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Explore use cases

In short, to integrate with Insolar MainNet, do the following:

  1. Create an Insolar wallet to keep the users' XNS coins. See the use cases: :ref:`Create a Wallet <create_wallet>` and :ref:`Get the Wallet's Balance <get_balance>`.
  2. Let the users deposit XNS coins to your wallet — provide them with the wallet address. See the use cases: :ref:`Deposit Funds to Exchange <deposit_funds_to_ex>` and :ref:`Deposit Coins to Exchange <deposit_coins_to_ex>`.
  3. Let the users withdraw XNS coins. They must create their own wallets in the MainNet and provide you with their addresses. See the use cases: :ref:`Create a Wallet <create_wallet>` and :ref:`Withdraw Coins from Exchange <withdraw_coins_from_ex>`.
  4. Transfer XNS coins between wallets in the MainNet. See the use case: :ref:`Transfer Coins <transfer_coins>`.
  5. Get information on transactions in the MainNet. See the corresponding API request.

To invoke APIs correctly, familiarize yourself with:

  • General API invocation sequence.
  • List of API integration use cases. Each use case describes a sequence of steps and a list of corresponding API requests used in those steps.

The requests themselves are described in detail in the Insolar's API specifications — MainNet API and Observer API.

To simplify testing, Insolar can provide a testing environment on demand.

General API invocation sequence

The general API invocation sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Invoking Insolar API

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as Ins
   control "insolar-observer-api\nEndpoint" as Obs

   group insolar-api\n(wallet creation, transfers)
        E -> Ins : RPC API POST\n\t<b>node.getSeed</b>()
        activate Ins
        return <color:blue><b>seed</b></color>\n\t(used to identify individual RPC API request)

        E -> Ins : RPC API POST\n\t<b></b>(\n\t\t<color:blue><b>seed</b></color>,\n\t\tother params\n\t)
        activate Ins
        Ins -> Ins : handling\nAPI request
        return result

   group insolar-observer-api\n(reading wallet balance and other info)
        E -> Obs: REST GET\n\t<b>endpoint</b>/{params}
        activate Obs
        Obs -> Obs : handling\nAPI request
        return result


Integration use cases

Below is the list of integration use cases.

Use case: Create a wallet

To create a wallet:

  1. Generate a key pair.
  2. Invoke Insolar's API:
    1. Provide the public key.
    2. Receive a reference to the new member — address in the Insolar network.

The wallet creation sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Wallet Creation

   actor "User" as U
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   activate U
   U -> U : generate new key pair\n\t(<b>publicKey</b> used later\n\tto create & identify Insolar user)

   U -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   U -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tmember.create(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins : invokes the MainNet
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : creates\n\tnew user & wallet
   return <b>memberReference</b>\n\t(used later to identify\n\tInsolar member & wallet)
   deactivate U


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • member.create

Use case: Get the wallet's balance

To view the balance, a user (exchange or any other user) can either:

  • Use the Insolar's Web Wallet.
  • Or invoke the API using the Insolar's credentials (memberReference or publicKey).

The viewing sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Get Balance

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   control "insolar-observer-api\nEndpoint" as REST
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   == Identifying a User (if memberReference not provided) ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.get</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : identifies a user
   return memberReference

   == Getting Wallet Info ==
   Ins <--> REST : stay in sync
   activate Ins
   activate REST
   deactivate REST
   deactivate Ins
   E -> REST: REST GET\n\t<b>member</b>/{<b>memberReference</b>}
   activate E
   activate REST
   return {\n\tbalance,\n\tdeposits\n}
   E -> REST: REST GET\n\t<b>balance</b>/{<b>memberReference</b>}
   activate E
   activate REST
   return balance
   deactivate E


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • member.get

API endpoints used:

  • GET <observer_URL>/member/{memberReference}
  • GET <observer_URL>/member/{memberReference}/balance

Use case: Transfer coins

To transfer XNS coins to another user, a user (exchange or any other) can either:

  • Use the Insolar's Web Wallet.
  • Or invoke the API.

To transfer coins via API, provide:

  1. The sender's memberReference, so Insolar can identify the sender.
  2. toMemberReference, the reference of the recipient.
  3. An amount of XNS coins to transfer.


To retrieve the memberReference, invoke the relevant API and provide a public key.

The transfer sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Coin Transfer

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   == Identifying a User (if memberReference not provided) ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.get</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : identifies a user
   return memberReference

   == Performing Transfer ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.transfer</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\tpublicKey,\t\t\t\t// user performing the transfer\n\t\tmemberReference,\t// user performing the transfer\n\t\t<b>amount</b>,\n\t\t<b>toMemberReference</b>\t// the recipient\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : performs transfer
   return {\n\tfee,\t// transfer's fee value\n\trequestReference\n}


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • (optional) member.get
  • member.transfer

Use case: Deposit funds to exchange

When a user deposits funds to the exchange and immediately converts them to XNS, an accompanying transfer between wallets should be performed.

This case is analogous to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to a user from whose wallet the coins are withdrawn.
  • toMemberReference is the reference to the exchange's wallet.

Use case: Deposit coins to exchange

When a user deposits XNS coins to the exchange, an accompanying transfer between wallets should be performed.

This case is analogous to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to a user from whose wallet the coins are withdrawn.
  • toMemberReference is the reference to the exchange's wallet.

Use case: Withdraw coins from exchange

Prerequisite: the recipient must have an Insolar's wallet created as described in :ref:`wallet creation <create_wallet>`.

This case is analogous to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to a user from whose wallet the coins are withdrawn.


    This can be either a wallet opened by the exchange for the user, or the exchange's wallet.

  • toMemberReference is the reference to the recipient.