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jdfalko edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

CUI Chatbot framework (Has out of the box slack-bot support for Jira and Jenkins)

BenTen is a CUI Chatbot framework that provides all the integrations that are necessary for building useful conversational chatbots in a few minutes. It has integrations with NLP engines like Dialogflow and IKY, Messaging platforms like Slack, project management tools like Jira and Continuous Integration Tools like Jenkins. It also has support to render messages in various formats like Slack, html (html to image conversion), csv etc...

The framework lets you concentrate on the core functionality you want to build (for example building a conversational chatbot to monitor application health and show it in slack on demand) rather than worry about integrations with slack, NLP engines or applications like Jira, Jenkins and the orchestration between these systems.

Story behind the name BenTen

In case you were wondering why the name BenTen! You can find an answer here Why the name Benten?