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IronBee Manual: ch rule reference

Brian Rectanus edited this page Sep 5, 2013 · 1 revision

Rule Reference


Data Fields



*Description:* All request parameters combined and normalized.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++, ++$$REQUEST_BODY$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

The ARGS collection is currently the same as specifying REQUEST_URL_PARAMS REQUEST_BODY_PARAMS, but this will change in later releases to include normalization based on parser personalities. If you do not want normalization, then use REQUEST_URL_PARAMS REQUEST_BODY_PARAMS.


*Description:* Basic authentication password.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7


*Description:* Indicator of the authentication method used.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7

This field contains the first token extracted from the Authorization request header. Typical values are: Basic, Digest, and NTLM.


*Description:* Basic or Digest authentication username.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7


*Description:* Transaction collection.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

This collection contains information for the transaction. Currently captured data from operators is stored here in keys "0"-"9".


*Description:* An alias to the current field being inspected.
*Type:* Variable (same type as the aliased field)
*Scope:* Rule
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.5

This field is useful only in field expansions within actions when you must have the original value of the field being inspected. For example:

# Log the field value with an event
Rule ARGS @contains attack_string id:123 phase:REQUEST logdata:%{FIELD} event

# Create a collection matching a pattern for later use
Rule REQUEST_HEADERS @rx pattern1 id:124 phase:REQUEST_HEADER setvar:NEW_COL:%{FIELD_NAME}=%{FIELD}
Rule ARGS @rx pattern2 id:125 phase:REQUEST setvar:NEW_COL:%{FIELD_NAME}=%{FIELD}
# Then perform further matches on the new collection in another phase, which
# is not possible via chaining.
Rule NEW_COL @rx some_other_patt id:126 phase:REQUEST "msg:Some msg" event block


*Description:* An alias to the current field name being inspected, not including the collection name if it is a sub-field in a collection.
*Type:* Variable (same type as the aliased field)
*Scope:* Rule
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.5

This field is useful only in field expansions within actions when you must have the name of the field being inspected. The collection name is not prepended, so if ARGS:foo is being inspected, the value will be foo, not ARGS:foo. If you want the full name with the collection prepended, then use FIELD_NAME_FULL.


*Description:* An alias to the current field name being inspected, including the collection name if it is a sub-field in a collection.
*Type:* Variable (same type as the aliased field)
*Scope:* Rule
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.5

This field is useful only in field expansions within actions when you must have the full name of the field being inspected. See FIELD_NAME.


*Description:* If the _geoip_ module is loaded, then a lookup will be performed on the remote (client) address and the results placed in this collection.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* geoip
*Version:* 0.3

The address used during lookup is the same as that stored in the REMOTE_ADDR field, which may be modified from the actual connection (TCP) level address by the user_agent module.

Sub-Fields (not all are available prior to GeoIP v1.4.6): * latitude: Numeric latitude rounded to nearest integral value (no floats yet).

  • longitude: Numeric longitude rounded to nearest integral value (no floats yet).

  • area_code: Numeric area code (US only).

  • charset: Numeric character set code.

  • country_code: Two character country code.

  • country_code3: Three character country code.

  • country_name: String country name.

  • region: String region name.

  • city: String city name.

  • postal_code: String postal code.

  • continent_code: String continent code.

  • accuracy_radius: Numeric accuracy radius (v1.4.6+).

  • metro_code: Numeric metro code (v1.4.6+).

  • country_conf: String country confidence (v1.4.6+).

  • region_conf: String region confidence (v1.4.6+).

  • city_conf: String city confidence (v1.4.6+).

  • postal_conf: String postal code confidence (v1.4.6+).


*Description:* Collection of LibHTP request parsing flags.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* htp
*Version:* 0.3

The LibHTP parser will set various flags while parsing. This is a collection of those flags for request parsing. The following flags may be set:

  • FIELD_UNPARSEABLE An unparseable field was given.

  • FIELD_INVALID An invalid field was sent.

  • FIELD_FOLDED Folding detected in a field.

  • FIELD_REPEATED A field was repeated.

  • FIELD_LONG A field length was longer than allowed.

  • FIELD_RAW_NUL A field contained an unencoded NUL (zero) byte.

  • HOST_AMBIGUOUS The host was specified in both the URI and in the Host header, but they do not match.

  • HOST_MISSING The host was missing from a request in which it is normally sent.

  • HOSTH_INVALID Invalid host detected in header.

  • HOSTU_INVALID Invalid host detected in URL.

  • INVALID_FOLDING Invalid header folding detected.

  • INVALID_CHUNKING Invalid chunking detected.

  • MULTI_PACKET_HEAD The header was sent in more than one packet (buffer).

  • PATH_ENCODED_NUL A NUL (zero) byte was sent, encoded, in the path.

  • PATH_ENCODED_SEPARATOR An encoded path separator was sent in the path.

  • PATH_HALF_FULL_RANGE An invalid full width character was used in the path.

  • PATH_INVALID An invalid path detected.

  • PATH_INVALID_ENCODING Invalid encoding was used in the path.

  • PATH_OVERLONG_U An overlong Unicode encoding was used in the path.

  • PATH_UTF8_VALID A UTF-8 character was used in the path.

  • PATH_UTF8_INVALID An invalid UTF-8 encoding was used in the path.

  • PATH_UTF8_OVERLONG An overlong UTF-8 encoding was used in the path.

  • REQUEST_SMUGGLING A HTTP smuggling attack was detected.

  • URLEN_ENCODED_NUL An encoded NUL (zero) byte detected in URL.

  • URLEN_HALF_FULL_RANGE An invalid full width character detected in URL.

  • URLEN_INVALID_ENCODING An invalid encoding detected in URL.

  • URLEN_OVERLONG_U An overlong unicode character detected in URL.


*Description:* Collection of LibHTP response parsing flags.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* htp
*Version:* 0.3

The LibHTP parser will set various flags while parsing. This is a collection of those flags for response parsing. The following flags may be set:

  • FIELD_UNPARSEABLE An unparseable field was given.

  • FIELD_INVALID An invalid field was sent.

  • FIELD_FOLDED Folding detected in a field.

  • FIELD_REPEATED A field was repeated.

  • FIELD_LONG A field length was longer than allowed.

  • FIELD_RAW_NUL A field contained an unencoded NUL (zero) byte.

  • INVALID_CHUNKING: Invalid chunking was used.

  • INVALID_FOLDING: Invalid header folding was used.

  • MULTI_PACKET_HEAD: The header was sent in more than one packet (buffer).

  • STATUS_LINE_INVALID: An invalid HTTP status code was sent.


*Description:* Remote (client) IP address, extracted from the TCP connection. Can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Connection
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

If the user_agent module is also loaded, then the client address will be corrected using any available proxy headers (currently X-Forwarded-For).


*Description:* Remote (client) port, extracted from the TCP connection.
*Type:* Numeric
*Scope:* Connection
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Request parameters transported in request body.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Contains the normalized request content type.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet

Request content type is constructed from the request Content-Type header. The value is first converted to contain only the content type (and exclude any character encoding information), then converted to lowercase.


*Description:* Collection of request cookies (name/value pairs).
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Request filename, extracted from request URI and normalized according to the current personality.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet

Normalization algorithm, with all "features" enabled, is as follows:

  1. Decode URL-encoded characters (both %HH and %uHHHH formats), convert to lowercase, compress separators, convert backslashes, and terminate NUL.

  2. Convert UTF-8 to single-byte stream using best-fit mapping

  3. Perform RFC 3986 normalization


*Description:* Collection of request headers (name/value pairs).
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Request hostname information, extracted from the request and normalized.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

The following rules apply:

  1. Use the hostname information if provided on the request line

  2. Alternatively, look up the HTTP Host request header

  3. If the hostname information is provided in both locations, the information in the HTTP Host request header is ignored

Normalization [TODO What RFC should we refer to?]:

  1. Lowercase

  2. Remove trailing dot [TODO What dot?]

  3. [TODO Remove port?]


*Description:* Full, raw, request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


GET /path/to/page?a=5&q=This+is+a+test. HTTP/1.1


*Description:* Request method.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This field contains the HTTP method used for the request.

Example: GET


*Description:* Request protocol name and version.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* o.3

This field contains the HTTP protocol name and version, as specified on the request line. Transactions that do not specify the protocol (e.g., HTTP prior to 1.0) will have an empty string value.


*Description:* Request URI, extracted from request and normalized according to the current personality (see +$$REQUEST_FILENAME$$+ for more details).
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

Default normalization:

  1. RFC normalization

  2. Convert to lowercase

  3. Reduce consecutive forward slashes to a single character

All normalization options:

  • RFC normalization

  • Convert to lowercase

  • Convert \ characters to /

  • Reduce consecutive forward slashes to a single character


*Description:* Parsed fragment portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parsed host portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This is the hostname specified in the URI. Note that this may be different from the normalized host, which is in REQUEST_HOST.


*Description:* Request parameters transported in query string.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$REQUEST_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Parsed password portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parsed and normalized path portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parsed (raw) path portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

As no URL decoding is performed (this is a raw value), you probably want REQUEST_URI_PATH_RAW.urlDecode() in most cases.


*Description:* Parsed port portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Raw, unnormalized, request URI from the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Parsed scheme portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parsed query portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parsed username portion of the URI within the request line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Contains the normalized response content type.
*Type:* Scalar
*Scope:* Transaction (++$$RESPONSE_HEADERS$$++)
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet

Response content type is constructed from the response Content-Type header. The value is first converted to keep only the content type part (and exclude character encoding information, if any), then converted to lowercase.


*Description:* Collection of response cookies (name/value pairs).
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet


*Description:* Collection of response headers (name/value pairs).
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Full response line.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

Transactions that do not specify a response line (e.g., HTTP prior to 1.0) will have an empty string value.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK


*Description:* Response status message.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This field contains the status message (text following the status code), as specified on the response line. Transactions that do not specify a response line (e.g., HTTP prior to 1.0) will have an empty string value.


*Description:* Response protocol name and version.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This field contains the protocol name and version, as specified on the response line. Transactions that do not specify a response line (e.g., HTTP prior to 1.0) will have an empty string value.


*Description:* Response status code.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This field contains the status code, as specified on the response line. Transactions that do not specify a response line (e.g., HTTP prior to 1.0) will have an empty string value.


*Description:* Server IP address, extracted from the TCP connection. Can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
*Type:* String
*Scope:* Connection
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Server port, extracted from the TCP connection.
*Type:* Numeric
*Scope:* Connection
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Transaction collection.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

This collection contains arbitrary information for the transaction. It is a generic place for rules to store transaction data in which other rules can monitor.


*Description:* User agent information extracted if the +$$user_agent$$+ module is loaded.
*Type:* Collection
*Scope:* Transaction
*Module:* user_agent
*Version:* 0.3

While the User-Agent HTTP request header may be used in generating these fields, the term "user agent" here refers to the client as a whole.

Sub-Fields: * agent: String name of the user agent.

  • product: String product deduced from the user agent data.

  • os: String operating system deduced from user agent data.

  • extra: Any extra string available after parsing the User-Agent HTTP request header.

  • category: String category deduced from user agent data.




*Description:* Returns true if the target contains the given sub-string.
*Syntax:* +@contains
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Deterministic finite atomation matching algorithm (PCRE's alternative matching algorithm).
*Syntax:* +@dfa
*Types:* String
*Module:* pcre
*Version:* 0.4

The dfa operator implements the alternative matching algorithm in the regular expressions library. The parameter of the operator is a regular expression pattern that is passed to the PCRE library without modification. This alternative matching algorithm uses a similar syntax to PCRE regular expressions, except that backtracking is not available. The primary use of dfa is to allow a subset of regular expression matching in a streaming manner (see StreamInspect). In addition to streaming support, dfa will also find all matches to the pattern when the capture modifier is used. TODO: Describe limits on regex syntax.

Example of capturing multiple matches:

# Capture each item in a '&' separated list
Rule REQUEST_URI_QUERY @dfa "[^&]*" id:1 rev:1 phase:REQUEST_HEADER capture
# Inspect each element in the CAPTURE, blocking if the format does not match
Rule CAPTURE !@rx ".=." id:2 rev:1 phase:REQUEST_HEADER "msg:Name and value required" event block


*Description:* Returns true if the target matches any value in the named eudoxus automata.
*Syntax:* +$$@ee_match_any
*Types:* String
*Module:* ee
*Version:* 0.7

The named eudoxus automata must first be loaded with the LoadEudoxus directive


*Description:* Returns true if the target is numerically equal to the given value.
*Syntax:* +@eq
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if the target is numerically greater than or equal to the given value.
*Syntax:* +@ge
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if the target is numerically greater than the given value.
*Syntax:* +@gt
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* As +match+, but case insensitive.
*Syntax:* +@imatch _++"word1 word2 ... wordN"++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7


*Description:* Returns true if a target IPv4 address matches any given whitespace separated address in CIDR format.
*Syntax:* +@ipmatch _++""++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if a target IPv6 address matches any given whitespace separated address in CIDR format.
*Syntax:* +@ipmatch6 _++"1::12:13 6::6:0/112 1::2:3"++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if the data is determined to be SQL injection via the libinjection library.
*Syntax:* +$$@is_sqli _++data-source++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* libinjection
*Version:* 0.7

The libinjection ironbee module utilizes Nick Galbreath’s libinjection to implement SQLi detection. This operator is similar to libinjection’s is_sqli() function. The libinjection library is available via:

Currently the data-source must be set to "default" as loading external databases is not yet implemented.


Rule ARGS @is_sqli default id:test/sqli/1 phase:REQUEST "msg:Detected SQLi" logdata:%{FIELD} event block:phase


*Description:* Returns true if the target is numerically less than or equal to the given value.
*Syntax:* +@le
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if the target is numerically less than the given value.
*Syntax:* +@lt
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Returns true if the target is any of the given whitespace separated words.
*Syntax:* +@match _++"word1 word2 ... wordN"++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7


*Description:* Returns true if the target is not numerically equal to the given value.
*Syntax:* +@ne
*Types:* Numeric
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Parallel matching using the +Aho-Corasick+ algorithm.
*Syntax:* +@pm _++"word1 word2 ... wordN"++_
*Types:* String
*Module:* ac
*Version:* 0.2

Implements a set-based (or parallel) matching function using the Aho-Corasick algorithm. The parameter of the operator contains one or more matching patterns, separated with whitespace. Set-based matching is capable of matching many patterns at the same time, making it efficient for cases when the number of patterns is very large (in hundreds and thousands).

Rule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent @pm "one two three"

If the capture modifier is specified on a @pm rule, the CAPTURE:0 variable will contain the matched data fragment. Do note that, because the pm operator can easily match many times per rule, the CAPTURE:0 value is valid only when used in the same rule. In the following rules, CAPTURE:0 will contain the data fragment of the last @pm match.


DEPRECATED: The "ac" module is deprecated. Use rx, dfa, match, imatch or ee_match_any instead.


*Description:* Parallel matching with patterns from file.
*Syntax:* +@pmf
*Types:* String
*Module:* ac
*Version:* 0.2

Same as pm, but instead of accepting parameters directly, it loads them from the file whose filename was supplied. The file is expected to contain one pattern per line. To convert a line into a pattern, whitespace from the beginning and the end is removed. Empty lines are ignored, as are comments, which are lines that begin with #. Relative filenames are resolved from same directory as the configuration file.

Rule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent @pmf bad_user_agents.dat

DEPRECATED: The "ac" module is deprecated. Use rx, dfa, match, imatch or ee_match_any instead.


*Description:* Regular expression (perl compatible regular expression) matching.
*Syntax:* +@rx
*Types:* String
*Module:* pcre
*Version:* 0.2

The rx operator implements regular expressions. The parameter of the operator is a regular expression pattern that is passed to the PCRE library without modification.

Rule ARGS:userId !@rx "^[0-9]+$"

Patterns are compiled with the following settings:

  • Entire input is treated as a single buffer against which matching is done.

  • Patterns are case-sensitive by default.

  • Patterns are compiled with PCRE_DOTALL and PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY set.

Using captured substrings to create variables

Regular expressions can be used to capture substrings. In IronBee, the captured substrings can be used to create new variables in the TX collection. To use this feature, specify the capture modifier in the rule.

Rule ARGS @rx "test(\d{13,16})" capture

When capture is enabled, IronBee will always create a variable CAPTURE:0, which will contain the entire matching area of the pattern. Anonymous capture groups will create up to 9 variables, from CAPTURE:1 to CAPTURE:9. These special CAPTURE variables will remain available until the next capture rule is run, when they will all be deleted.


*Description:* Returns true if target exactly matches the given string.
*Syntax:* +@streq
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* As +streq+, but case insensitive.
*Syntax:* +@istreq
*Types:* String
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.7




*Description:* Mark a transaction as allowed to proceed to a given inspection point.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +allow\[":phase"|":request"\]+
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

By default this allows the transaction to proceed without inspection until the post-processing phase. This can be changed depending on the modifier used:

  • phase - Proceed to the end of the current phase without further rule execution.

  • request - Proceed to the end of the request processing phases without further rule execution.


*Description:* Cause the rule to generate a log event.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +event\[":observation"|":alert"\]+
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

By default this generates a log event of type "observation", but this can be changed to type "alert". Having at least one active alert type event will cause an audit log to be generated.

  • observation - Default event type denoting a rule made an observation, which could contribute to further inspection.

  • alert - Alert event type denoting a transaction should be logged.


*Description:* Add data to be logged with the event.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +logdata:_++data++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

Log a data fragment as part of the error message.

Rule ARGS @rx pattern \
        "msg:Test matched" logdata:%{MATCHED_VAR}

Note: Up to 128 bytes of data will be recorded.


*Description:* Mark a transaction to be blocked.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +block\[:advisory | :phase | :immediate\]+
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

By default this marks the transaction with an advisory blocking flag. This can be changed depending on the modifier used:

  • advisory - Mark the transaction with an advisory blocking flag which further rules may take into account.

  • phase - Block the transaction at the end of the current phase.

  • immediate - Block the transaction immediately after rule execution.


*Description:* Enable capturing the matching data.
*Type:* Modifier
*Syntax:* +capture+
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

Enabling capturing will populate the CAPTURE collection with data from the most recent matching operator. For most operators the CAPTURE:0 field will be set to the last matching value. Operators that support capturing multiple values may set other items in the CAPTURE collection. For example, the rx operator supports setting the additional CAPTURE:1 - CAPTURE:9 via capturing parens in the regular expression and the dfa operator supports capturing all matches, each being available as CAPTURE:0.


*Description:* Chains the next rule, so that the next rule will execute only if the current operator evaluates true.
*Type:* Modifier
*Syntax:* +chain+
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

Rule chains are essentially rules that are bound together by a logical AND with short circuiting. In a rule chain, each rule in the chain is executed in turn as long as the operators are evaluating true. If an operator evaluates to false, then no further rules in the chain will execute. This allows a rule to execute multiple operators.

All rules in the chain will still execute their actions before the next rule in the chain executes. If you want a rule that only executes an action if all operators evaluate true, then the action should be given on the final rule in the chain.

Requirements for chained rules: * Only the first rule in the chain may have an id or phase, which will be used for all rule chains.

  • A numeric chain ID will be assigned and appended to the rule ID, prefixed with a dash, to uniquely identify the rule.

  • Different metadata attributes (except id/phase) may be given for each chain, but the first rule’s metasta will be the default.

  • Specifying one or more tag modifiers is allowed in any chain, but the tags will be bound to the entire rule chain so that RuleEnable and similar will act on the entire rule chain, not just an individual rule in the chain.


# Start a rule chain, which matches only POST requests. The implicit ID here
# will be set to "id:1-1".
Rule REQUEST_METHOD "@rx ^(?i:post)$" id:1 phase:REQUEST chain

# Only if the above rule's operator evaluates true, will the next rule in the
# chain execute. This rule checks to see if there are any URI based parameters
# which typically should not be there for POST requests. If the operator evaluates
# true, then the setvar action will execute, marking the transaction and an
# event will be generated with the given msg text. This rule will have the
# implicit ID set to "id:1-2".
Rule &REQUEST_URI_PARAMS @gt 0 "msg:POST with URI parameters." setvar:TX:uri_params_in_post=1 event chain

# Only if the above two rules' operators return true will the next rule in the
# chain execute.  This rule checks that certain parameters are not used in
# on the URI and if so, generates an event and blocks the transaction with the
# default status code at the end of the phase. This rule will have the implicit
# ID set to "id:1-3".
Rule &REQUEST_URI_PARAMS:/^(id|sess)$/ @gt 0 "msg:Sensitive parameters in URI." event block:phase


*Description:* Numeric value indicating the confidence of the rule.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +confidence:_++integer (0-100)++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

Higher confidence rules should have a lower False Positive rate.


*Description:* Delete an HTTP header from the request.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +delRequestHeader:_++header-name++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Delete an HTTP header from the response.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +delResponseHeader:_++header-name++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Unique identifier for a rule.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +id:_++name++_
*Cardinality*: 1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

Specifies a unique identifier for a rule. If a later rule re-uses the same identifier, then it will overwrite the previous rule.

TODO: Explain what the full unique id is (taking context and chains into account)


*Description:* Message associated with the rule.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +msg:_++text++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

This message is used by the event action when logging the event.


*Description:* The runtime phase at which the rule should execute.
*Type:* Metadata
*Cardinality*: 1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

Rule phase determines when a rule runs. IronBee understands the following phases:


Invoked after the entire HTTP request headers has been read, but before reading the HTTP request body (if any). Most rules should not use this phase, opting for the REQUEST phase instead.


Invoked after receiving the entire HTTP request, which may involve request body and request trailers, but it will run even when neither is present.


Invoked after receiving the HTTP entire response header.


Invoked after receiving the HTTP response body (if any) and response trailers (if any).


Invoked after the entire transaction has been processed. This phase is for logging and tracking data between transactions, such as storing state. Actions cannot affect the transaction in this phase.


*Description:* An integer rule revision.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +rev:_++integer (1-n)++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

TODO: Explain how this is used in RuleEnable and when overriding Rules in sub contexts.


*Description:* Set, or unset, boolean transaction attributes (flags).
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +setflag:\[!\]_++flag-name++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.6

Allow setting or unsetting transaction flags. Prefixing with a ! unsets the flag.


Currently the inspectRequestHeader flag is always set as this is required for the site selection process. Additionally, the RequestBuffering and ResponseBuffering directives must be enabled to buffer the request or response.

  • block - Set if transaction was marked for block.

  • suspicious - Set if transaction was marked as suspicious and care should be taken in processing.

  • inspectRequestHeader - Set if the engine should inspect the HTTP request header (default: set).

  • inspectRequestBody - Set if the engine should inspect the HTTP request body (default: unset).

  • inspectResponseHeader - Set if the engine should inspect the HTTP response header (default: unset).

  • inspectResponseBody - Set if the engine should inspect the HTTP response body (default: unset).


*Description:* Set the value of a HTTP request header.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +setRequestHeader:_++header-name++_=_++header-value++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Set the value of an HTTP response header.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +setResponseHeader:_++header-name++_=_++header-value++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Set a variable data field.
*Type:* Action
*Syntax:* +$$setvar:\[!\]_++variable-field-name++_\[+|-\]=_++value++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2

The setvar modifier is used for data field manipulation. To create a variable data field or change its value:


To remove all instances of a named variable data field:


To increment or decrement a variable data field value:


An attempt to modify a value of a non-numerical variable will assume the old value was zero (NOTE: Probably should just fail, logging an attempt was made to modify a non-numerical value).


*Description:* Numeric value indicating the severity of the issue this rule is trying to protect against.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +severity:_++integer (0-100)++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

The severity indicates how much impact a successful attack may be, but does not indicate the quality of protection this rule may provide. The severity is meant to be used as part of a "threat level" indicator. The "threat level" is essentially severity x confidence, which balances how severe the threat may be with how well this rule might be protecting against it.


*Description:* The HTTP status code to use for a blocking action.
*Type:* Modifier
*Syntax:* +status:_++http-status-code++_
*Cardinality*: 0..1
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Apply one or more named transformations to each of the targets in a rule.
*Type:* Modifier
*Syntax:* +t:_++transformation-name++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Apply an arbitrary tag name to a rule.
*Type:* Metadata
*Syntax:* +tag:_++name++_
*Cardinality*: 0..n
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4

TODO: Describe where this is used, notably RuleEnable/RuleDisable and logged with events.

Transformation Functions



*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet.


*Description:* Replaces one or more consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

Replaces various whitespace characters with spaces. In addition, consecutive whitespace characters will be reduced down to a single space. Whitespace characters are: 0x20, \f, \t, \n, \r, \v, 0xa0 (non-breaking whitespace).


*Description:* Given a collection, it returns the number if items in the collection.  Given a scalar, returns 1.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Decodes HTML entities in the data.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.6

The following forms are supported:

  • &#DDDD; - Numeric code point, where DDDD represents a decimal number with any number of digits.

  • &#x_HHHH_; - Numeric code point, where HHHH represents a hexadecimal number with any number of digits.

  • &_name_; - Predefined XML named entities (currently: quot, amp, apos, lt, gt).


*Description:* Returns the byte length of the value.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.4


*Description:* Returns the input as all lower case characters.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Removes one or more consecutive whitespace characters.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3

Similar to compressWhitespace, except removes the characters instead of replacing them with a single space.


*Description:* Remove various types of code comments.
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet.

The following style comments are replaced: * / …​ / - C style comments.

  • // …​ - C++ style comments.

  • # …​ - Shell style comments.

  • -- …​ - SQL style comments.


*Description:* Replace various types of code comments with a single space character.
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet.

This is similar to removeComments, but instead of removing, replaces with a single space character.


*Description:* Removes consecutive whitespace from the beginning and end of the input.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Removes consecutive whitespace from the beginning of the input.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Removes consecutive whitespace from the end of the input.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.2


*Description:* Decodes URL encoded values in the input.
*Module:* core
*Version:* Not implemented yet.

Implements decoding the encoding used in application/x-www-form-urlencoded values (percent encoding with additions).

  • %HH; - Numeric code point, where HH represents a two digit hexadecimal number.

  • + - Represents an ASCII space character (equiv to %20).


Fields which are parsed from the URI and form parameters are already URL Decoded and you should not apply this transformation to these fields unless you are trying to inspect multiple levels of encoding.


*Description:* Given a collection of numeric data, returns the minimum value.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Given a collection of numeric data, returns the maximum value.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.3


*Description:* Normalize a filesystem path, removing back and self references.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.6


*Description:* Normalize a Windows filesystem path, removing back and self references.
*Module:* core
*Version:* 0.6


*Description:* Normalize potential SQL injection via libinjection.
*Module:* libinjection
*Version:* 0.7

The libinjection ironbee module utilizes Nick Galbreath’s libinjection to implement SQLi detection. This transformation is based on an example in libinjection. The libinjection library is available via:

Example Input/Output:

Input: foo' /* x */   or 1/* y -- */=/* z */1 union select id,passwd from users --
Output: foo' or 1=1 union select id,passwd from users --


*Description:* Normalize postgres SQL.
*Module:* sqltfn
*Version:* 0.7

Normalize Postgres SQL.

Example Input/Output:

Input: foo' /* x */   or 1/* y -- */=/* z */1 union select id,passwd from users --
Output: foo' or 1 = 1 union select id,passwd from users
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