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Terraform Modules for DC/OS on AWS

An (almost) produciton ready set of modules for provisioning DC/OS in AWS.

These modules implement the advanced installer ( and using some clever terraform tricks, are able to do it in a single terraform apply

What it does:

  • Builds the prerequisite resources to get a s3 bucket for exhibitor and internal ELB for master discovery
  • Creates an S3 VPC endpoint that replaces the need for a bootstrap server
  • Passes those resources into a script that builds and uploads a DC/OS package via docker and waits for it to finish
  • Provisions ASGs and ELBs for masters, slaves, etc
  • Creates ECR repos and lambda function for writing docker credentials for private images
  • Gives you extension points for customizing as you see fit

What is missing here (and hope to get added):

  • Modules for creating initial VPC
  • CloudWatch alerts for monitoring

What else you will need to add:

Their are some decisions I don't want to make for you, but this intended to be flexible enough to extend to fit your needs, but will probably want to consider:

  • Log aggregation for DC/OS components
  • Host level metric collection

Getting Started


  • Be famaliar with terraform
  • have docker installed with proper volumes support (see Docker Notes below)
  • have a VPC provisioned you want to deploy in

Create the terraform

The example belows gives a complete example of creating a DC/OS cluster using the default setup of:

  • 3 masters in private subnets, with an external admin ELB and an internal discovery ELB
  • 5 agents in private subnets, with an internal ELB for exposing VPC only apps
  • 2 public agents in private subnets, with an external ELB for publicly exposing apps

It also creates an ECR repo with a lambda function that drops credentials into a bucket for consumption by marathon for pulling private images

variable "vpc_id" {
  default = "vpc-xxxxxxx"
  description = "the vpc you want to provision into"
variable "route_table_ids" {
  default = "rtb-xxxxxx1,rtb-xxxxxx2"
  description = "comma seperated list of route tables"
variable "cluster_name" {
  default = "test_env"
  description = "the name of the environment, allows for multiple DC/OS clusters in a VPC"
variable "network" {
  default = ""
  description = "the cidr of your VPC"
variable "public_subnets" {
  default = ["subnet-xxxxxx1","subnet-xxxxxx2"]
  type = "list"
  description = "a comma seperated list of public subnets in your VPC"
variable "private_subnets" {
  default = ["subnet-xxxxxx1","subnet-xxxxxx2"]
  type = "list"
  description = "a comma seperated list of private subnets in your VPC"
variable "key_name" {
  default = "my_key"
  description = "the ssh key name you want to use in provision hosts"
variable "region_azs" {
  default = ["a","b"]
  type = "list"
  description = "the availiability zones corresponding to your subnets"
provider "aws" {
  region = "${var.aws_region}"

module  "dcos_region" {
  source = ""
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
  aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
  route_table_ids = "${var.route_table_ids}"

module "dcos_core" {
  source = ""
  cluster_name = "${var.env_name}"
  dcos_version = "1.10"
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
  aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
  network = "${}" # cidr of VPC
  public_subnets = "${var.public_subnets}"
  private_subnets = "${var.private_subnets}"
  #use the same bucket for both
  bootstrap_bucket = "${module.dcos_region.bucket}"
  exhibitor_bucket = "${module.dcos_region.bucket}"
  key_name = "${var.key_name}"
  region_azs = "${var.region_azs}"

variable "namespace" {
  default = "my_group"
  description = "the namespace you want to create repos under"
variable "repo_names" {
  default = ["my_app1","myapp_2"]
  type = "list"
  description = "a list of ECR repos you want to create"
variable "account_id" {
  default = "1234567890"
  description = "your aws account id"
variable "allowed_users" {
  default = ["bob","lisa","mark"]
  type = "list"
  description = "a list of IAM users who should be able to push to the given repos"
module "ecr" {
  source = ""
  env_name = "${var.env_name}"
  # we reuse this bucket for also storing docker creds
  docker_cred_bucket = "${module.dcos_region.bootstrap_bucket}"
  namespace = "${var.namespace}"
  repo_names = "${var.repo_names}"
  account_id = "${var.account_id}"
  users = "${var.allowed_users}"

Build it

terraform plan and terraform apply should bring you up a full DC/OS cluster

Advanced Usage

The modules are highly modularlized, allowing for a customization. If you don't want public agents, you don't have to have them. See the modules folder for the individual modules. Additionally, you may want to use different user_data for setting up nodes, such as adding users or running your own config management. To faciliate that, any resources that use templates or provisioner scripts take paths that allow for injecting custom functionality.

Module Details

Here are descriptions of each module, mix and match as you please to build your customized cluster

  • dcos_agent_group, creates a role, ELB, and ASG of private agents, used in dcos_core, just combines other modules
  • dcos_agent_role, the IAM role that agents use by default
  • dcos_asg, an ASG and launch configuration that are used for all DC/OS roles
  • dcos_bootstrap, the module that creates a DC/OS bootstrap package
  • dcos_core, the 'default' DC/OS setup, which is simply composed of other modules
  • dcos_lb, an ELB for association with an ASG
  • dcos_master_group, creates a role, public ELB, and ASG for masters, used in dcos_core, just combines other modules
  • dcos_master_internal_lb, creates the internal elb, required for master_discovery: master_http_loadbalancer
  • dcos_master_role, the IAM role that masters use by default
  • dcos_public_agent_group, creates a role, public ELB, and ASG of agents marked as public_slave
  • dcos_region, creates s3 buckets and s3 vpc endpoint, you only need one of these per region
  • dcos_spot_asg, the same as dcos_asg but sets a spot price
  • default_sec_group, the default security group that all DC/OS components (nodes and ELBs) have to allow for communcation
  • ecr, creates the ecr_cred_lambda as well as ecr_repo
  • ecr_cred_lambda, creates a lambda function for writing docker credentials to s3
  • ecr_repo, creates a number of ECR repos and makes the images readable by all

Override Files

The files directory, contains a few different scripts. If you want to override behavior of these you should generally be able to:

  • Copy the files locally
  • Customize as you see fit
  • Path this path to the relevant module, overriding the including config

The three current places this technique are used are:

  • files/scripts/, 'dcos_bootstrap' call this script to build and upload the DC/OS package, set build_script_path to override
  • files/ecr_writer/, gets called to build the lambda function used in ecr_cred_lambda and upload it to s3, to override this, you need to provide lambda_package_path with a script that uploads a lambda package the specified s3 path
  • files/user_data.tpl, dcos_asg and dcos_asg_spot use this template for user data. Set cloud_config_template to a custom template to override.



See the docs/ folder for generated markdown of the inputs and outputs of each module (built using

Docker Notes

Currently, the script only runs in linux and itself makes use of docker. To make this work on OSX, the script that builds the bootstrap package runs a priviliged docker image and requires that you use a docker setup where the host can properly use volumes in arbitary locations. On OSX, this means using either Docker For Mac of dinghy, on linux, it should just work


  • Add in a VPC module for a basic VPC setup
  • Create a 'root' module that replicates almost everything the default DC/OS cloudformation does
  • Add in Cloudwatch monitoring
  • Add in more machine options, such as spot block and spot fleet support

Old Versions

Breaking changes are handeled by... not really handling them. It is recomended you pin your import of this TF to a sha.


All contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Open an issue dicsussing any major changes you want to make (for smaller changes, feel free to skip this)
  2. Fork the project
  3. Make your changes and run the script to ensure it doesn't have any errors
  4. Open a pull request