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Note 1: This project is still in the early stages of development. APIs may change in the future. Please use with caution.

Note 2: This project is inspired by Mithril.js, but it is not a Mithril.js clone.

Note 3: This project was not inspired by uhtml at the beginning of its development, and I didn't know about it until later.

RegularFramework is a new framework for building web pages that is simple, powerful, and elegant.


  • Element
  • Reactivity
  • Router
  • Server side rendering
  • Static site generation

Tasks are listed in order of priority.


  • Simple: No magic or complex object-oriented concepts. Easy to understand and get started with, whether you're a developer or a large language model like GPT.
  • Powerful: Provides a few functions as a starting point, allowing you to build more powerful features without limitations.
  • Elegant: Carefully designed functions ensure you can accomplish more with less code.


pnpm i regular-framework
import { NewElement /*, ... */ } from 'regular-framework/client';

// or directly from the CDN
import { NewElement /*, ... */ } from '';

Getting Started

1. NewElement: Create the root element

const root = NewElement('div');

2. WatchRootElement: Watch all events on the root element

  // Optional callback
  (e) => {}

3. AddElement: Append the root element(, such as appending to document.body)

AddElement(document.body, root);

4. Say hello to the world

AddElement(root, NewElement('h1', {}, 'Hello, world!'));

5. Do things faster with aliases

  • AddElement: ae
  • NewElement: ne
  • WatchRootElement: wre
  • ...

But be careful! Aliases are not always a good thing, they may make your code harder to read.

5. NewSignal: Bring reactivity to your app

RegularFramework's reactivity system is based on @preact/signals-core.

const signal = NewSignal('Hi!');

AddElement(root, NewElement('h1', {}, signal));

// or
AddElement(root, NewElement('h1', {}, () => signal.value));

signal.value = 'Bye!';

6. Final<T> & GetValue: Understand what makes RegularFramework so powerful

GetValue(() => () => 'Powerful') === 'Powerful' // true
GetValue(() => signal) === 'Bye!' // true
GetValue(114514) === 114514 // true, of course

GetValue will recursively evaluate the value until it is no longer a function or a signal. If you notice that the parameter type of the RegularFramework built-in function is Final<T>, it means that you can pass a function or a signal to it and it will be updated responsively.

If you want to finally return a function, you should wrap it in StopGetValue, otherwise it will be evaluated instead of returned.

7. Visit the API and example sites to learn more

The source code of the example site is available at example/vite.

Hope you enjoy using RegularFramework! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or pull request. Thanks!