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Merge pull request #360 from input-output-hk/scp-4704-post-contracts
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SCP-4704 POST /contracts
  • Loading branch information
jhbertra committed Nov 24, 2022
2 parents 0a374b1 + b83d0bb commit b8bc8a1
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Showing 22 changed files with 878 additions and 169 deletions.
29 changes: 13 additions & 16 deletions marlowe-runtime/cli/Language/Marlowe/Runtime/CLI/Command/Create.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ module Language.Marlowe.Runtime.CLI.Command.Create

import qualified Cardano.Api as C
import Control.Error (MaybeT(MaybeT, runMaybeT))
import Control.Error.Util (hoistMaybe, noteT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(ExceptT), throwE)
import Data.Aeson (toJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(first, second))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Expand All @@ -38,7 +37,8 @@ import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Core.Api
, MarloweVersionTag(V1)
, SomeMarloweVersion(SomeMarloweVersion)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Transaction.Api (CreateError, MarloweTxCommand(Create), Mint, mkMint)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Transaction.Api
(ContractCreated(..), CreateError, MarloweTxCommand(Create), RoleTokensConfig(..), mkMint)
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.NonEmpty (some1)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,15 +154,13 @@ createCommandParser = info (txCommandParser parser) $ progDesc "Create a new Mar
runCreateCommand :: TxCommand CreateCommand -> CLI ()
runCreateCommand TxCommand { walletAddresses, signingMethod, metadataFile, subCommand=CreateCommand{..}} = case marloweVersion of
SomeMarloweVersion MarloweV1 -> runCLIExceptT do
minting' <- runMaybeT do
roles' <- MaybeT $ pure roles
case roles' of
MintSimple tokens -> do
toNFT addr = (addr, Left 1)
pure $ Right . mkMint . fmap (second toNFT) $ tokens
UseExistingPolicyId policyId -> pure . Left $ policyId
MintConfig _ -> MaybeT $ throwE (RolesConfigNotSupportedYet roles')
minting' <- case roles of
Nothing -> pure RoleTokensNone
Just (MintSimple tokens) -> do
let toNFT addr = (addr, Left 1)
pure $ RoleTokensMint $ mkMint $ fmap toNFT <$> tokens
Just (UseExistingPolicyId policyId) -> pure $ RoleTokensUsePolicy policyId
Just roles'@(MintConfig _) -> throwE (RolesConfigNotSupportedYet roles')
ContractId contractId <- run MarloweV1 minting'
liftIO . print $ A.encode (A.object [("contractId", toJSON . renderTxOutRef $ contractId)])
Expand All @@ -181,15 +179,14 @@ runCreateCommand TxCommand { walletAddresses, signingMethod, metadataFile, subCo
noteT (MetadataDecodingFailed Nothing) $ hoistMaybe (fromJSONEncodedTransactionMetadata metadataJSON)
Nothing -> pure mempty

run :: MarloweVersion v -> Maybe (Either PolicyId Mint) -> ExceptT (CreateCommandError v) CLI ContractId
run :: MarloweVersion v -> RoleTokensConfig -> ExceptT (CreateCommandError v) CLI ContractId
run version rolesDistribution = do
contract <- readContract version
metadata <- readMetadata
cmd = Create Nothing version walletAddresses rolesDistribution metadata minUTxO contract
(contractId, transaction) <- ExceptT $ first CreateFailed <$> runTxCommand cmd
ContractCreated{contractId,txBody} <- ExceptT $ first CreateFailed <$> runTxCommand cmd
case signingMethod of
Manual outputFile -> do
ExceptT $ liftIO $ first TransactionFileWriteFailed <$> C.writeFileTextEnvelope outputFile Nothing transaction
ExceptT $ liftIO $ first TransactionFileWriteFailed <$> C.writeFileTextEnvelope outputFile Nothing txBody
pure contractId

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions marlowe-runtime/marlowe-runtime.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ library web
, lens
, marlowe
, marlowe-runtime
, network-uri
, openapi3
, servant
, servant-pagination
Expand All @@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ library web-server
base >= 4.9 && < 5
, aeson
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,12 +483,14 @@ test-suite web-server-test
, aeson
, bytestring
, hspec
, network-arbitrary
, marlowe
, marlowe-runtime:web
, marlowe-runtime:web-server
, marlowe-test
, openapi3
, QuickCheck
, quickcheck-instances
, regex-posix
, servant-openapi3
, text
Expand Down
125 changes: 71 additions & 54 deletions marlowe-runtime/src/Language/Marlowe/Runtime/Transaction/Api.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,15 @@
module Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Transaction.Api
( ApplyInputsConstraintsBuildupError(..)
, ApplyInputsError(..)
, ContractCreated(..)
, CreateBuildupError(..)
, CreateError(..)
, JobId(..)
, LoadMarloweContextError(..)
, MarloweTxCommand(..)
, Mint(unMint)
, NFTMetadata(unNFTMetadata)
, RoleTokensConfig(..)
, SubmitError(..)
, SubmitStatus(..)
, WalletAddresses(..)
Expand All @@ -24,17 +26,7 @@ module Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Transaction.Api
, mkNFTMetadata
) where

import Cardano.Api
( AsType(..)
, BabbageEra
, SerialiseAsRawBytes(serialiseToRawBytes)
, Tx
, TxBody
, deserialiseFromCBOR
, deserialiseFromRawBytes
, serialiseToCBOR
import Cardano.Api.Shelley (StakeCredential(..))
import Cardano.Api (AsType(..), BabbageEra, IsCardanoEra, Tx, TxBody, cardanoEra, deserialiseFromCBOR, serialiseToCBOR)
import Data.Binary (Binary, Get, get, getWord8, put)
import Data.Binary.Put (Put, putWord8)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
Expand All @@ -46,16 +38,20 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Type.Equality (type (:~:)(Refl))
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Cardano.Api (cardanoEraToAsType)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.ChainSync.Api
( Address
, Assets
, BlockHeader
, Lovelace
, Metadata
, PlutusScript
, PolicyId
, ScriptHash
, StakeCredential
, TokenName
, TransactionMetadata
, TxId
Expand All @@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ import Network.Protocol.Job.Types (Command(..), SomeTag(..))

-- CIP-25 metadata
newtype NFTMetadata = NFTMetadata { unNFTMetadata :: Metadata }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype (Binary)

-- FIXME: Validate the metadata format
Expand All @@ -78,12 +74,62 @@ mkNFTMetadata = Just . NFTMetadata

-- | Non empty mint request.
newtype Mint = Mint { unMint :: Map TokenName (Address, Either Natural (Maybe NFTMetadata)) }
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype (Binary, Semigroup, Monoid)

mkMint :: NonEmpty (TokenName, (Address, Either Natural (Maybe NFTMetadata))) -> Mint
mkMint = Mint . Map.fromList . NonEmpty.toList

data RoleTokensConfig
= RoleTokensNone
| RoleTokensUsePolicy PolicyId
| RoleTokensMint Mint
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary)

data ContractCreated era v = ContractCreated
{ contractId :: ContractId
, rolesCurrency :: PolicyId
, metadata :: Map Word64 Metadata
, marloweScriptHash :: ScriptHash
, marloweScriptAddress :: Address
, payoutScriptHash :: ScriptHash
, payoutScriptAddress :: Address
, version :: MarloweVersion v
, datum :: Datum v
, assets :: Assets
, txBody :: TxBody era

deriving instance Show (ContractCreated BabbageEra 'V1)
deriving instance Eq (ContractCreated BabbageEra 'V1)

instance IsCardanoEra era => Binary (ContractCreated era 'V1) where
put ContractCreated{..} = do
put contractId
put rolesCurrency
put metadata
put marloweScriptHash
put marloweScriptAddress
put payoutScriptHash
put payoutScriptAddress
putDatum MarloweV1 datum
put assets
putTxBody txBody
get = do
contractId <- get
rolesCurrency <- get
metadata <- get
marloweScriptHash <- get
marloweScriptAddress <- get
payoutScriptHash <- get
payoutScriptAddress <- get
datum <- getDatum MarloweV1
assets <- get
txBody <- getTxBody
let version = MarloweV1
pure ContractCreated{..}

-- | The low-level runtime API for building and submitting transactions.
data MarloweTxCommand status err result where
-- | Construct a transaction that starts a new Marlowe contract. The
Expand All @@ -97,18 +143,15 @@ data MarloweTxCommand status err result where
-- ^ The Marlowe version to use
-> WalletAddresses
-- ^ The wallet addresses to use when constructing the transaction
-> Maybe (Either PolicyId Mint)
-- ^ The initial distribution of role tokens
-> RoleTokensConfig
-- ^ How to initialize role tokens
-> TransactionMetadata
-- ^ Optional metadata to attach to the transaction
-> Lovelace
-- ^ Min Lovelace which should be used for the contract output.
-> Contract v
-- ^ The contract to run
-> MarloweTxCommand Void (CreateError v)
( ContractId -- The ID of the contract (tx output that carries the datum)
, TxBody BabbageEra -- The unsigned tx body, to be signed by a wallet.
-> MarloweTxCommand Void (CreateError v) (ContractCreated BabbageEra v)

-- | Construct a transaction that advances an active Marlowe contract by
-- applying a sequence of inputs. The resulting, unsigned transaction can be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +205,7 @@ data MarloweTxCommand status err result where

instance Command MarloweTxCommand where
data Tag MarloweTxCommand status err result where
TagCreate :: MarloweVersion v -> Tag MarloweTxCommand Void (CreateError v) (ContractId, TxBody BabbageEra)
TagCreate :: MarloweVersion v -> Tag MarloweTxCommand Void (CreateError v) (ContractCreated BabbageEra v)
TagApplyInputs :: MarloweVersion v -> Tag MarloweTxCommand Void (ApplyInputsError v) (TxBody BabbageEra)
TagWithdraw :: MarloweVersion v -> Tag MarloweTxCommand Void (WithdrawError v) (TxBody BabbageEra)
TagSubmit :: Tag MarloweTxCommand SubmitStatus SubmitError BlockHeader
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,17 +264,7 @@ instance Command MarloweTxCommand where

putCommand = \case
Create mStakeCredential version walletAddresses roles metadata minAda contract -> do
case mStakeCredential of
Nothing -> putWord8 0x01
Just credential -> do
putWord8 0x02
case credential of
StakeCredentialByKey stakeKeyHash -> do
putWord8 0x01
put $ serialiseToRawBytes stakeKeyHash
StakeCredentialByScript scriptHash -> do
putWord8 0x02
put $ serialiseToRawBytes scriptHash
put mStakeCredential
put walletAddresses
put roles
put metadata
Expand All @@ -251,24 +284,7 @@ instance Command MarloweTxCommand where

getCommand = \case
TagCreate version -> do
mStakeCredentialTag <- getWord8
mStakeCredential <- case mStakeCredentialTag of
0x01 -> pure Nothing
0x02 -> Just <$> do
stakeCredentialTag <- getWord8
case stakeCredentialTag of
0x01 -> do
bytes <- get
case deserialiseFromRawBytes (AsHash AsStakeKey) bytes of
Nothing -> fail "invalid stake key hash bytes"
Just stakeKeyHash -> pure $ StakeCredentialByKey stakeKeyHash
0x02 -> do
bytes <- get
case deserialiseFromRawBytes AsScriptHash bytes of
Nothing -> fail "invalid stake key hash bytes"
Just scriptHash -> pure $ StakeCredentialByScript scriptHash
_ -> fail $ "Invalid stake credential tag " <> show stakeCredentialTag
_ -> fail $ "Invalid Maybe tag " <> show mStakeCredentialTag
mStakeCredential <- get
walletAddresses <- get
roles <- get
metadata <- get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,24 +343,24 @@ instance Command MarloweTxCommand where
TagSubmit -> get

putResult = \case
TagCreate _ -> \(contractId, txBody) -> put contractId *> putTxBody txBody
TagCreate MarloweV1 -> put
TagApplyInputs _ -> putTxBody
TagWithdraw _ -> putTxBody
TagSubmit -> put

getResult = \case
TagCreate _ -> (,) <$> get <*> getTxBody
TagCreate MarloweV1 -> get
TagApplyInputs _ -> getTxBody
TagWithdraw _ -> getTxBody
TagSubmit -> get

putTxBody :: TxBody BabbageEra -> Put
putTxBody :: IsCardanoEra era => TxBody era -> Put
putTxBody = put . serialiseToCBOR

getTxBody :: Get (TxBody BabbageEra)
getTxBody :: forall era. IsCardanoEra era => Get (TxBody era)
getTxBody = do
bytes <- get @ByteString
case deserialiseFromCBOR (AsTxBody AsBabbage) bytes of
case deserialiseFromCBOR (AsTxBody $ cardanoEraToAsType $ cardanoEra @era) bytes of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right txBody -> pure txBody

Expand All @@ -359,6 +375,7 @@ data CreateError v
= CreateConstraintError (ConstraintError v)
| CreateLoadMarloweContextFailed LoadMarloweContextError
| CreateBuildupFailed CreateBuildupError
| CreateToCardanoError
deriving (Generic)

data CreateBuildupError
Expand Down

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