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Pools are hidden in Daedalus randomly #2117

bigpey opened this issue Jul 30, 2020 · 122 comments

Pools are hidden in Daedalus randomly #2117

bigpey opened this issue Jul 30, 2020 · 122 comments


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bigpey commented Jul 30, 2020

I built a stakepool and it showed up in Daedalus for me right away, when my followers went to find it and delegate many of them did. But a big portion, I would say around 30% state that they can not see the pool at tall in Daedalus. The meta-data is correct and I have delegated to my pool and so have many others. This is not just a problem for my pool it is a problem for other pools as well. It seems to be random but Daedalus is not showing all of the pools.

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Willburn commented Jul 30, 2020

In my case the 3 computers having installed daedelus very early did not show my 2nd pool ANPNL and other users reported the same and I sadly had to take the step to retire the pool and make it again. But laptop that installe deadelus wallet today showed it without problems both the new and the one that is retiring epoch 209. Could this have something to do with stored ledger information in Daedalus?

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bigpey commented Jul 30, 2020

I also must say that my stakepool partner can not see the pool either in his Daedalus, where as I am delegated to it. He sees many other pools but not near as many as ADApools or pooltool lists.

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DUCK showed up right away after registering.
After reregistering I was notified within minutes DUCK disapeared out of the Daedalus ticker page.
Some see my ticker in their wallet, some dont.

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bigpey commented Jul 30, 2020

DUCK showed up right away after registering.
After reregistering I was notified within minutes DUCK disapeared out of the Daedalus ticker page.
Some see my ticker in their wallet, some dont.

This seems to be what happened to me too. Last night I got the stakepool up around 1am EST and then following that everyone in my discord server that was waiting for the pool delegated fine. Not one single person stated that they couldn't see the pool, they all delegated. Fast forward to this morning I create the video and post it, a high precentage of people can't see the pool in the morning after the video was posted. The people that saw the pool at night still can see the pool. I can still see my pool, some people starting it can still see it.

Hope that information helps.

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I'm experiencing similar with ONEW, after making changes to the metadata yesterday to include the extended option my pool has disappeared from daedalus. I've checked the ledger and it looks right along with pooltool and adapool sources however it does not appear in cardano-wallet as well. I have now been told it shows up randomly for certain people but not others.

Cheers, Jason

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zorrbass commented Jul 31, 2020

Same for ATLAS. It shows up fine on my PC. But on the laptop it does not. Also on the laptop wallet the total number of pools is lower by three.

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bigpey commented Jul 31, 2020

The pool is now appearing for a lot of those people.

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bigpey commented Jul 31, 2020

I wanted to give some more information on this. For many the pool has started appearing. But for some there is still an issue when they first download the wallet that it can take 12+ hours to load all of the pools. It's not just my pool it's many and they seem to come around the same time for people.

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Something similar for LEAF. If the pool is re-registered with extended metadata it disappears from Daedalus. In pooltool the green ticker is shown and the information about the metadata file (url+hash) are correct but the ticker is not showing in Deadalus. As soon as the pool is re-registered with the previous metadata file it reappears in Daedalus.

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PierreManos commented Jul 31, 2020

Same issue here. I registered 5 hours ago and GREEN appears nowhere... I hope this issue is addressed by the IOHK wizards and I am sure they are aware of it by now.
EDIT: 1 day later, my pool is now showing on Pooltool and Adapools, but still nothing in Daedalus.

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Same issue happening for CHAMP ticker. Registered pool via cntools and it is showing as verified via pooltool, but has not shown up in Daedalus. I've attempted modifying the registration (slight change to stake, margin, etc) to see if it helps, without success.

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Just wanted to say I've also been experience this issue. Myself and 2 others all see different total numbers of stake pools and some of us don't see certain pools that the others do, this is after multiple restarts of the wallet and over 24 hours of time so it seems there is something deeper going on than just being in sync.

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skadea commented Jul 31, 2020

I have a similar problem. I registered my new pool and successfully query the pool id from the blockchain. But my pool is not listed in Daedalus wallet. Seems that there are only about 433 pools listed, though on you can see more than 500 pools.
Pool name: SKADEA
Ticker: skad

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It seems Daedalus is caching the meta hash so if Daedalus is opened when meta is changed it checks the new meta based on the existing hash and will find it to be a mismatch and remove the pool. The pool should show up again once it updates to the correct hash.

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My pool is also disappeared after re-registering with changing the extended-metadata.json.
pool name : JOY
Ticker: JOY

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tobg commented Aug 1, 2020

Same issue here. After changed some pool attributes and re-register, pool is not visible in daedalus anymore. shows that everything is ok. Ticker TOBG

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TurboEgon commented Aug 1, 2020

Also same here for NOVA.
Seems like changing the metadata triggers this issue.
Also sometimes it is visible on one daedalus mashine but not visible on another, so thats a daedalus issue

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msuleman commented Aug 1, 2020

Same here for [CHAIN] and [UPS]
Registered fine initially around 02:00 UTC on Thurs 30th
Appeared in seconds/minutes on Daedalus.
Amended fee and description around 14:00 UTC yesterday. Neither pool in Daedalus seen since.
Pooltool showed updated info/correct hash by its next check - within an hr of update approx
Paths/filenames kept same.

  • no special characters used in poolname/ticker, just upper or lower case alphanumeric*

All times UTC: have tried to correct with UPS pool by changing the poolmeta.json filename at ~ 20:12 1.8.20 - not showing in Daedalus by 07:11 2.8.20
Have tried to correct with CHAIN pool by re-using original poolmeta.json file at ~ around same time as above - not showing in Daedalus by 07:11 2.8.20

Both showing OK in / when checked this morning.

Hugely impressed by project / IOG / products so far and committed for the long term, not discouraged - keep up the good work.

For sake of completeness, have also logged on IOHK Support (Zendesk?) against Mainnet Wallet 2.0.0 with a link back to here.

Happy to help troubleshoot.

Will try to delete sql.lite file for my own wallet as suggested in Sunny fix on Telegram.

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snmoney commented Aug 1, 2020

same here : ADA4G

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One more over here. TOPO1

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DarkPaladin56 commented Aug 1, 2020

Having the same issue: BEAVR

Re-iterating that after I updated my pool's meta data, generated a new hash and updated it on the network, my stake pool seems to have disappeared from Daedalus' listing of stake pools.

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RADAR and BADAS are in the same boat. Not being in Daedalus initially and k = 150 it feels like "Game over man!"

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adaclimb commented Aug 2, 2020

same issue. CLIMB isn't showing up

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just like others.....[BUBBA] pool doesn't show up. What's the point being setup before 1 epoch, and face disappointment with wallet backend. 3 party tools have been doing better in showing up the pool, right away. But Daedalus back end sucking it all up at launch.

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Bluecollar-crypto commented Aug 2, 2020

BLCLR is not showing up on Daedalus. 432 pools I can see on here(Daedalus)and over 620+ on Pooltool ADApools. Please fix this!!!

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tayrosa commented Aug 2, 2020

same issue. ISP isn't showing up. Please fix!

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Same Issue for SPRTA. I have been waiting over a day and nothing. Pooltool and Adapools is fine. Please fix this. Thank you

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wtrask4 commented Aug 2, 2020

SAGE was visible, was gaining delegation, then I modified the poolmeta.json to include the newly created website and copied the new meta file directly from my node to my server (same as first registration).

After that I was delisted from Daedalus. Adapools shows SAGE is correctly listed.

Now funds that were delegated to SAGE are displayed as Undelegated -> Unknown

My main question is requesting a formal response from IOHK about if we should retire these pools vs a Daedalus patch is released before the end of Epoch 208.




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wtrask4 commented Aug 2, 2020


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3cogito commented Aug 2, 2020

Same issue ADV. Good on pooltools.

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snajjar commented Jan 25, 2021

Same issue yesterday for SPFR. Was displayed on several machine's Daedalus, but not on a freshly installed Daedalus (100% synchronized).

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sp33dy commented Jan 27, 2021

Good afternoon. Can you help? We have registered Buzz and can't see it in Daedalus now, yet it is in every other tool (pooltool, adapools & pm.tool). However, strangely it did this morning. Let me explain the situation:

Yesterday, a pool registered with BUZZ. The Cardano Buzz owner (from ITN) was alerted and asked them to move over (which they kindly did to IBee) and I was asked to create the pool. I did that early evening yesterday, but couldn't see Buzz, when I realised I needed to uppercase BUZZ; after which all was good and it was appearing last night and this morning.

This morning, Cardano Buzz contacted me with the witness details for from the ITN and I reregistered with the new details. This all worked and the nice green tick appeared in Daedalus. Cardano Buzz redelegated his funds and he fired off the marketing to inform people. All happy. We have screenshots (as part of the marketing) and can see in pooltool that Buzz's redelegation is pointing correctly!!!

Just a few hours later, BUZZ disappeared (he was contacted by someone wanting to redelegate over). I've poked the re-registration several times and can see pooltool/adapools change. Suspecting it might be the metadata hash from Pooltool, I then published using a github file instead; for which I've removed the ITN tick, so it's here right now:

Quite simply, have we been locked out for trying to get this work by over re-registering? We urgently need to get this showing and would appreciate advise as to what we should do??

Kind regards

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KtorZ commented Jan 27, 2021

@sp33dy Daedalus (unlike other tools like pooltool, adapools or pm.tool) does actually verify that the JSON metadata file served at the URL indicated does match the hash also registered on-chain. This is to prevent malicious stake pool operators from serving potentially malicious content to users.

In most cases where people have reported their pool not showing up in Daedalus, it's been because the hash specified on-chain wasn't matching the hash re-computed from the hosted metadata. Often it's because of extra newlines or end of file characters added when serving the file. So please, double-check that the binary octet-stream representing your metadata does indeed match exactly what you've specified on-chain in the latest pool registration certificate.

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sp33dy commented Jan 27, 2021

MHi KtorZ, I would agree if I didn't have this scripted and checked; it's why I've tried multiple times with the reregistering.

The existing metadata lives here:

"name": "Cardano Buzz",
"description": "The official OG Cardano Buzz pool",
"ticker": "BUZZ",
"homepage": ""

that computes to: 041e08026e81b7c973a67a276f611b162b8743b31fdde20749b3c56dd0bedc3d

That is confirmed in pool tool (as the current metadata submitted)

Metadata last checked: January 27th 2021, 3:29:19 pm
Hash: 041e08026e81b7c973a67a276f611b162b8743b31fdde20749b3c56dd0bedc3d
metadata pool description: The official OG Cardano Buzz pool
metadata pool homepage:
metadata pool name: Cardano Buzz

So I'm rerunning the registration now with:

--metadata-url "" \
--metadata-hash "041e08026e81b7c973a67a276f611b162b8743b31fdde20749b3c56dd0bedc3d" \

which match up. Clicking now and will check.

P.S. I thought that solved it, but it doesn't, that is the correct hash for the metadata.

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Have you checked if the smash server has picked you up already? There were issues with the smash server lately.

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sp33dy commented Jan 27, 2021

Hi @gitmachtl , no is the honest answer. How can I do that?

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You can call the Smash-Server like:<poolid>/<metahash>

Replace the with your Pool-ID in hex or bech format and with your Meta-Hash in hex.

So in your case its:

This shows me, that the SmashServer has not picked you up at the time of checking here.

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Your stake pool won't show up in Daedalus in case it is not picked up by IOHK SMASH server first.

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I currently have the same issue.
When will SMASH pick up updated pools? Is there a way to force an update?

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Smash was stuck, I smashed it and it's processing new requests again.

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Mine is now also visible on SMASH (but it took 3 hours).
Still not visible in Daedalus

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We're working to get some better operating metrics provided by the service. The wallet has an exponential retry back-off, so restarting daedalus should show it, or just wait until it's retry timer kicks.

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sp33dy commented Jan 27, 2021

I figured out what I think has occured, which leads me to ask, has SMASH been processing today:

(1) Last night I registered Buzz correctly and Daedalus was showing
(2) This morning, we delegated into it; all good
(3) The ITN Witness details were provided, so I re-registered. At that point, we took a snapshot (I thought of Daedalus, it wasn't, it was in Pooltool which shows ok). Looking at the request to SMASH server, it doesn't have our entry, even though it is well formed and has the correct hash.
^^^ to be clear, our delegation appears to have reverted BACK to the ticker before. I had expected it to show UNKNOWN, but instead, it definitely showed the previous pool
(4) During the day, I've tried 4 or 5 re-registrations and NONE appear in the SMASH server

This leads me to point a very pointy finger at the Smash server. I thought we saw the ITN Green tick in Daedalus; but that's not true...

Help? How do we find out if SMASH is running.

P.S. Yoroi is all ok.

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sp33dy commented Jan 27, 2021

It should be almost instant.

@gitmachtl @sp33dy BUZZ stake pool is now visible on SMASH:

Thanks, but no sign in Daedalus; restarted...

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Mine neither

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@sp33dy how did you get your pool to show up on Daedalus? Did you do something else?

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@sp33dy @lukas-kamleitner if it is visible on SMASH it will be also visible in Daedalus - you just have to wait for it.
I can see BUZZ in Daedalus. Not sure what's that ticker of your stake pool @lukas-kamleitner but I am sure it is in Daedalus too.

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sp33dy commented Jan 28, 2021

Good morning. The smash server didn't do us any favour. This morning, I have reports that BUZZ can be seen by others, but not for me. Given that, I've taken the drastic step of deleting the chain and cache folders in the appdata directory. I'm now waiting for a full synch. I expect that to fix my issue. In flight, it shows!

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@sp33dy it will show up eventually. I am sure of that.

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Yes, I can see mine now. My ticker is [ALPS]. But I lost ~10 delegators yesterday and got 7 emails that my pool is displayed as unknown.

How can we prevent such an error in the future?

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Re-registering stake pool leads to this behavior. I am not sure this can be avoided...

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Yeah, but how can we check if SMASH is running?

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I would have waited with the update process if I had known, that SMASH was lagging

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I can not give you that answer. Please post your question on

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Thanks, will do

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