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2.3. Using the Web Interface

Cécile Robin edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Only until the taxonomy step

  1. (optional) If you choose to use Mongo, install MongoDb (use the default settings)

    And start a session by typing 'mongod' on a terminal. MongoDB has to be running.

    The file ./ contains some information, such as the name given to the database, the host and port it will run on. If using Mongo, you need to change the database name (default to saffron_test) edit the file and change the line: export MONGO_DB_NAME=saffron_test

    To change the Mongo HOST and PORT, edit the same file on the following:

     export MONGO_URL=localhost
     export MONGO_PORT=27017
  2. To start the Saffron Web server, simply choose a directory for Saffron to create the models and run the command as follows


  3. Then open the following url in a browser to access the Web Interface. All results from this pipeline (output JSON files) will be generated in the ./web/data/ folder.
