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Getting Started

pablocar80 edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 14 revisions

To create a sample application:

  • Create a new Console project
  • Add the NuGet package Integrative.Lara
  • In the program.cs file, paste the following code:
using Integrative.Lara;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SampleApp
    public static class Program
        public static async Task Main()
            // create and start application
            const int port = 8182;
            using var app = new Application();
            app.PublishPage("/", () => new MyCounterComponent { Value = 5 });
            await app.Start(new StartServerOptions { Port = port });

            // print address on console (set project's output type to WinExe to avoid console)
            var address = $"http://localhost:{port}";
            Console.WriteLine($"Listening on {address}/");

            // helper function to launch browser (comment out as needed)

            // wait for ASP.NET Core shutdown
            await app.WaitForShutdown();

    internal class MyCounterComponent : WebComponent
        private int _value;
        public int Value { get => _value; set => SetProperty(ref _value, value); }

        public MyCounterComponent()
            ShadowRoot.Children = new Node[]
                new HtmlDivElement()
                    .Bind(this, x => x.InnerText = Value.ToString()),
                new HtmlButtonElement { InnerText = "Increase" }
                    .Event("click", () => Value++)

After that, execute and verify that your program launches a browser tab, and this tab has a clickable button that increase a counter.

In the example above, we see 2 main sections of code:

  • The Program class with the Main method, which is the entry point for out program
  • the MyCounterComponent class, which defines a user interface component

The main program and our component are linked to each other with this line:

app.PublishPage("/", () => new MyCounterComponent { Value = 5 });

The purpose of that line is to associate the default URL ('/') with our component. Whenever a browser requests that URL, our program will return a page created with a new instance of our component.