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Merge pull request #631 from ivanov/vim-ipython
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Two-way vim-ipython integration.
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fperez committed Jul 30, 2011
2 parents bc283b8 + fe093dc commit bd572cd
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Showing 3 changed files with 450 additions and 143 deletions.
143 changes: 0 additions & 143 deletions docs/examples/core/ipy.vim

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107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions docs/examples/vim/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

A two-way integration between Vim and IPython 0.11+

author: Paul Ivanov (



Using this plugin, you can send lines or whole files for IPython to
execute, and also get back object introspection and word completions in
Vim, like what you get with: ``object?<enter>`` and ``object.<tab>`` in

The big change from previous versions of ``ipy.vim`` is that it no longer
the old requires the brittle instantiation, and since
it uses just vim and python, it is platform independent (i.e. should work
even on windows, unlike the previous \*nix only solution)

Quickstart Guide:
Start ``ipython qtconsole`` and copy the connection string.
Source ``ipy.vim`` file, which provides new IPython command::

:source ipy.vim
(or copy it to ~/.vim/ftplugin/python to load automatically)

(or :IPythonXSelection if you're using X11 without having to copy)

The :IPython command allows you to put the full string, e.g.::

:IPython --existing --shell=41882 --iopub=43286 --stdin=34987 --hb=36697

The ``:IPythonClipboard`` command just uses the ``+`` register to get the
connection string, whereas ``:IPythonXSelection`` uses the ``*`` register

Sending lines to IPython
Now type out a line and send it to IPython using ``<Ctrl-S>`` from Command mode::

import os

You should see a notification message confirming the line was sent, along
with the input number for the line, like so ``In[1]: import os``.

``<Ctrl-S>`` also works from insert mode, but doesn't show notification

It also works blockwise in Visual Mode. Strip the leading double quotes and
send these lines using ``<Ctrl-S>``::

import this,math # secret decoder ring
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i = range(1,10)
code =(c,a,d,a,e,i,)
msg = '...jrer nyy frag sebz Ivz.\nIvz+VClguba=%fyl '+this.s.split()[g]
decode=lambda x:"\n"+"".join([this.d.get(c,c) for c in x])+"!"
format=lambda x:'These lines:\n '+'\n '.join([l for l in x.splitlines()])
secret_decoder = lambda a,b: format(a)+decode(msg)%str(b)[:-1]
'%d'*len(code)%code == str(int(math.pi*1e5))

Then, go to the qtconsole and run this line::
print secret_decoder(_i,_)

You can also send whole files to IPython's ``%run`` magic using ``<F5>``.

IPython's object? Functionality

If you're using gvim, mouse-over a variable to see IPython's ? equivalent. If
you're using vim from a terminal, or want to copy something from the
docstring, type ``<leader>d``. ``<leader>`` is usually ``\`` (the backslash
key). This will open a quickpreview window, which can be closed by hitting
``q`` or ``<escape>``.

IPython's tab-completion Functionality
vim-ipython activates a 'completefunc' that queries IPython.
A completefunc is activated using ``Ctrl-X Ctrl-U`` in Insert Mode (vim
default). You can combine this functionality with SuperTab to get tab

Current issues:
For now, vim-ipython only connects to an ipython session in progress.

ipy.vim takes a while to load, I'll eventually move the python code to its
own file and do a lazy import (only when the IPython command is called)

The ipdb integration is not yet re-implemented.

Need to add more message handling for sub_channel messages from IPython
(i.e. notification of changes which were not sent from vim).

@MinRK for guiding me through the IPython kernel manager protocol.

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