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Intel Optimized Speech-to-Text Analytics System using OpenAI Whisper

Intel optimized Speech-to-Text Analytics System performs voice-to-text transcription, diarization and speaker-aware transcription. Downstream tasks for associated analytics, such as listen-to-speak ratio, average talking speed, longest customer monologue, switches per conversation, average pause time and keyword spotting are computed using speaker-aware transcription.


Solution Architecture


Once the input audio is fed to the system, diarization pipeline generates speaker-level time stamps (time duration per speaker utterance) and transcription pipeline generates word-level timestamps (time stamps of each word). These two outputs are combined to get speaker aware transcription. All the associated analytics are computed from generated speaker aware transcription.

Note: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis are work in progress.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

1. Installation

Create a virtual environment.

conda create -n asr_pipeline python=3.10 -y
conda activate asr_pipeline

Install dependenices using the installation script.


2. Run Transcription

python --config_file config/asr_transcription.yaml --input_audio <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./output/

3. Speaker Aware Transcription

During speaker aware transcription, this repo uses pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.1 for diarization. Please get access to diarization model from

Create a .env file and set HF_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. This token is needed for diarization models. It can be obtained from HuggingFace.

HF_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your access token>

Run the speaker aware transcription pipeline.

python --config_file config/asr_speaker_aware.yaml --input_audio <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./output/logs --target_keywords rabbit,duchess,king

On successful execution, the following outputs are generated inside output/logs folder

  1. raw_transcription.txt - Transcription of input audio
  2. aligned_transcription.txt - Transcription time aligned with input audio
  3. diarization_transcription.txt - Separate audio by speaker with attribution
  4. segment_transcription.txt - Speaker utterance with timestamps
  5. analytics.txt - Computed associated analytics
  6. logs.txt - Information on configurations, execution and profiling.

Transcription Models

Transcription supports two backends - HuggingFace and FasterWhisper

1. HuggingFace (Recommended)

Please refer the links below for options on models(size) and their respective keys.

The default HuggingFace transcription topology is distil-whisper/distil-large-v2. To select a different topology, update asr_transcription.yaml or asr_speaker_aware.yaml accordingly. Usage example,

  topology: distil-whisper/distil-large-v2 # model name key
  compute_type: fp32
  backend: HFWhisper
  batch_size: 16 # Chunk batch size for long-form transcription
  device: cpu

2. FasterWhisper

For model name keys, please refer

The default FasterWhisper transcription topology is large-v2. To select a different topology, update asr_transcription.yaml or asr_speaker_aware.yaml accordingly. Usage example,

  topology: large-v2 # model name key
  compute_type: fp32
  backend: whisperx 
  batch_size: 16 # Chunk batch size for long-form transcription
  device: cpu

For long-form transcription batch_size option should be set.


This repo uses WhisperX for transcription alignment. Please refer WhisperX for more details.

Model Serving and REST APIs

The repo contains a Dockerfile for easy and quick deployment. The rest_api module contains necessary code for exposing REST API endpoints. APIs are built using FastAPI and models are served using Ray Serve.

1. Build a docker image

sudo docker build -t intel-e2e-asr .

If there is an error in building an image due to proxy settings use following command,

sudo docker build -t intel-e2e-asr --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy --build-arg NO_PROXY="$no_proxy" --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg no_proxy="$no_proxy" .

2. Add Proxies to .env file (Required only if network is guarded by proxy)

File should look as follows,

HF_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your access token>
http_proxy=<proxy settings> 
https_proxy=<proxy settings>

3. serve_config.yaml

serve_config.yaml is configuration file for serving models. num_cpus and other options in the serve_config.yaml should be set according to the platform.

4. Run the docker container

sudo docker run -d --name asr_container --env-file=.env -p 8888:8000 intel-e2e-asr

5. Access the APIs

To interact with APIs using Swagger UI open http://localhost:8000/docs in your browser.

Run server with bare metal setup

It is also possible to serve models with bare metal installations. Use following command.

serve run serve_config.yaml

User Interface

This repo contains a streamlit application to interact with APIs. To run streamlit app,

python -m streamlit run ui/

By default, the streamlit application runs on http://localhost:8501/

Performance Tuning


  • Examples using the BFloat16 data type require machines with the Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512) BF16 and Intel® Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel® AMX) BF16 instruction sets.

  • Following performance tuning examples uses Intel® Extension for PyTorch* on Intel CPUs.


To speed-up the inference with the Low-Precision Data Type bfloat16, specify bf16 for compute_type key in the configuration file.

  topology: distil-whisper/distil-large-v2 
  compute_type: bf16 # uses bfloat16
  backend: HFWhisper # HFWhisper or whisperx
  batch_size: 16 # Chunk batch size for long-form transcription
  device: cpu

During inference Auto Mixed Precision (AMP) is used with bfloat16 data type. bfloat16 is also supported for diarization and alignment models.

  compute_type: bf16
  language: en
  backend: whisperx_alignment
  device: cpu
  pipeline_config: pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.1 
  use_auth_token: true
  compute_type: bf16
  device: cpu
  backend: pyannote_diarization

Similary int8 can be specified for the compute_type. It performs dynamic quantization using Intel® Extension for PyTorch*. Check the support matrix for details on supported data types Supported Dtype

Run time environments

For runtime environments settings jemalloc, gperftools and intel-openmp are required. sets run time environment variables for better performance. Usage is as follows:

 ./ --config config/asr_speaker_aware.yaml --input <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./output/logs

Please note by default it runs the application on all available cores. To bind execution to specific cores, use numactl as explained below.


Assume cores 0-3 are on socket 0, the following command binds script execution on core 0-3, and binds memory access to socket 0 local memories.

numactl --membind 0 -C 0-3 python --config_file config/asr_speaker_aware.yaml --input_audio <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./output/logs


Environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS sets the number of threads used for parallel regions. By default, it is set to be the number of available physical cores. It can be used along with numactl settings, as the following example. If cores 0-3 are on socket 0, the following example command runs on cores 0-3, with 4 OpenMP threads.

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 numactl -C 0-3 --membind 0 python --config_file config/asr_speaker_aware.yaml --input_audio <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./output/logs

For more information read here

Hardware Enivornment

Recommended Hardware Precision
Intel® 4th Gen Xeon® Scalable Performance processors float32, bfloat16

Live Transcription

Note: This is work in progress.

To run live transcription, use following script. Please note, as of now only real-time simulation from recorded file is supported.

python --config_file config/asr_live_stream.yaml --input_audio <path_to_input_audio_file> --output_dir ./logs/

This repo uses Whisper Streaming implementation for the live transcription.

Supported Dtypes

Model FP32 BF16 INT8 (Dynamic Quantization)
HuggingFace Whisper (openai)
HuggingFace Whisper (distil)
whisperx (Faster-Whisper)
whisperx alignment
pyannote diarization


  1. Whisper_streaming
  2. Whisperx
  3. FasterWhisper
  4. pyannote-audio
  5. Whisper
  6. Distil-Whisper
  7. Intel® Extension for PyTorch*