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Conditionals and Loops

pablocar80 edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 7 revisions

We can toggle the presence of an element with the Render boolean property:

using Integrative.Lara;

internal class ConditionalRenderComponent : WebComponent
    private bool _showText;
    public bool ShowText { get => _showText; set => SetProperty(ref _showText, value); }

    public ConditionalRenderComponent()
        ShadowRoot.Children = new Node[]
            new HtmlDivElement
                InnerText = "Hello!",
            .Bind(this, x => x.Render = ShowText) // Render property here

And dynamically generate a list of elements from an observable collection:

using Integrative.Lara;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

internal class MyList : WebComponent
    private readonly ObservableCollection<string> _names = new ObservableCollection<string>();

    public MyList()
        ShadowRoot.Children = new Node[]
            Fragment.ForEach(_names, (string name) => new HtmlDivElement { InnerText = name }),