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MiSalud pilot project for Doctors of the World NYC.

Development setup

Instructions for setting up a development environment.

  1. Install ruby 2.4.0. If using rbenv, run:

    $ rbenv install 2.4.0
    $ rbenv shell 2.4.0
    $ gem install bundler
  2. Install project dependencies

    $ bundle install --path=.bundle
  3. Create MySQL database

    $ bundle exec rake db:setup
  4. Optionally create fake data

    $ bundle exec rake data:fake
  5. Start the server and open a browser at localhost:3000

    $ bundle exec rails server

Development (Docker)

The docker-compose.yml includes a postgres db and a app container with a rails environment. The surveys:worker / rspec can be run manually from it.

$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -it misalud_app_1 bash
root@96be4add9815:/# cd /src
root@96be4add9815:/src# rspec

Twilio configuration

Write twilio channel information in config/settings(.local).yml. Use ngrok or similar to get a public address to setup twilio webhook. Run the following with your public address to setup the webhook.

$ bundle exec rails c
irb(main):003:0> "https://API_USER:API_PASS@PUBLIC_ADDRESS/twilio/sms"

Verboice configuration

Write verboice project information in config/settings(.local).yml.

In verboice project settings set the "Status callback" to https://API_USER:API_PASS@PUBLIC_ADDRESS/services/status-callback.

In verboice external services use the manifest at https://PUBLIC_ADDRESS/verboice.xml.

Resourcemap configuration

Write resourcemap collection information in config/settings(.local).yml.

Background jobs

The following will run a worker every 30 seconds for background tasks.

$ bundle exec rake surveys:worker


In config/settings(.local).yml there are basic_auth and api_basic_auth entries. Each of them with username and password to restric access to the web interface and to secure api endpoints (For verboices and twilio the same api_basic_auth is used).


A Docker image at is available. Configurations in setting.yml can be overridden using environment variables. Eg: basic_auth.username with SETTINGS__BASIC_AUTH__USERNAME.