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Releases: intel/processwatch


01 May 21:03
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Supports AMD processors now!

Version 1.1

17 Apr 22:04
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The UI is no longer using ncurses; instead, it prints out a table to stdout which is much easier to use with other tools.

Various bugfixes, and overall lower memory consumption due to no longer having to store results across multiple profiling intervals.

Version 1.0

01 Dec 23:00
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Version 1.0 is the first release of Process Watch. This release includes a binary (processwatch) for profiling instruction mix on kernels that are version 5.8 and newer, as well as a legacy binary (processwatch_legacy) which works for older kernels.

Please keep in mind that programs that use CO-RE eBPF, like Process Watch does, require a Linux kernel version of at least 5.2.

I've compiled the release binaries to support distributions with a glibc version that is the same or newer than Ubuntu 18.04. If you have a use-case in which you'd like it available for, say, Ubuntu 16.04, please file an issue.