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chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]
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## 1.0.0 (2024-02-10)


* s3 filenames are now all base32upper
* the output of store.getMany is now a stream of pairs
* open/close/batch/query methods have been removed from store interface, query/batch added to datastore, getAll added to blockstore
* bump multiformats from 10.0.3 to 11.0.0 (#182)
* this module is now ESM only
* deep requires/imports are no longer possible, moves adapters/in-memory impls etc to core packages
* the compliance tests for interface-datastore have been removed - use the interface-datastore-tests module instead

### Features

* add all blockstore and datastore implementations ([#197]( ([0d85128](
* add black hole stores ([#227]( ([6074f0f](
* add in-memory blockstore implementation ([#1]( ([ab37d40](
* add Key.asKey method ([#41]( ([783dcc8](
* add tiered blockstore ([#238]( ([5143948](
* add unwrap method ([0c22c9f](
* allow extending store method options ([#193]( ([007e8ac](
* import interface-datastore ([294b249](
* prep for v1 release ([b95a516](
* release prep ([b38a533](
* simplify store interface, move query/batch to datastore, add getAll to blockstore ([#189]( ([0b8f1a0](

### Bug Fixes

* add sharding to s3 blockstore ([#202]( ([e1324a1](
* bump aegir to 42.2.3, update project config and fix deps ([#297]( ([820d66f](
* cleanup references to datastore in blockstores ([#274]( ([f550624](
* encode/decode blockstore-s3 keys in base32upper ([#201]( ([513fd9c](
* export key properly ([749b656](
* incorrect export path ([#273]( ([e840ed4](
* increase timeouts ([#131]( ([733c2ed](
* lower amount ([b7f9aab](
* make datastore batch commit option extension optional ([#194]( ([7bb6729](
* make tests more stable ([#38]( ([595de43](
* open and close blockstore during interface tests ([#188]( ([a61a54b](
* publish with limited concurrency ([85bcc4a](
* readme update ([3bcfb6d](
* remove nanoid ([#283]( ([da03ee2](
* rename test from blocks to getMany ([#190]( ([60e6c3f](
* replace datastore references in blockstore-s3 ([#214]( ([1a65042](
* restore empty object default ([#228]( ([f82d02c](
* return key from put and put many ([#196]( ([dfc4697](
* return stream of pairs from getmany ([#195]( ([252bced](
* update project config to publish ESM only ([#172]( ([8c9d21f](

### Trivial Changes

* add blockstore adapter ([05ddff4](
* add clean script and control published files ([c58873d](
* add description ([2aef1ba](
* add modules for interface-blockstore and interface-datastore tests ([da0ac9c](
* add or force update .github/workflows/js-test-and-release.yml ([#243]( ([7bdc56b](
* add release script ([c2e11ab](
* build before publish and export all blockstore types ([21980fe](
* change version ([f65249d](
* delete templates [skip ci] ([#242]( ([c0ecb8a](
* **deps-dev:** bump rimraf from 1.0.9 to 3.0.2 in /packages/interface-datastore-tests ([#40]( ([5d92f17](
* **deps:** bump nanoid from 3.3.4 to 4.0.0 in /packages/interface-datastore ([#110]( ([5e40d9c](
* disable tests that stringify cids ([72c93f9](
* dual licensed ([dbc6615](
* enable query tests for blockstores ([d2ce541](
* export options ([00dbf60](
* fix import ([1ab80a7](
* fix slow ci ([1a6736f](
* initial commit ([e3e73df](
* publish ([ca0fc50](
* publish ([c256fa6](
* publish ([1b8c053](
* publish ([17a18d9](
* publish ([24becc0](
* publish ([2059883](
* publish ([4f99c21](
* publish ([604a2b2](
* publish ([5073988](
* publish ([e246d97](
* publish ([f5d59e8](
* publish ([b4a2514](
* publish ([6febcf2](
* publish ([143ba26](
* publish ([be5e39a](
* publish ([f6a0102](
* publish ([05e3072](
* publish ([1e1bdd2](
* publish ([f55c465](
* publish ([4e8bf56](
* publish ([8edd47d](
* publish ([67d1667](
* publish ([634387a](
* publish ([33020e4](
* publish ([6aa50db](
* publish ([1c1a4ae](
* readme update ([56e4826](
* **release:** 0.1.0 [skip ci] ([10476eb](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 1.0.0 [skip ci] ([405250f](, closes [#201]( [#200](
* **release:** 1.0.1 [skip ci] ([8dfe4e5](, closes [#202](
* **release:** 1.0.10 [skip ci] ([f87dd44](, closes [#273](
* **release:** 1.0.11 [skip ci] ([d292758](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 1.0.12 [skip ci] ([33f9197](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 1.0.14 [skip ci] ([5d5b295](
* **release:** 1.0.2 [skip ci] ([642c41f](, closes [#213](
* **release:** 1.0.3 [skip ci] ([03c8959](, closes [#214](
* **release:** 1.0.4 [skip ci] ([db9a101](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 1.0.5 [skip ci] ([9e43dd3](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 1.0.6 [skip ci] ([515b378](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 1.0.7 [skip ci] ([0be8503](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 1.0.8 [skip ci] ([2cd965e](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 1.0.9 [skip ci] ([f496d4f](, closes [#265](
* **release:** 1.1.0 [skip ci] ([dcfcfd2](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 1.1.0 [skip ci] ([d49cbfb](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 1.1.0 [skip ci] ([6fa0f7a](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 1.1.1 [skip ci] ([6bfda0a](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 1.1.1 [skip ci] ([5884aa1](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 1.1.1 [skip ci] ([2ec12ba](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 1.1.2 [skip ci] ([d089988](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 1.1.2 [skip ci] ([27e5880](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 1.1.2 [skip ci] ([ab61569](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 1.1.3 [skip ci] ([45ec187](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 1.1.3 [skip ci] ([fe95b02](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 1.1.3 [skip ci] ([61f56da](, closes [#226](
* **release:** 1.1.4 [skip ci] ([9ee3162](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 1.1.4 [skip ci] ([4258c30](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 1.1.4 [skip ci] ([3e07e46](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 1.1.5 [skip ci] ([e2b96fd](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 1.1.5 [skip ci] ([01f0820](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 1.1.5 [skip ci] ([38883cc](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 1.1.6 [skip ci] ([91e4845](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 1.1.6 [skip ci] ([c786bdc](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 1.1.6 [skip ci] ([2f7be23](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 1.1.7 [skip ci] ([2401e95](, closes [#281]( [#286](
* **release:** 1.1.7 [skip ci] ([3423745](, closes [#286](
* **release:** 1.1.7 [skip ci] ([20907ff](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 1.1.8 [skip ci] ([48b6a70](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 1.1.9 [skip ci] ([5307449](, closes [#286](
* **release:** 10.1.0 [skip ci] ([b500ee8](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 10.1.1 [skip ci] ([42fd4f3](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 10.1.2 [skip ci] ([cdc3f04](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 10.1.3 [skip ci] ([b02129c](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 10.1.4 [skip ci] ([ce5247b](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 10.1.5 [skip ci] ([50763d0](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 10.1.6 [skip ci] ([67541e9](
* **release:** 11.1.0 [skip ci] ([cfcb39d](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 11.1.1 [skip ci] ([5f60f27](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 11.1.10 [skip ci] ([a9d62bd](
* **release:** 11.1.2 [skip ci] ([b3148e9](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 11.1.3 [skip ci] ([d8999ba](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 11.1.4 [skip ci] ([8083f44](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 11.1.5 [skip ci] ([a9218cd](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 11.1.6 [skip ci] ([17a8e76](, closes [#265](
* **release:** 11.1.7 [skip ci] ([663ae05](, closes [#273](
* **release:** 11.1.8 [skip ci] ([c5c79d0](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 11.1.9 [skip ci] ([edb7c80](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 2.1.0 [skip ci] ([6c92ec7](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 2.1.1 [skip ci] ([351c496](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 2.1.2 [skip ci] ([1b2c5e7](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 2.1.3 [skip ci] ([c1091f3](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 2.1.4 [skip ci] ([03121dc](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 2.1.5 [skip ci] ([bf900b9](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 2.1.6 [skip ci] ([1ca88ca](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 2.1.7 [skip ci] ([191ab3d](, closes [#281](
* **release:** 3.0.1 [skip ci] ([62dd620](, closes [#175](
* **release:** 3.0.1 [skip ci] ([0a73ce9](, closes [#174]( [#175](
* **release:** 3.0.1 [skip ci] ([d896eec](, closes [#174]( [#175](
* **release:** 3.0.1 [skip ci] ([75f3006](, closes [#175](
* **release:** 3.0.2 [skip ci] ([5a24743](, closes [#181](
* **release:** 3.0.2 [skip ci] ([7c6d0de](, closes [#181](
* **release:** 3.0.2 [skip ci] ([09aa693](, closes [#181](
* **release:** 3.0.2 [skip ci] ([4f9fad1](, closes [#181](
* **release:** 3.0.3 [skip ci] ([20a044d](, closes [#183](
* **release:** 3.0.3 [skip ci] ([102a8bd](, closes [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24]( [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24]( [#183](
* **release:** 3.0.3 [skip ci] ([88363b0](, closes [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24]( [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24]( [#28]( [#183](
* **release:** 3.0.4 [skip ci] ([13bc59c](, closes [#184](
* **release:** 3.0.4 [skip ci] ([47ce4d7](
* **release:** 3.0.5 [skip ci] ([62aaee2](, closes [#184](
* **release:** 4.0.0 [skip ci] ([1d1079c](, closes [#189](
* **release:** 4.0.0 [skip ci] ([756cc83](, closes [#189](
* **release:** 4.0.0 [skip ci] ([2207d7a](, closes [#182]( [#234]( [#226]( [#234]( [#226]( [#226](
* **release:** 4.0.0 [skip ci] ([fd6a8aa](, closes [#182]( [#183]( [#234]( [#226]( [#234]( [#226]( [#226](
* **release:** 4.0.1 [skip ci] ([8e69010](, closes [#184](
* **release:** 4.0.1 [skip ci] ([e8d30c0](, closes [#184](
* **release:** 4.0.2 [skip ci] ([54f3eee](, closes [#188](
* **release:** 4.1.0 [skip ci] ([df06919](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 4.1.0 [skip ci] ([5ed90c4](, closes [#193](
* **release:** 4.1.1 [skip ci] ([346ee0f](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 4.2.0 [skip ci] ([ceb244c](, closes [#227](
* **release:** 4.3.0 [skip ci] ([725e0dd](, closes [#238](
* **release:** 4.3.1 [skip ci] ([27f88c0](, closes [#240](
* **release:** 4.3.10 [skip ci] ([d5bdd95](
* **release:** 4.3.2 [skip ci] ([bad53b9](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 4.3.3 [skip ci] ([04510b1](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 4.3.4 [skip ci] ([d8552a2](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 4.3.5 [skip ci] ([c961d00](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 4.3.6 [skip ci] ([a67f66a](, closes [#280](
* **release:** 4.3.7 [skip ci] ([ee2203a](, closes [#274](
* **release:** 4.3.8 [skip ci] ([e3ecb03](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 5.0.0 [skip ci] ([5230741](, closes [#196]( [#195](
* **release:** 5.0.0 [skip ci] ([3d69492](, closes [#195](
* **release:** 5.0.0 [skip ci] ([44b12bd](, closes [#189](
* **release:** 5.0.0 [skip ci] ([9c25d3f](, closes [#189](
* **release:** 5.0.1 [skip ci] ([060e74b](, closes [#196](
* **release:** 5.0.1 [skip ci] ([c1c6add](, closes [#190](
* **release:** 5.1.0 [skip ci] ([30735a2](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 5.1.0 [skip ci] ([a571532](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 5.1.0 [skip ci] ([e24ce0b](, closes [#193](
* **release:** 5.1.1 [skip ci] ([2a1d9bd](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 5.1.1 [skip ci] ([146bc5c](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 5.1.1 [skip ci] ([9db13e0](
* **release:** 5.1.2 [skip ci] ([f32c9a4](, closes [#228](
* **release:** 5.1.2 [skip ci] ([970f81d](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 5.1.3 [skip ci] ([fc95c0f](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 5.1.3 [skip ci] ([a970ceb](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 5.1.4 [skip ci] ([596fde8](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 5.1.4 [skip ci] ([238872f](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 5.1.5 [skip ci] ([9997757](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 5.1.5 [skip ci] ([980c8c6](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 5.1.6 [skip ci] ([3aee60f](
* **release:** 5.1.6 [skip ci] ([55c5855](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 5.1.7 [skip ci] ([dd7cb8c](
* **release:** 5.1.7 [skip ci] ([8f08f7f](
* **release:** 5.2.0 [skip ci] ([496c177](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 5.2.1 [skip ci] ([b40b32e](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 5.2.2 [skip ci] ([7d70be5](, closes [#224](
* **release:** 5.2.3 [skip ci] ([eb59834](, closes [#228](
* **release:** 5.2.4 [skip ci] ([20faf4a](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 5.2.5 [skip ci] ([0876da6](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 5.2.6 [skip ci] ([50496de](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 5.2.7 [skip ci] ([866b4c5](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 5.2.9 [skip ci] ([2680073](
* **release:** 5.2.9 [skip ci] ([e183a4e](
* **release:** 6.0.0 [skip ci] ([96958c0](, closes [#196]( [#195](
* **release:** 6.1.0 [skip ci] ([1d518f6](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 6.1.1 [skip ci] ([d3c1041](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 6.1.2 [skip ci] ([6d0043c](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 6.1.3 [skip ci] ([72b6e10](, closes [#231](
* **release:** 6.1.4 [skip ci] ([095c274](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 6.1.5 [skip ci] ([11acd12](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 6.1.6 [skip ci] ([6407f97](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 6.1.7 [skip ci] ([4807b1f](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 6.1.9 [skip ci] ([d446381](
* **release:** 7.0.1 [skip ci] ([dc879fb](, closes [#110]( [#175](
* **release:** 7.0.2 [skip ci] ([bfdc00d](, closes [#181](
* **release:** 7.0.3 [skip ci] ([6180190](, closes [#183](
* **release:** 7.0.4 [skip ci] ([3430b6c](, closes [#184](
* **release:** 8.0.0 [skip ci] ([0d01201](, closes [#189](
* **release:** 8.1.0 [skip ci] ([9ad0ce5](, closes [#193](
* **release:** 8.1.1 [skip ci] ([40f500b](, closes [#194](
* **release:** 8.1.2 [skip ci] ([8c312d3](
* **release:** 8.2.0 [skip ci] ([2c6f2ae](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 8.2.1 [skip ci] ([44d0d5c](, closes [#200]( [#225](
* **release:** 8.2.10 [skip ci] ([7f26bc8](
* **release:** 8.2.10 [skip ci] ([a8c793e](
* **release:** 8.2.2 [skip ci] ([3b2280a](, closes [#224](
* **release:** 8.2.3 [skip ci] ([fc2925e](, closes [#228](
* **release:** 8.2.4 [skip ci] ([7d4b28e](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 8.2.5 [skip ci] ([d440496](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 8.2.6 [skip ci] ([49d9e86](, closes [#268](
* **release:** 8.2.7 [skip ci] ([becf59f](, closes [#269](
* **release:** 8.2.8 [skip ci] ([23fbc88](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 8.2.9 [skip ci] ([7dad9a4](, closes [#283](
* **release:** 9.1.0 [skip ci] ([d39c6a9](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 9.1.0 [skip ci] ([228bd8b](, closes [#197](
* **release:** 9.1.1 [skip ci] ([7c7f97a](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 9.1.1 [skip ci] ([aa3a63f](, closes [#200]( [#213](
* **release:** 9.1.2 [skip ci] ([842bdc4](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 9.1.2 [skip ci] ([2ebd1ad](, closes [#225](
* **release:** 9.1.3 [skip ci] ([4279b47](, closes [#232](
* **release:** 9.1.4 [skip ci] ([bcf6004](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 9.1.5 [skip ci] ([050210c](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 9.1.6 [skip ci] ([e11f15f](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 9.1.7 [skip ci] ([87681d2](
* **release:** 9.2.0 [skip ci] ([05f253f](, closes [#227](
* **release:** 9.2.1 [skip ci] ([caf7841](, closes [#240](
* **release:** 9.2.2 [skip ci] ([23df262](, closes [#241](
* **release:** 9.2.3 [skip ci] ([01898e5](, closes [#244](
* **release:** 9.2.4 [skip ci] ([b0073e2](, closes [#245]( [#268](
* **release:** 9.2.5 [skip ci] ([be4f27d](, closes [#280](
* **release:** 9.2.6 [skip ci] ([c8e42f3](, closes [#282](
* **release:** 9.2.7 [skip ci] ([44d2d0e](
* remove / from CID prefix query ([b07aa1d](
* remove lerna ([#183]( ([04e77ec](
* rename master to main ([#200]( ([f85d719](
* revert ([2c8d1a2](
* switch to ESM ([#39]( ([c04aa80](
* Update .github/workflows/stale.yml [skip ci] ([5d78301](
* Update .github/workflows/stale.yml [skip ci] ([d6e5dd6](
* Update .github/workflows/stale.yml [skip ci] ([f4ff277](
* Update .github/workflows/stale.yml [skip ci] ([35e23f1](
* Update .github/workflows/stale.yml [skip ci] ([9d285a1](
* update aegir ([#68]( ([56593d4](
* update config ([c6d9c09](
* update multiformats ([755788e](
* update package config ([5998ec2](
* update sibling dependencies ([a4fb1c5](
* update sibling dependencies ([7a15bcd](
* update sibling dependencies ([65dccef](
* update sibling dependencies ([66506a8](
* update uint8arrays ([#28]( ([b1427cd](

### Documentation

* fix capitalization in readme of datastore-fs. ([#232]( ([01492bf](
* fix capitalization of import ([#226]( ([837221a](
* fix interface-tests readme usage ([#247]( ([e179933](
* publish api docs ([#181]( ([64f8473](
* remove duplicate readme section ([851a110](
* update api docs ([#244]( ([e0f6145](
* Update Blockstore and Datastore implementation lists ([#224]( ([ab3b31b](
* update datastore core readme and package config ([#245]( ([c08d29a](

### Dependencies

* bump @libp2p/logger from 2.1.1 to 3.0.0 ([#240]( ([cc958ef](
* bump @libp2p/logger from 3.1.0 to 4.0.1 ([#280]( ([ab4731f](
* bump aegir from 37.12.1 to 38.1.0 ([#184]( ([c8ab418](
* bump aegir from 38.1.8 to 39.0.9 ([#225]( ([d0f301b](
* bump idb from 7.1.1 to 8.0.0 ([#281]( ([4d0bdbc](
* bump it-all from 1.0.6 to 2.0.0 ([#177]( ([b648877](, closes [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24](
* bump it-drain from 1.0.5 to 2.0.0 ([#178]( ([73e4cfc](, closes [#28]( [#28]( [#27]( [#24](
* bump it-length from 1.0.4 to 2.0.0 ([#179]( ([d1919b4](, closes [#28](
* bump lerna from 5.6.2 to 6.0.0 ([#176]( ([e583cce](
* bump multiformats from 10.0.3 to 11.0.0 ([#182]( ([2342b17](, closes [#234]( [#226]( [#234]( [#226]( [#226](
* bump multiformats from 11.0.2 to 12.0.1 ([#231]( ([93b7c13](
* bump multiformats from 12.1.3 to 13.0.0 ([#286]( ([c8ccd1d](
* bump multiformats from 9.9.0 to 10.0.0 ([#174]( ([2a4f529](
* bump nanoid from 4.0.2 to 5.0.3 ([#269]( ([02cb8cd](
* bump uint8arrays from 3.0.0 to 4.0.1 ([#175]( ([e8d5ea6](
* bump uint8arrays from 4.0.10 to 5.0.0 ([#282]( ([2cbfd52](
* **dev:** bump aegir from 39.0.13 to 40.0.8 ([#241]( ([00741ff](
* **dev:** bump aegir from 40.0.13 to 41.1.9 ([#268]( ([0aa0944](
* **dev:** bump sinon from 15.2.0 to 17.0.1 ([#265]( ([316d3c5](
* update all it-* deps ([#213]( ([e963497](
* update sibling dependencies ([7c84601](
* update sibling dependencies ([5ac1112](
* update sibling dependencies ([9adf0bc](
* update sibling dependencies ([8f7928c](
* update sibling dependencies ([bbfb89c](
* update sibling dependencies ([dae86fd](
* update sibling dependencies ([713c9a4](
* update sibling dependencies ([94dec57](
* update sibling dependencies ([9aedadd](
* update sibling dependencies ([79100b3](
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Feb 10, 2024
1 parent 820d66f commit a225bba
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Showing 2 changed files with 351 additions and 1 deletion.

0 comments on commit a225bba

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