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ERROR: Assertion Failed #11

camdagr8 opened this issue Nov 14, 2013 · 57 comments

ERROR: Assertion Failed #11

camdagr8 opened this issue Nov 14, 2013 · 57 comments


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I get the following error whenever I try to deploy anything to a device:

Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &gdbfd, NULL) == 0), function start_remote_debug_server, file ios-deploy.c, line 524.

/Developer/Projects/Pathem/App/Platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 125: 15533 Abort trap: 6 ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

I'm using the most recent version of ios-deploy and cordova (3.1.0).

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I'm hitting the same assert with ios-deploy 1.0.4.
It's now on line 560.

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shazron commented Apr 8, 2014

Try 1.0.5/1.0.6

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@shazron Still experiencing the mentioned issue with ios-deploy version 1.0.6 on an up-to-date OSX Mavericks installation using Xcode 5.1 (iOS 7.1)

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I am experiencing the same issue with the same configuration as @rvanbaalen.
Is there any fix yet?

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It doesn't happen every time for me, but seemingly at random.

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okonon commented May 31, 2014

I am experiencing same issue running node 10.0.28, cordova 3.5.0, iOS 7.1, mac osx 10.9.
if i deploy the app using Xcode it is deploying fine, but if I use cordova run iOS i get this error:


[....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected
------ Install phase ------
[ 0%] Found device (4a5533d1d9de7b77cfce66600d9bc4de20bef732), beginning install
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &afcFd, NULL) == 0), function handle_device, file ios-deploy.c, line 913.
/Users/user/Dev/my-app/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 138: 57458 Abort trap: 6 ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

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lukaszb commented Jun 8, 2014

same here, using ios-deploy@1.0.8

UPDATE: Started working again after downgrading to cordova@3.4.1-0.1.0 (well, I actually uninstalled cordova and ionic first, and have done several other things so cannot be 100% sure that's related with cordova version but I suppose so)
UPDATE2: Nope, my bad. Issue still persist. I must had deployed through Xcode

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wrt commented Jun 29, 2014

Same happened to me earlier. Traced it through the ios-deploy code and found it was failing on Pairing Assertion. The device was connected but not paired correctly. Disconnected the device and reconnected it -- the assertion succeeded and the deployment went through correctly.

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rotev commented Jul 6, 2014

It happens to me as well:

Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &gdbfd, NULL) == 0), function start_remote_debug_server, file ios-deploy.c, line 650.
/Users/.../app/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 138:   944 Abort trap: 6           ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

In the mean time, is it possible to debug through Xcode?

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auser commented Jul 21, 2014

I'm hitting it as well...

[....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected
------ Install phase ------
[  0%] Found device (cfc0c26a4972e019be96fa5d5b754ffd88f85428), beginning install
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &afcFd, NULL) == 0), function handle_device, file ios-deploy.c, line 913.
/Users/auser/Development/farmforeman/ionic-foreman/foreman/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 138: 91075 Abort trap: 6           ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

Any update on the issue?

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Any update on this issue?

I've the latest phonegap-cli and it was working fine last week. I don't think it's the issue here but this problem started happening after I added the "local" to "phonegap local build ios".

I tried to update the phonegap-cli and dependencies and even did a restart. Sometimes it runs well then it stops working. I believe that if you disconnect the device and plug it in as you're starting the build forces some sort of pairing that makes it work if the timing is correct. But until this week I never had to reconnect the device and now it's the only way to make it work (although still 60% chance).

I've the same output as @auser or @softBarbarian

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------ Install phase ------
[  0%] Found device (f9a00b37023b1657314b715983d3289e416593c8), beginning install
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &afcFd, NULL) == 0), function handle_device, file ios-deploy.c, line 913.
/Users/antonysastre/Projects/ionic/shopin/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 138:  1516 Abort trap: 6           ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

** Edit **

Ok, so for me I just needed to unplug and replug the iOS device and it worked. What confuses me is that the script says ”Found device” with the device ID.

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Ok, I'm super stressed out about this bug, so stressed out I checked out ios-deploy's source code and started to debug it. While I haven't found a reason or (software) fix for it yet, I've made an important discovery I wish to validate with other people with the same issue.

Anyone with the issue please test one step at a time:

  • Turn off iTunes Wifi Sync for the device
  • Turn off Bluetooth & Wifi on the device

Also note that the effect isn't immediate, in my case I hadn't Wifi Sync on to begin with, but each time after I turned Wifi off it would fail on attempts within 30-60 seconds but then work flawlessly. So turn wifi off, wait 30s then test the deploy again.

I know this isn't a good permanent solution but it might indicate the source of the problem. I'll post any new findings I make, if there are some!

for the moment, after some tests it simply stopped not working and I can't reproduce the problem anymore. Lets see if it happens again later.

edit 2
ok, the problem is back after i switched devices. the second device did have Wifi Sync enabled. After some debugging I found out the error codes to be -402653057 or 0xE800007F, base 10 and 16 respectively. Although a direct search didn't help I later found the error constant to be kAMDNoWifiSyncSupportError which confirms the issues do have something to do with Wifi Sync.

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Just did a pull request to help diagnose this problem. First, some new information.

In my case I found out that while I had an iPhone on an USB docks, after a while my iPad would ping the mac and get detected by ios-deploy. Until I realized the device uuids were different I thought OSX was "upgrading" the connection although the iPhone's Wifi was off.

Thing is, I've both devices with Wifi Sync disabled on iTunes so I'm still not sure why this is happening.

My pull request helps this issue by improving the current log message that only shows the device's ID. It now shows the name, model, id and tells how it's connected (USB or WIFI).

In my current tests I've changed the code to make it work over WIFI and everything works (the deploy) but the debugger won't launch. This code is not included in this pull request, so if your device is shown as connecting through WIFI it shouldn't even deploy correctly and will not show the device's name but tells you it's a WIFI connection.

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I've done all I could for this issue and it's no longer a problem for me. The pull request #48 should help everyone diagnose their problem and adds a couple nice features like Wifi deployment. Perhaps most importantly, it removes the puzzling "assert" log.

Right now, it's working for me, if anyone can test (specially with devices other than the iPad Mini and iPhone 5S) it would be nice to know if everything still works.

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shazron commented Aug 1, 2014

PR #48 merged in and lightly tested. The changes are in master, so if any of you want to test it out. Thanks @alexmipego! Please report if it fixes your problem, and the issue can be closed.

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cuchi12 commented Aug 18, 2014

I'm having the same issue, I'm using cordova version 3.5.0-0.2.4 on a mac with OSX 10.9.4, what else could I do? Last week I was able to run my application on my iphone with iOS 7.1.2, the only thing I changed was adding a google analytics plugin but I already removed it and still not working.

Another thing is that every time I add a plugin I get some weird errors and I have to remove the ios platform and add it again.

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I'm not sure about the structure and "link" between projects. Try updating ios-deploy which should be a cordova dependency. Checking the source code of package.json it should update to version 1.1.0 which appears to include the patch this issue mentions.

"npm -g outdated ios-deploy" should tell you if an update is available.

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That solved the issue for me ... thanks a lot!

(Now if anyone would care to fix PG build someday ... ;)

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What do you mean by PG build? (link...?)

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pk1u commented Sep 24, 2014

I'm seeing the below "Assertion failed" and "Abort trap" errors; ios-deploy is used via Ionic Framework's LiveReload feature.

I'm on iOS 7, Xcode V5.1, Cordova V3.5.0-0.2.7, ios-deploy V1.1.0, and Ionic CLI V1.2.4.

bash$ ionic run ios -l -c -s

Setup Live Reload
Running dev server:


[ 46%] Copying /Users/yea/myapp/platforms/ios/build/device/ to device


Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &gdbfd, NULL) == 0), function start_remote_debug_server, file ios-deploy.c, line 792.


------ Debug phase ------
Starting debug of (null) connected through USB...
[  0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ 90%] Mounting developer disk image
[ 95%] Developer disk image already mounted

/Users/yea/myapp/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 138: 72023 Abort trap: 6           ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

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shazron commented Oct 7, 2014

update and try version 1.2.0

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stigor commented Oct 8, 2014

I have the same issue.
Environment: XCode 6.0.1, iOS 6.1.6, ios-deploy 1.2.0

Error message:
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &gdbfd, NULL) == 0), function start_remote_debug_server, file ios-deploy.c, line 792.
Abort trap: 6

Reproduced only on iOS 6.x, on iOS7.x and iOS8.x is all ok.

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shazron commented Oct 8, 2014

Thanks stigor - we may have come up to the limitation that the interfaces that came with Xcode 6 may not support iOS 6. The IDE itself does not even come with support for any iOS 6 simulators, for example. Just a hunch.

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drastick commented Oct 9, 2014

I'm getting:

[ 0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ !! ] Unable to mount developer disk image. (e8000033)

XCode 6.1
iOS 8.1
ios-deploy 1.2.0

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okonon commented Nov 14, 2014

After an update to 1.3.0 i constantly get ios-deploy quit unexpectedly error!
Please help.

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shazron commented Nov 14, 2014

Not enough information for repro. Kill all lldb processes? Crash log?

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okonon commented Nov 15, 2014

Sorry about that.
Here is the error log:
Process: ios-deploy [3755]
Path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ios-deploy/ios-deploy
Identifier: ios-deploy
Version: 0
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: bash []
Responsible: Terminal []
User ID:

Date/Time: 2014-11-14 21:49:55.888 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.1 (14B23)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID:

Sleep/Wake UUID:

Time Awake Since Boot: 23000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 8300 seconds

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

VM Regions Near 0:
__TEXT 0000000106a2b000-0000000106a36000 [ 44K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ios-deploy/ios-deploy

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 0x00007fff8d337a59 CFStringCompare + 25
1 ios-deploy 0x0000000106a2c8f0 get_device_hardware_name + 80 (ios-deploy.c:318)
2 ios-deploy 0x0000000106a2d32a get_device_full_name + 106 (ios-deploy.c:424)
3 ios-deploy 0x0000000106a31523 handle_device + 51 (ios-deploy.c:1446)
4 ios-deploy 0x0000000106a32109 device_callback + 105 (ios-deploy.c:1585)
5 0x0000000106ac63a9 _AMDDeviceAttachedCallbackv3 + 157
6 0x0000000106a5315c _USBMuxCustomRunLoopSourcePerformCallback + 1416
8 0x00007fff8d3847ed __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 269
9 0x00007fff8d383e1f __CFRunLoopRun + 927
10 0x00007fff8d383838 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
11 0x00007fff8d439ed1 CFRunLoopRun + 97
12 ios-deploy 0x0000000106a327a2 main + 1186 (ios-deploy.c:1796)
13 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff975215c9 start + 1

Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed222e kevent64 + 10
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff9688aa6a _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52

Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed1946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34a1 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed1946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34a1 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed1946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34a1 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 5:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed1946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34a1 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 6:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed1946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34a1 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 7::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff92ed13f6 __select + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c52fc _pthread_body + 131
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c5279 _pthread_start + 176
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff918c34b1 thread_start + 13

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x0000000000000000 rbx: 0x0000000000000000 rcx: 0x0000000000000000 rdx: 0x0000000000000010
rdi: 0x0000000000000000 rsi: 0x0000000106a36690 rbp: 0x00007fff591d3950 rsp: 0x00007fff591d3930
r8: 0x00007fff591d36e0 r9: 0x00007fff7b750300 r10: 0x00000000000118a0 r11: 0x00007fff8d337a40
r12: 0x00007fcaf2f01800 r13: 0x00007fcaf2d01f90 r14: 0x0000000000000010 r15: 0x0000000106a36690
rip: 0x00007fff8d337a59 rfl: 0x0000000000010246 cr2: 0x0000000000000000

Logical CPU: 1
Error Code: 0x00000004
Trap Number: 14

Binary Images:
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0x106a45000 - 0x106b5dfff (757. - 757. <364C6894-934B-3844-A77F-7DFEC21F8AEE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice
0x106bda000 - 0x106c0fff7 libssl.0.9.8.dylib (52) <70680606-475F-3C89-BB5F-E274253DC7C6> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib
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0x7fff8f463000 - 0x7fff8f4d4ff7 (2.0.2 - 1050.1.21) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
0x7fff8f99f000 - 0x7fff8f9d2ff7 (16 - 757) <345EDAFE-3E39-3B0F-8D84-54657EC4396D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaKit.framework/Versions/A/MediaKit
0x7fff8fa17000 - 0x7fff8fa1fffb (1210 - 1210) <782A9C69-7A45-31A7-8960-D08A36CBD0A7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/FSEvents
0x7fff8fa21000 - 0x7fff8fa4cfff libc++abi.dylib (125) <88A22A0F-87C6-3002-BFBA-AC0F2808B8B9> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
0x7fff903ad000 - 0x7fff90592ff3 libicucore.A.dylib (531.30) /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
0x7fff905e0000 - 0x7fff9062efff libcurl.4.dylib (83.1.2) <337A1FF8-E8B1-3173-9F29-C0D4C851D8E1> /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
0x7fff9062f000 - 0x7fff9065cfff (1.8 - 145.1) <18DB07E0-B927-3260-A234-636F298D1917> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
0x7fff9066a000 - 0x7fff9072dff7 libvMisc.dylib (512) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
0x7fff9077c000 - 0x7fff90781ff7 libunwind.dylib (35.3) /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
0x7fff913fe000 - 0x7fff913fffff libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (100) <2EE8E436-5CDC-34C5-9959-5BA218D507FB> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
0x7fff91400000 - 0x7fff9172eff7 (6.9 - 1151.16) <18EDD673-A010-3E99-956E-DA594CE1FA80> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff9174d000 - 0x7fff91793ffb libFontRegistry.dylib (134) <01B8034A-45FD-3360-A347-A1896F591363> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
0x7fff91794000 - 0x7fff9186aff3 (10.10 - 389.1) <7DE2208C-BD55-390A-8167-4F9F11750C4B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/DiskImages
0x7fff9186b000 - 0x7fff91881ff7 libsystem_asl.dylib (267) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
0x7fff918c2000 - 0x7fff918cbfff libsystem_pthread.dylib (105.1.4) <26B1897F-0CD3-30F3-B55A-37CB45062D73> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x7fff91b79000 - 0x7fff91bb9ff7 libGLImage.dylib (11.0.7) <7CBCEB4B-D22F-3116-8B28-D1C22D28C69D> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dylib
0x7fff91bba000 - 0x7fff91c30fe7 libcorecrypto.dylib (233.1.2) /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
0x7fff91edb000 - 0x7fff91eddff7 libutil.dylib (38) <471AD65E-B86E-3C4A-8ABD-B8665A2BCE3F> /usr/lib/libutil.dylib
0x7fff92004000 - 0x7fff92411ff7 libLAPACK.dylib (1128) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
0x7fff92412000 - 0x7fff926f9ffb (1108.1 - 1108.1) <55A16172-ACC0-38B7-8409-3CB92AF33973> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x7fff9271d000 - 0x7fff92758fff (301 - 301) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
0x7fff92759000 - 0x7fff927b8ff3 (681 - 681) <7F544183-A515-31A8-B45F-89A167F56216> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE
0x7fff92e62000 - 0x7fff92e62ff7 liblaunch.dylib (559.1.22) <8A988924-8BE7-35FE-BF7D-322E90EFE49E> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
0x7fff92e63000 - 0x7fff92e8cffb libxslt.1.dylib (13) /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
0x7fff92ebb000 - 0x7fff92ed8fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (2782.1.97) <93E0E0A9-75B6-3904-BB4E-4BC7C05F4B6B> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x7fff92efd000 - 0x7fff92f43ff7 libauto.dylib (186) /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
0x7fff92f5b000 - 0x7fff92f5dfff (2.0 - 2) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Versions/A/EFILogin
0x7fff92fb2000 - 0x7fff93043ff7 libCoreStorage.dylib (471) <5CA37ED3-320C-3469-B4D2-6F045AFE03A1> /usr/lib/libCoreStorage.dylib
0x7fff93044000 - 0x7fff93055ff7 libsystem_coretls.dylib (35.1.2) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coretls.dylib
0x7fff93168000 - 0x7fff9316bfff (97 - 97) /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
0x7fff935bb000 - 0x7fff935e0ff7 libPng.dylib (1231) <2D5AC0EE-4056-3F76-97E7-BBD415F072B5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
0x7fff9367d000 - 0x7fff937bafff (3.3.0 - 1038) <611BDFBA-4BAA-36A8-B7E0-3830F3375E53> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
0x7fff937bb000 - 0x7fff937bfff7 (1.0 - 1) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Versions/A/TCC
0x7fff9389f000 - 0x7fff938a0fff libSystem.B.dylib (1213) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
0x7fff93a13000 - 0x7fff93a1fff7 (10.10 - 187) <1D0066FC-1DEB-381B-B15C-4C009E0DF850> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
0x7fff93a3a000 - 0x7fff93a6cff3 (1.3 - 1.3) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDaemon.framework/Versions/B/CoreDaemon
0x7fff9404f000 - 0x7fff944a2fc7 (8.0 - 8.0) <33BE7B31-72DB-3364-B37E-C322A32748C5> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Versions/A/vImage
0x7fff944b1000 - 0x7fff9450cfff libTIFF.dylib (1231) /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
0x7fff9450d000 - 0x7fff94561fff libc++.1.dylib (120) <1B9530FD-989B-3174-BB1C-BDC159501710> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
0x7fff94584000 - 0x7fff945f8fff (360 - 375) <62828B40-231D-3F81-8067-1903143DCB6B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
0x7fff945fd000 - 0x7fff94601fff libcache.dylib (69) <45E9A2E7-99C4-36B2-BEE3-0C4E11614AD1> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
0x7fff94602000 - 0x7fff9486affb (7.0 - 57031.1.35) <96141D1F-614E-32C4-8AC2-F47481F23F43> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
0x7fff949f8000 - 0x7fff949f8fff (48 - 48) <5BF7910B-C328-3BF8-BA4F-CE52B574CE01> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
0x7fff949f9000 - 0x7fff949feffb libheimdal-asn1.dylib (398.1.2) /usr/lib/libheimdal-asn1.dylib
0x7fff949ff000 - 0x7fff94b21ff7 (644.12 - 644.12) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
0x7fff94b45000 - 0x7fff94b4efff libGFXShared.dylib (11.0.7) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGFXShared.dylib
0x7fff94b6f000 - 0x7fff94b89ff7 liblzma.5.dylib (7) <1D03E875-A7C0-3028-814C-3C27F7B7C079> /usr/lib/liblzma.5.dylib
0x7fff94bda000 - 0x7fff94c02fff libxpc.dylib (559.1.22) <9437C02E-A07B-38C8-91CB-299FAA63083D> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
0x7fff94c03000 - 0x7fff94c08ff7 libmacho.dylib (862) <126CA2ED-DE91-308F-8881-B9DAEC3C63B6> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
0x7fff94c75000 - 0x7fff94cc2ff3 (10.0 - 451) <3CA58254-D14F-3913-9DFB-CAC499570CC7> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
0x7fff94cf7000 - 0x7fff94e62ff7 (1.12 - 1.12) <5C6DBEB4-F2EA-3262-B9FC-AFB89404C1DA> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
0x7fff94e8b000 - 0x7fff94f03ff7 (1.14 - 1.14) /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration
0x7fff9518f000 - 0x7fff951e0ff7 (4.3.0 - 4.3.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
0x7fff951e1000 - 0x7fff95514ff7 libmecabra.dylib (666.1) /usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib
0x7fff9569e000 - 0x7fff9570cffb (4.0 - 2.0) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
0x7fff9570d000 - 0x7fff95801ff7 libFontParser.dylib (134) <506126F8-FDCE-3DE1-9DCA-E07FE658B597> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
0x7fff95802000 - 0x7fff95804ff7 libsystem_coreservices.dylib (9) <41B7C578-5A53-31C8-A96F-C73E030B0938> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coreservices.dylib
0x7fff95805000 - 0x7fff95809fff libCoreVMClient.dylib (79) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClient.dylib
0x7fff9580a000 - 0x7fff9580aff7 libkeymgr.dylib (28) <77845842-DE70-3CC5-BD01-C3D14227CED5> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
0x7fff9580b000 - 0x7fff9580dfff (1.0 - 1) <35A2A071-606C-39A5-8C11-E4CAF98D934C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/loginsupport.framework/Versions/A/loginsupport
0x7fff95b25000 - 0x7fff95b62ff3 (14.0 - 193.6) <3CE5593D-DB28-3BFD-943E-6261006FA292> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
0x7fff95b63000 - 0x7fff95b7eff7 libCRFSuite.dylib (34) /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
0x7fff95b7f000 - 0x7fff95b86fff (6.0 - 4.0) <1581D25F-CC07-39B0-90E8-5D4F3CF84EBA> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
0x7fff95b87000 - 0x7fff95b89ff7 libsystem_sandbox.dylib (358.1.1) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
0x7fff9653a000 - 0x7fff96586ff7 libcups.2.dylib (408) <9CECCDE3-51D7-3028-830C-F58BD36E3317> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
0x7fff96587000 - 0x7fff96592fdb (68.1.1 - 1.0) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleFSCompression.framework/Versions/A/AppleFSCompression
0x7fff9662c000 - 0x7fff96646ff7 libextension.dylib (55.1) /usr/lib/libextension.dylib
0x7fff96647000 - 0x7fff96690ff3 (1.22 - 519) <59D78E07-C3F1-3272-88F1-876B836D5517> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
0x7fff96696000 - 0x7fff96788fff libxml2.2.dylib (26) /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
0x7fff96789000 - 0x7fff967cafff libGLU.dylib (11.0.7) <8037342E-1ECD-385F-B4C3-545CE97B76AE> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
0x7fff967cb000 - 0x7fff967cefff (1.0 - 1) <7E9E6BB7-AEE7-3F59-BAC0-59EAF105D0C8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ServiceManagement.framework/Versions/A/ServiceManagement
0x7fff967df000 - 0x7fff9684efff (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
0x7fff96886000 - 0x7fff968b0ff7 libdispatch.dylib (442.1.4) <502CF32B-669B-3709-8862-08188225E4F0> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
0x7fff968b8000 - 0x7fff969fafff libsqlite3.dylib (168) <7B580EB9-9260-35FE-AE2F-276A2C242BAB> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
0x7fff969fb000 - 0x7fff96a55ff7 (1.0 - 1) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LanguageModeling.framework/Versions/A/LanguageModeling
0x7fff96c0e000 - 0x7fff96c16ff7 (1.0 - 1) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FindMyDevice.framework/Versions/A/FindMyDevice
0x7fff96cba000 - 0x7fff96cc3ff7 libsystem_notify.dylib (133.1.1) <61147800-F320-3DAA-850C-BADF33855F29> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
0x7fff96cc4000 - 0x7fff96d2bff7 (6.0 - 396.1) <5D348063-1528-3E2F-B587-9E82970506F9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/DataDetectorsCore
0x7fff96d2c000 - 0x7fff96d5cfff libsystem_m.dylib (3086.1) <1E12AB45-6D96-36D0-A226-F24D9FB0D9D6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
0x7fff96ef1000 - 0x7fff96ef2fff libsystem_secinit.dylib (18) <581DAD0F-6B63-3A48-B63B-917AF799ABAA> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_secinit.dylib
0x7fff96ef3000 - 0x7fff96f05fff libsasl2.2.dylib (193) /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
0x7fff96f0c000 - 0x7fff96fabdf7 (1.0 - 1) <9BB3D7DF-630A-3E1C-A124-12D6C4D0DE70> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleJPEG.framework/Versions/A/AppleJPEG
0x7fff974e1000 - 0x7fff974e9ffb libcopyfile.dylib (118.1.2) <0C68D3A6-ACDD-3EF3-991A-CC82C32AB836> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
0x7fff97509000 - 0x7fff9750bfff libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib (11.0.7) <29D775BB-A11D-3140-A478-2A0DA1A87420> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib
0x7fff97510000 - 0x7fff9751dff7 libbz2.1.0.dylib (36) <2DF83FBC-5C08-39E1-94F5-C28653791B5F> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
0x7fff9751e000 - 0x7fff97521ff7 libdyld.dylib (353.2.1) <19FAF435-C165-3374-9DEF-D7BBA7D61DB6> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
0x7fff97547000 - 0x7fff97548ff7 libsystem_blocks.dylib (65) <9615D10A-FCA7-3BE4-AA1A-1B195DACE1A1> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
0x7fff97549000 - 0x7fff97579ffb (4.0 - 2.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Versions/A/GSS
0x7fff975b0000 - 0x7fff975c1ff7 libz.1.dylib (55) <88C7C7DE-04B8-316F-8B74-ACD9F3DE1AA1> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
0x7fff975c2000 - 0x7fff975d0ff7 (11.0.7 - 11.0.7) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
0x7fff975f4000 - 0x7fff975f6fff libRadiance.dylib (1231) <746E9989-E89C-3027-A418-5F99CE131C93> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
0x7fff97602000 - 0x7fff9760cff7 (5.0 - 5.0) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetAuth.framework/Versions/A/NetAuth
0x7fff985b2000 - 0x7fff985c3fff libcmph.dylib (1) <46EC3997-DB5E-38AE-BBBB-A035A54AD3C0> /usr/lib/libcmph.dylib
0x7fff98fb4000 - 0x7fff98fb5fff liblangid.dylib (117) /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
0x7fff98fd0000 - 0x7fff98fd2ff7 libquarantine.dylib (76) /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
0x7fff98fd3000 - 0x7fff99071fff (10.7.0 - 916.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
0x7fff99072000 - 0x7fff99079ff7 libcompiler_rt.dylib (35) /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
0x7fff9907a000 - 0x7fff990a5ff3 libarchive.2.dylib (30) <8CBB4416-EBE9-3574-8ADC-44655D245F39> /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
0x7fff990a6000 - 0x7fff990b1ff7 libcsfde.dylib (471) <797691FA-FC0A-3A95-B6E8-BDB75AEAEDFD> /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
0x7fff993ad000 - 0x7fff993bcfff (1.7.0 - 1.7.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
0x7fff996df000 - 0x7fff997d1ff7 libiconv.2.dylib (42) <2A06D02F-8B76-3864-8D96-64EF5B40BC6C> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
0x7fff997d8000 - 0x7fff99855fff (640.3 - 640.3) <28445162-08E9-3E24-84E4-617CE5FE1367> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
0x7fff99856000 - 0x7fff99a59ff3 (720.1.1 - 720.1.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x7fff99bb7000 - 0x7fff99bc2ff7 (5.2.6 - 5.2.6) <9434AA45-B6BD-37F7-A866-172196A7F91B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
0x7fff99bc3000 - 0x7fff99bebfff libsystem_info.dylib (459) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
0x7fff99d37000 - 0x7fff99d6effb (2.4.28 - 194.5) <4CFE8010-CE3F-35EC-90BA-529B74321029> /System/Library/Frameworks/LDAP.framework/Versions/A/LDAP

External Modification Summary:
Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
task_for_pid: 0
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by this process:
task_for_pid: 0
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0
Calls made by all processes on this machine:
task_for_pid: 9818
thread_create: 0
thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=146.1M resident=156.7M(107%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=16777216.0T(12040422817792%)
Writable regions: Total=55.9M written=844K(1%) resident=1948K(3%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=54.0M(97%)

=========== =======
Dispatch continuations 8192K
Kernel Alloc Once 4K
MALLOC (admin) 32K
Stack 11.1M
__DATA 6796K
__TEXT 75.6M
shared memory 4K
=========== =======
TOTAL 264.9M

Model: MacBookPro6,1, BootROM MBP61.0057.B0F, 2 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.66 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.57f18

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okonon commented Nov 15, 2014

Killall lldb did not help.
I also found this in terminal log. It looks like iOS-deploy does not see connected device:

    Running command: /Users/barbarian/Dev/Cordova/FH/FH3/WorkTips/WorkTips-Yo/platforms/ios/cordova/run 
  No device is connected, trying Simulator.
  Build settings from command line:
    ARCHS = i386
    CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = /Users/barbarian/Dev/Cordova/FH/FH3/WorkTips/WorkTips-  Yo/platforms/ios/build/emulator
    SDKROOT = iphonesimulator8.1
    VALID_ARCHS = i386


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okonon commented Nov 15, 2014

Also this was red in terminal
not sure what it means.
Thanks for the help.

2014-11-14 22:14:20.544 xcodebuild[10397:146053]  DeveloperPortal: Using pre-existing current store at URL (file:///Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DeveloperPortal%206.1.db).

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I'm seeing the same issue as @softBarbarian, and I'm pretty sure it's related to #80 – the exit code from ios-deploy -c is not giving 0 when a "successful connection" is achieved, and hence the message: No device is connected, trying Simulator.

With iPhone 4S attached:

$ ios-deploy -c --timeout 2
[....] Waiting up to 2 seconds for iOS device to be connected
[....] Found iPhone 4S 'iPhone 4S' (4bc5ee6577df39826d45e0d871bc538b28eb9d84) connected through USB.
[....] No more devices found.

$ echo $?

With no device attached:

$ ios-deploy -c --timeout 2
[....] Waiting up to 2 seconds for iOS device to be connected
[....] No more devices found.

$ echo $?

For completeness, the version of ios-deploy:

$ ios-deploy --version

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shazron commented Nov 15, 2014

Ugh I see the flaw in my patch :/ will fix soon

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Hi ShazronIs 1.3.1 turning on the -d implicitly and returning zero if at least one device was found for -c

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shazron commented Nov 17, 2014

Thanks @senthilmanick that helped, --debug needs to be turned on implicitly. I've fixed the underlying problem in #80

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shazron commented Nov 17, 2014

#80 has been re-fixed, and 1.3.2 was published.

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@shazron I found I was getting this error when the path to the application was incorrect [ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"]

Running the following command manually with the .app file path allowed me push without issues to a device.

ios-deploy --debug -d -b /Users/aogilvie/Documents/wizcorp/<appname>/platforms/ios/build/device/<appname>.app

So I think DEVICE_APP_PATH is incorrect.

I could replicate an assertion error and throw "ios-deploy quit unexpectedly" as follows:

ios-deploy --debug -d -b /Users/aogilvie/Documents/wizcorp/<appname>/platforms/ios/build/<appname>.build/Debug-iphoneos/<appname>.build/<appname>.app.xcent /Users/aogilvie/Documents/wizcorp/<appname>/platforms/ios/build/device/<appname>.app
[....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected
[....] Using iPod touch 5G 'wizcorp_iPod5_001' (63f701b1a48d857f95bc022fb527a475f3356973) (63f701b1a48d857f95bc022fb527a475f3356973).
------ Install phase ------
[  0%] Found iPod touch 5G 'wizcorp_iPod5_001' (63f701b1a48d857f95bc022fb527a475f3356973) connected through USB, beginning install
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceSecureTransferPath(0, device, url, options, transfer_callback, 0)==0), function handle_device, file ios-deploy.c, line 1532.
Abort trap: 6

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Shilo commented Feb 23, 2015

I had the same issue. My fix was to allow my iOS device to "trust" my computer. It was easily overlooked when re-installing OS X.

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ohh2ahh commented Mar 23, 2015

I have the same issue with OSX Yosemite and ios-deploy v1.4.0. Killing old instances of lldb didn't help.

$ ios-deploy --debug --bundle platforms/ios/build/device/<appname>.app
// or
$ cordova run ios --device
// or
$ ionic run ios --device
[....] Waiting for iOS device to be connected
[....] Using iPhone 6 (GSM) 'iPhone 6' (227eb7<...>) (227eb7<...>).
------ Install phase ------
[  0%] Found iPhone 6 (GSM) 'iPhone 6' (227eb7<...>) connected through USB, beginning install
Assertion failed: (AMDeviceSecureTransferPath(0, device, url, options, transfer_callback, 0)==0), function handle_device, file ios-deploy.c, line 1516.
Abort trap: 6
  • sw_vers: 10.10.2
  • ios-deploy: 1.4.0
  • xcodebuild: Xcode 6.2, Build version 6C131e
  • xcode-select: /Applications/
  • gcc:
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/
Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.57) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.1.0
Thread model: posix
  • lldb: lldb-320.4.160

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shazron commented Apr 6, 2015

1.5.0 has some improvements, let me know.

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I had been getting the same as @drastick:

[ 0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ !! ] Unable to mount developer disk image. (e8000033)

I realized that I had a beta of Xcode selected through xcode-select, so a quick sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ got me through this.

Next, I got this:

[100%] Installed package /Users/path/to/app/platforms/ios/build/device/
------ Debug phase ------
Cannot debug (...1234udid...) over WIFI.

Strangely enough, I don't even have WiFi Sync enabled, according to iTunes. And yes, the device is plugged in through a simple lightning USB cable. The app was getting on the phone, but it wasn't getting run. So, next I deleted the app and tried again.

Now, I get this:

[100%] Installed package /Users/path/to/app/platforms/ios/build/device/
------ Debug phase ------
Starting debug of iPhone 5s (GSM) 'Juliette' (...123udid...) connected through USB...
[  0%] Looking up developer disk image
[ 95%] Developer disk image mounted successfully
/Users/path/to/app/platforms/ios/cordova/run: line 116: 16666 Abort trap: 6           ios-deploy -d -b "$DEVICE_APP_PATH"

Again, the app gets successfully deployed to the phone, but it doesn't get run.

My config:

$ sw_vers -productVersion
$ ios-deploy -V
$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 6.3
Build version 6D570
$ xcode-select --print-path
$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.49) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
Thread model: posix
$ lldb --version

Apologies if this is actually a cordova or ionic issue, but I'm thinking it's ios-deploy.

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shazron commented May 5, 2015

@listrophy you mentioned that it is installed but doesn't run. Can it run manually? (just checking the integrity of the install)

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shazron commented May 5, 2015

@listrophy, in the root of your cordova app, can you run:

cordova build --device 
ios-deploy -d -b platforms/ios/build/device/

Substitute YOURAPPNAME for your app's name. If you get an error, paste it here.

@shazron shazron modified the milestones: 1.6.3, 1.6.4 May 15, 2015
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ohh2ahh commented Jun 1, 2015

I think that I've finally found the cause of my issue. I'm using a german umlaut (ü) in my app name (configured in config.xml), which is obviously not supported. I'd be very happy if you could fix this.

  • sw_vers: 10.10.3
  • ios-deploy: 1.7.0
  • xcodebuild: Xcode 6.3.2, Build version 6D2105
  • xcode-select: /Applications/
  • gcc:
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
Thread model: posix
  • lldb: lldb-330.0.48

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shazron commented Jun 1, 2015

@ohh2ahh thanks, I'll file a new issue. Just to confirm, if you just use ascii letters in your app name it works fine, yes? (trying to rule out other issues)

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shazron commented Jun 1, 2015

Filed #147

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ohh2ahh commented Jun 1, 2015

@shazron Yes, without the umlaut everything works perfectly fine. Re-adding the umlaut brings the same issue back. Thanks for your effort, I appreciate it very much!

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haxpor commented Jul 4, 2015

@listrophy I have the same issue with iOS 8.4 and Xcode 8.4. Just shutting down your phone and restart again will fix the problem in my case. See #155.

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shazron commented Oct 6, 2015

Fixed in #56

@shazron shazron closed this as completed Oct 6, 2015
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