'void', 'old', 'option', 'lobster', 'vendor', 'typical', 'cushion'],
['drill', 'orphan', 'hero', 'throw', 'stand', 'ecology', 'hat', 'gauge', 'antique', 'hotel', 'pistol', 'rice'],
['present', 'trophy', 'digital', 'salad', 'kick', 'apart', 'airport', 'stuff', 'prosper', 'peace', 'drive', 'adjust'],
['fluid', 'brave', 'disease', 'rough', 'surge', 'city', 'ignore', 'speed', 'borrow', 'print', 'pause', 'smile'],
['begin', 'decorate', 'smart', 'mesh', 'cannon', 'gas', 'toe', 'model', 'vacant', 'survey', 'victory', 'cat'],
['liberty', 'sunny', 'impact', 'source', 'foil', 'arrive', 'inch', 'find', 'obtain', 'wet', 'uncover', 'huge'],
['own', 'pilot', 'advance', 'stock', 'pizza', 'over', 'february', 'cheese', 'invite', 'hello', 'tell', 'distance'],
['alert', 'satoshi', 'two', 'limit', 'bag', 'soldier', 'hair', 'scatter', 'zebra', 'rural', 'dizzy', 'cry'],
['phone', 'food', 'they', 'nose', 'cross', 'music', 'core', 'leisure', 'menu', 'curve', 'bike', 'rate'],
['truly', 'wagon', 'soup', 'submit', 'tail', 'first', 'push', 'split', 'concert', 'work', 'source', 'cart'],
['symbol', 'stage', 'umbrella', 'high', 'sand', 'tilt', 'slight', 'open', 'kitten', 'oil', 'fade', 'minor'],
['tumble', 'grit', 'dumb', 'game', 'raccoon', 'giggle', 'valley', 'audit', 'army', 'mandate', 'around', 'basket'],
['owner', 'foil', 'vivid', 'cloth', 'bright', 'hurry', 'nerve', 'help', 'sister', 'jaguar', 'teach', 'loyal'],
['slender', 'topple', 'urban', 'axis', 'swamp', 'guess', 'dizzy', 'correct', 'visit', 'valve', 'ivory', 'citizen'],
['humble', 'song', 'wrap', 'future', 'cinnamon', 'accuse', 'bright', 'speed', 'inhale', 'alien', 'theory', 'main'],
['purity', 'latin', 'danger', 'dutch', 'avocado', 'endless', 'off', 'scissors', 'junk', 'biology', 'dial', 'glue'],
['lazy', 'aunt', 'obvious', 'pave', 'abuse', 'loan', 'coral', 'orchard', 'fat', 'tone', 'knock', 'tired'],
['fantasy', 'kit', 'luxury', 'combine', 'bus', 'hospital', 'hybrid', 'stool', 'cousin', 'gauge', 'grid', 'audit'],
['dentist', 'inmate', 'sun', 'town', 'fame', 'cable', 'sport', 'depth', 'scissors', 'rude', 'yard', 'harbor'],
['bright', 'item', 'flame', 'august', 'consider', 'rifle', 'stereo', 'end', 'very', 'bright', 'matrix', 'mom'],
['today', 'pattern', 'bacon', 'version', 'differ', 'pony', 'universe', 'snack', 'weird', 'toddler', 'belt', 'door'],
['veteran', 'omit', 'knife', 'wrist', 'truth', 'agree', 'rhythm', 'world', 'dynamic', 'duty', 'saddle', 'dove'],
['hat', 'city', 'disease', 'patrol', 'answer', 'select', 'vibrant', 'tag', 'dose', 'rebuild', 'length', 'sting'],
['liberty', 'lens', 'entry', 'marriage', 'bean', 'camp', 'phone', 'charge', 'alcohol', 'boil', 'plate', 'banner'],
['talk', 'glory', 'minute', 'include', 'flag', 'stuff', 'laugh', 'auction', 'benefit', 'escape', 'confirm', 'task'],
['joy', 'convince', 'reunion', 'increase', 'core', 'venue', 'palm', 'scan', 'wish', 'vault', 'until', 'rice'],
['walk', 'hybrid', 'game', 'vanish', 'mushroom', 'win', 'observe', 'crush', 'core', 'lamp', 'mirror', 'twenty'],
['hold', 'joy', 'grit', 'great', 'quote', 'retreat', 'famous', 'wreck', 'busy', 'faint', 'wish', 'fetch'],
['future', 'obscure', 'glow', 'valid', 'wear', 'boy', 'exercise', 'member', 'shoe', 'add', 'country', 'spatial'],
['tooth', 'option', 'satisfy', 'patrol', 'amateur', 'height', 'above', 'air', 'struggle', 'reform', 'speed', 'mom'],
['word', 'cruel', 'plate', 'hedgehog', 'flavor', 'judge', 'device', 'tuna', 'amateur', 'walk', 'open', 'reduce'],
['right', 'energy', 'oxygen', 'eager', 'more', 'direct', 'yard', 'easy', 'luxury', 'auto', 'knife', 'loop'],
['huge', 'race', 'host', 'involve', 'win', 'interest', 'salad', 'box', 'fatal', 'cherry', 'cage', 'pioneer'],
['phrase', 'rapid', 'fine', 'neglect', 'already', 'nut', 'note', 'chair', 'mushroom', 'rack', 'ivory', 'riot'],
['ivory', 'citizen', 'rule', 'scare', 'angle', 'method', 'bounce', 'caution', 'noble', 'pottery', 'plunge', 'resource'],
['behave', 'attitude', 'glide', 'else', 'have', 'moon', 'settle', 'minute', 'provide', 'trade', 'negative', 'nothing'],
['diary', 'chunk', 'total', 'cruise', 'they', 'curious', 'foil', 'actress', 'wish', 'universe', 'grape', 'kind'],
['mushroom', 'print', 'dish', 'slim', 'agent', 'tube', 'expand', 'actor', 'layer', 'idea', 'example', 'quarter'],
['riot', 'sport', 'access', 'grid', 'destroy', 'chronic', 'evil', 'doll', 'sibling', 'blanket', 'seed', 'goose'],
['pyramid', 'song', 'photo', 'filter', 'subway', 'rich', 'broken', 'anchor', 'blur', 'lecture', 'liar', 'hope'],
['sort', 'crouch', 'seven', 'exile', 'extend', 'evoke', 'summer', 'oppose', 'fork', 'result', 'plate', 'goat'],
['safe', 'wrap', 'order', 'affair', 'fiber', 'walnut', 'skill', 'timber', 'rookie', 'ghost', 'spot', 'napkin'],
['jaguar', 'bitter', 'merry', 'destroy', 'frozen', 'dune', 'embody', 'pull', 'cradle', 'peasant', 'sail', 'whisper'],
export const balanceMnemonicsWithNoFunds = ['judge', 'sting', 'fish', 'script', 'silent', 'soup', 'chef', 'very', 'employ', 'wage', 'cloud', 'tourist'];
export const testStorageKeys = {
BALANCE_MNEMONICS_INDEX: 'balance-mnemonics-index',

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