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Tangle in a Box

This tool allows automatic deployment of IRI clusters using Kubernetes according to a YAML-formatted configuration file.

The tool will output all the relevant node information into a similarly-formatted YAML file.

Before you start

You will need a working Kubernetes cluster you want to deploy to and your local kubectl correctly configured to use it.


It is advised to install TIAB's dependencies in a Python virtual environment as follows:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Command line options

-i / --image              Docker IRI image to use, relative to Hub
-t / --tag                ID to tag the deployment with
-c / --cluster            cluster definition in YAML format
-o / --output             output file for node information in YAML format
-k / --kubeconfig         Path of the kubectl config file to access the K8S cluster
-n / --namespace          Kubernetes namespace you want to deploy the cluster to
-x / --ixis               Base path for IXI modules to be specified in cluster configuration, defaults to CWD
-e / --extras             Additional commands to be run at pod creation
-d / --debug              print debug information

Configuration Example

defaults: &db_1
  db_checksum: 6eaa06d5442416b7b8139e337a1598d2bae6a7f55c2d9d01f8c5dac69c004f75

  nodeA: #name
    <<: *db_1
      - udp://nodeB:14600
      - tcp://
    <<: *db_1
      - udp://nodeA:14600

Node configuration

A node definition yaml supports the following properties:

  • neighbors: an array of neighbors to add to the specific node once started;
  • iri_args: an array of the arguments to be passed to IRI command line, overriding container's defaults;
  • java_options: a string of extra JVM options to be passed to the IRI container, overriding container's defaults;
  • ixis: an array of URLs to tarballs or paths to directories (relative to the --ixis option) containing IXI modules; please note that the IXI folder name should contain the .ixi suffix (eg. Snapshot.ixi).

Example Usage

$ ./ --image iotacafe/iri-dev:8d32b7c-29 --tag 1.5.3-deployment --namespace diego --cluster config.yml --output output.yml

The resulting output.yml file will contain all the data you need to connect to your nodes.

Teardown a cluster

You can easily destroy all the resources associated to the cluster you just created by using the utility, and passing to it the tag you used to deploy the cluster.

$ ./ --tag 1.5.3-deployment

Extra commands at Cluster startup

If you need to execute a bunch of extra commands before each node starts you can run with the -e|--extras command line or define an extra_commands: entry in the top level of the cluster definition yaml file. Please note that these two ways of specifying commands are not mutually exclusive: they are instead additive, both commands will be executed, one after the other. Also please note that the specified commands will be executed in bash context: so you can use any sort of bash magic you want (>, &, and alike).

Monitoring capabilities (Alpha)

If the config.yml file includes a monitoring: True entry at top level, a twin tanglescope pod will be deployed along every IRI node. Tanglescope wil be responsible to obtain any sort of metrics on the node and serve them to a central Grafana Pod, using Prometheus as a database backend.