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Merge pull request #52 from uosl/feature/more-ws
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More webservices and various fixes
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heralden committed Nov 25, 2020
2 parents 4d0c1be + 362e5d3 commit c6e9cca
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Showing 10 changed files with 200 additions and 75 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,12 +100,14 @@ Most result-fetching functions require that the `:model` key be present in their

**Required dependency:** phantomjs, to run the tests in a headless javascript engine. You'll need a recent version of node installed, perhaps via [nvm]( Once node is installed, run `npm install -g phantomjs` to install phantomjs.

**Local biotestmine:** The tests are run against a local biotestmine instance on port 9999 (can be changed in *test/cljs/imcljs/env.cljs*). If you're not familiar with building InterMine instances, we recommend using [intermine_boot](

**To run tests in the browser:**
lein doo

To run tests in the JVM:
**To run tests in the JVM:**
lein test
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/clj/imcljs/internal/io.clj
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[imcljs.internal.defaults :refer [url wrap-request-defaults
[imcljs.internal.utils :refer [assert-args]]))

(def method-map {:get client/get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,12 +60,12 @@
(defn get-body-wrapper-
[path {:keys [root token model]} options & [xform]]
(parse-response xform (client/get (url root path)
(-> options ; Blank request map
(-> {} ; Blank request map
(wrap-request-defaults xform) ; Add defaults such as with-credentials false?
(wrap-get-defaults options) ; Add query params
; If we have basic auth options then convert them from the cljs-http to clj-http format
;(wrap-post-defaults options model) ; Add form params
(wrap-auth token)
(merge {:as :json})))))

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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/cljc/imcljs/auth.cljc
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[service deregistration-token & [options]]
(let [params {:deregistrationToken deregistration-token}]
(restful :delete "/user" service (merge params options))))

(defn oauth2authenticator
"Commence authentication for logging in using OAuth 2.0 with specified
provider. Will return a URL to redirect to the external login page.
Remember to append a `redirect_uri` parameter to the URL before redirecting.
This should be an endpoint which will be redirected to after signing in at
the third-party, passing parameters required for the `oauth2callback`.
Note that the redirect URL might be checked against a whitelist."
[service provider & [options]]
(let [params {:provider provider}]
(restful :get "/oauth2authenticator" service (merge params options) :link)))

(defn oauth2callback
"Complete authentication for logging in using OAuth 2.0. Requires parameters
state and code, which are received when redirecting back from the external
login service in `oauth2authenticator`, in addition to provider which should
be identical to the one passed to `oauth2authenticator`."
[service & [options]]
(restful :get "/oauth2callback" service options))
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/cljc/imcljs/fetch.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,12 @@
[service name & [options]]
(restful :get "/lists" service (merge {:name name} options) (comp first :lists)))

(defn lists-containing
"Find lists on the server containing an object.
As a minimum, specify either :id or both of :publicId and :type."
[service & [options]]
(restful :get "/listswithobject" service options :lists))

(defn model
[service & [options]]
(restful :get "/model" service options :model))
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(restful :get "/web-properties" service {} :web-properties))

(defn branding
"Returns the branding details for a given mine.
Used to make things more personal!"
(restful :get "/branding" service {} :properties))

(defn bluegenes-properties
"Returns the BlueGenes-specific configs for a given mine. These are created
and maintained by BlueGenes, similarly to a key-value store."
[service & [options]]
(restful :get "/bluegenes-properties" service options :bluegenes-properties))

; ID Resolution

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120 changes: 57 additions & 63 deletions src/cljc/imcljs/path.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Split a string path into a vector of keywords.
(split-path `Gene.organism.shortName`)
=> [:Gene :organism :shortName]"
[path-str] (map keyword (split path-str #"\.")))
[path-str] (mapv keyword (split path-str #"\.")))

(defn join-path
"Join a vector path of keywords to a string.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,46 +66,41 @@
(filter identity)

(defn- walk-rec
[model [class-kw & [path & remaining]] trail curr-path path->subclass]
;; Notice that this recursive function consumes two elements of the path at a
;; time. The reason for this is that if `path` happens to be an attribute, we
;; need to know its class `class-kw` to be able to find it.
(let [;; At any point, a subclass constraint can override the default class.
class-kw (get path->subclass curr-path class-kw)
class (get-in model [:classes class-kw])
_ (assert (map? class) "Path traverses nonexistent class")
;; Search the class for the property `path` to find the next referenced class.
{reference :referencedType :as class-value}
(get (apply merge (map class [:attributes :references :collections])) path)
;; This is `curr-path` for the next recursion.
next-path (conj curr-path path)]
(if remaining
;; If we don't have a reference, we can't go on and so return nil.
(when reference
(recur model
;; We cons the reference so we know the parent class in case the
;; next recursion's `path` happens to be an attribute. In effect
;; we only consume one element of the path at a time.
(cons (keyword reference) remaining)
(conj trail class)
;; Because we consume two elements of the path at a time, we have to
;; repeat some logic in the termination case (hence we add two elements).
(conj trail
;; The path can end with a subclass, so we check with `next-path`.
(if-let [subclass (get path->subclass next-path)]
;; All the extra stuff done above to `class-kw` need not be
;; repeated, as we've now consumed the entire path.
(get-in model [:classes subclass])
(if reference
;; Usually the next recursion would get the class from reference.
(get-in model [:classes (keyword reference)])
;; If there's no reference, this means the last element of the
;; path is an attribute.
(defn- walk-get-property
"Returns the `prop` property of a model `class`. Lenient to nil arguments."
[class prop]
(when (map? class)
(some->> prop
(get (apply merge
(map class [:attributes :references :collections]))))))

(defn- walk-current-path
"Returns the portion of `path` that has been consumed by `rem-path`."
[path rem-path]
(subvec path 0 (- (count path)
(count rem-path))))

(defn- walk-loop
[model path & {:keys [path->subclass walk-properties?]}]
(let [root-class (get-in model [:classes (first path)])]
(loop [rem-path (-> path next next) ; First iteration consumes two.
property (walk-get-property root-class (second path))
walked [root-class]]
(let [next-class (when-let [reference (keyword (:referencedType property))]
;; Use the subclass if defined for next-class.
(let [curr-path (walk-current-path path rem-path)
reference (get path->subclass curr-path reference)]
(get-in model [:classes reference])))
walked (conj walked (if walk-properties?
property ; Always use property if specified.
(or next-class ; Otherwise use class.
property)))] ; If the path ends at an attribute.
(empty? rem-path) walked
(empty? property) nil ; Path is unresolvable.
:else (recur (next rem-path)
(walk-get-property next-class (first rem-path))

(defn walk
"Return a vector representing each part of path.
Expand All @@ -119,17 +114,22 @@
[{:path `Gene.interactions.participant2`, :type `Gene`}]
for the path to be resolvable.
(walk im-model-with-type-constraints
[model path]
(let [p (if (string? path) (split-path path) (map keyword path))]
Optional keyword arguments:
walk-properties? - If true, each element will be the parent's property,
instead of the referencedType. The first element will still be a class as it
has no parent."
[model path & {:keys [walk-properties?]}]
(let [p (if (string? path) (split-path path) (mapv keyword path))]
(if (= 1 (count p))
[(get-in model [:classes (first p)])]
(walk-rec model p [] [(first p)]
(->> (:type-constraints model)
(filter #(contains? % :type)) ; In case there are other constraints there.
(reduce (fn [m {:keys [path type]}]
(assoc m (split-path path) (keyword type)))
(walk-loop model p
:path->subclass (->> (:type-constraints model)
(filter #(contains? % :type)) ; In case there are other constraints there.
(reduce (fn [m {:keys [path type]}]
(assoc m (split-path path) (keyword type)))
:walk-properties? walk-properties?))))

(defn data-type
"Return the java type of a path representing an attribute.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,19 +169,13 @@

(defn display-name
"Returns a vector of friendly names representing the path.
; TODO make this work with subclasses"
([model path]
(let [p (if (string? path) (split-path path) path)]
(display-name model p [(get-in model [:classes (first p) :displayName])])))
([model [head next & tail] collected]
(if next
(let [props (-> model (get-in [:classes head]) (select-keys [:attributes :references :collections]) vals mapify)
collected+ (conj collected
(or (get-in props [next :displayName])
(un-camel-case (get-in props [next :name]))))]
(if (not-empty tail)
(recur model (conj tail (keyword (get-in props [next :referencedType]))) collected+)
Make sure to add :type-constraints to the model if the path traverses a subclass
(see docstring of `walk` for more information)."
[model path]
(mapv (fn [prop]
(or (:displayName prop)
(un-camel-case (:name prop))))
(walk model path :walk-properties? true)))

(defn attributes
"Returns all attributes for a given string path.
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/cljc/imcljs/save.cljc
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[service title & [options]]
(let [params (merge {:name title} options)]
(restful :delete "/user/queries" service params)))

(defn bluegenes-properties
"Add a new key to the BlueGenes-specific config for a mine.
Requires that you are authenticated as an admin."
[service key value & [options]]
(let [params (merge {:key key :value value} options)]
(restful :post "/bluegenes-properties" service params)))

(defn update-bluegenes-properties
"Update an existing key in the BlueGenes-specific config for a mine.
Requires that you are authenticated as an admin."
[service key value & [options]]
(let [params (merge {:key key :value value} options)]
(restful :put "/bluegenes-properties" service params)))

(defn delete-bluegenes-properties
"Delete an existing key in the BlueGenes-specific config for a mine.
Requires that you are authenticated as an admin."
[service key & [options]]
(let [params (merge {:key key} options)]
(restful :delete "/bluegenes-properties" service params)))
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/cljs/imcljs/internal/io.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,13 @@
(wrap-auth token)
; Stringify the clojure body to a JSON data structure
; This should still work when sending plain/text rather than application/json
(update :body (comp js/JSON.stringify clj->js)))))
(update :body (fn [body]
(if (coll? body)
(-> body clj->js js/JSON.stringify)
;; If the body is not a collection (usually a map), it is most likely a string.
;; We have to pass them as they are, or else the "" will get included in the body,
;; which makes it impossible to pass more than one identifier.

(defn post-wrapper-
"Returns the results of queries as table rows."
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions test/cljs/imcljs/bgproperties_test.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(ns imcljs.bgproperties-test
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [async deftest testing is]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]
[imcljs.fetch :as fetch]
[ :as save]
[imcljs.env :refer [service]]
[imcljs.auth :as auth]
[clojure.edn :as edn]))

(def bg-key "ole.dole.doffen")

(defn read-prop [value]
(edn/read-string value))

(defn write-prop [value]
(pr-str value))

(deftest bg-properties
(async done
(let [login-response (<! (auth/login service "test_user@mail_account" "secret"))
token (get-in login-response [:output :token])
service (assoc service :token token)]
(testing "Add new key to bluegenes properties"
(let [value {:foo "bar"}
_save-value (<! (save/bluegenes-properties service bg-key (write-prop value)))
saved (-> (<! (fetch/bluegenes-properties service))
(get (keyword bg-key))
(is (= value saved))))
(testing "Update an existing key in bluegenes properties"
(let [value {:foo "baz"}
_update-value (<! (save/update-bluegenes-properties service bg-key (write-prop value)))
updated (-> (<! (fetch/bluegenes-properties service))
(get (keyword bg-key))
(is (= value updated))))
(testing "Delete an existing kkey in bluegenes properties"
(let [_delete-value (<! (save/delete-bluegenes-properties service bg-key))
deleted (-> (<! (fetch/bluegenes-properties service))
(get (keyword bg-key))
(is (nil? deleted))))
26 changes: 22 additions & 4 deletions test/cljs/imcljs/path_test.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
[imcljs.path :as path]
[imcljs.fetch :as fetch]))

(deftest walk-subclass
(testing "Should be able to walk a path that with"
(deftest walk-parent-reference
(testing "Should be able to walk a path that references its parent and return parts of the model"
(async done
(let [model (<! (fetch/model service))]
(let [walked (path/walk model "Gene.proteins.genes")]
(is (= (map :name walked) '("Gene" "Protein" "Gene")))

(deftest walk-subclasses
(testing "Should be able to walk a path with multiple subclasses and return parts of the model"
(deftest walk-parent-references
(testing "Should be able to walk a path with multiple parent references and return parts of the model"
(async done
(let [model (<! (fetch/model service))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,24 @@
(is (= (map :name walked) '("Gene")))

(deftest walk-properties
(testing "Should be able to walk a path and return properties of the classes in the model"
(async done
(let [model (<! (fetch/model service))]
(let [walked (path/walk model "Gene.alleles" :walk-properties? true)]
(is (= (map :displayName walked) '("Gene" "Alleles")))
(testing "Should be able to walk a path with multiple subclasses requiring type constraints and return properties of the classes in the model"
(async done
(let [model (assoc (<! (fetch/model service))
:type-constraints [{:path "Gene.childFeatures" :type "MRNA"}
{:path "Gene.childFeatures.CDSs.transcript" :type "TRNA"}])]
(let [walked (path/walk model "" :walk-properties? true)]
(is (= (map :displayName walked) '("Gene" "Child Features" "CDSs" "Transcript" "Name")))

(deftest path-root
(testing "Should be able to parse a root that is just a path"
(async done
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions test/cljs/imcljs/runner.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@

(doo-tests 'imcljs.core-test 'imcljs.path-test 'imcljs.query-test 'imcljs.list-test 'imcljs.assets-test 'imcljs.registry-test 'imcljs.auth-test 'imcljs.utils-test 'imcljs.preferences-test 'imcljs.saved-queries-test)
(doo-tests 'imcljs.core-test 'imcljs.path-test 'imcljs.query-test 'imcljs.list-test 'imcljs.assets-test 'imcljs.registry-test 'imcljs.auth-test 'imcljs.utils-test 'imcljs.preferences-test 'imcljs.saved-queries-test 'imcljs.bgproperties-test)

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