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Arnaud Bailly edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Process Calculi

Some attempt at modelling Hydra head protocol using π-calculus like notation.


I have used "traditional" π-calculus notation with a lot of hand-waving and some abuse for iteration over n instances:

  • ν x.P creates new channel and binds it to variable x then proceeds as P
  • p (x).P receives a message and binds (or pattern-match) it to x then proceeds as P
  • p <x>.P sends message x over p then proceeds as P
  • P || Q is parallel composition of 2 processes
  • 0 stops a process
  • !P spawns infinitely many instances of process P.

Transaction Emitter

TxEmitter is a process that takes as parameters a client channel and n channels to communicate with other nodes:

TxEmitter (client, p_1 ... p_n) =

then starts infinitely many transaction (tx) handlers. Input construct is a binder so here tx is a fresh variable whose content will be the received transaction payload:

  !( client(tx).

broadcast reqTx message to all other parties. If message sending is really asynchronous then there should not be a continuation after sending but let's keep things simple

     (p_i < (req, tx) > { i = 1 .. n }).

concurrently wait for all ackTx messages. Here, ack and tx should not be fresh variables but actually patterns the message is matched on, eg. we are only interested in the ackTx message for the current tx of interest.

    ((|| p_i ((ack,tx))) { i = 1 .. n }).

then broadcast confirmation and stop:

   (p_i < (conf, tx) > { i = 1 .. n }).0

Transaction Observer

TxObserver is a a process that takes as parameters n channels to communicat with other nodes:

TxObserver (p_1 .. p_n) =

Then it starts infinitely many transaction observation handlers on each of the p_i channels

  !( Handler(p_1) || ... || Handler(p_n))

The Handler process then handles confirmation of a single transaction and stops:

   Handler(p) =
       p ((req,tx)) .
       p < (ack, tx) > .
       p ((conf, tx)).0


The role of the Mux process is then to handle proper dispatching of messages through underlying transport. We assume the transport messages carry the identity (channel) of interest when receiving it but still needs n channels as parameters for egress messages:

Mux(transport, p_1, ..., p_n) =

We both need to retrieve ingress messages and dispatch them to the right channel, with infinitely many replicas:

  !(transport((msg, p)) . p < msg >.0)

composed in parallel with egress messages dispatching over the n channels:

  !( || p_i (msg) . transport < (msg, i) >.0 {i = 1 .. n} )


A node then results from the composition of those processes following creation of proper channels

ν transport .
  ν client .
    ν p_i { i = 1 .. n } .
     (TxEmitter(client, p_1 .. p_n) || TxObserver(p_1 .. p_n) || Mux(transport, p_1 .. p_n)).0
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