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Releases: ironstar-io/ironstar-cli

Fix custom package logging

22 Jun 04:12
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  • When using --custom-package flag, the warning message was showing incorrectly
  • Unsuccessful uploads were retaining the Uploading... message when it should be a failure message

Backup Download Latest Flag

08 Mar 02:57
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Add ability to download the latest backup automatically with the flag --latest. Must specify an environment using flag --env or via prompt in conjunction with the latest flag.


iron backup download --latest --env dev
iron backup download --latest
# Environment ID or Name: stage

As normal, you can skip the confirmation prompt with -y

v1.4.1 - Improve Remote Command JSON Output

15 Nov 23:03
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  • Bump Go version to v1.21
  • Improve JSON output so falsy time fields are omitted from JSON output

v1.4.0 - JSON Output

14 Sep 06:53
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We've added the ability to pass a -o json flag to most commands in order to get their output returned in JSON format. For example:

iron deploy -s spacestation -e stage --package=CongeniallyGymnasticInventors -o json
  "deployment_id": "poAkN0NVaD",
  "name": "SuitablyJauntyProposer",
  "build_token": "meqw2bvroL",
  "created_at": "2023-09-14T01:10:58.314512Z",
  "environment": {},
  "build": {
    "build_id": "meqw2bvroL",
    "name": "CongeniallyGymnasticInventors",
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "created_by": "richo (user)",
    "created_at": "2022-12-02T05:47:13.506606Z"
  "status": {
    "lifecycle": "Requested",
    "activeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "retiredDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  "lifecycle": [
      "stage": "Requested",
      "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
      "enter": "2023-09-14T01:10:58.314507Z",
      "exit": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Enjoy 🎉

Remote Commands

10 Sep 22:21
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Adds functionality for remote commands


ironstar remote-command [command]

Available Commands:

drush - Execute a drush command

ironstar remote-command drush [args] [flags]

--env-var stringArray Supply a set of environment variables for the remote command in the format KEY=VALUE
-h, --help help for drush
--timeout int Remote command timeout (seconds)

drush-cache-rebuild - Execute drush cache-rebuild

ironstar remote-command drush-cache-rebuild [flags]

--env-var stringArray Supply a set of environment variables for the remote command in the format KEY=VALUE
-h, --help help for drush-cache-rebuild
--timeout int Remote command timeout (seconds)

list - List executed remote commands

ironstar remote-command list [flags]

-h, --help help for list

shell - Execute a shell command

ironstar remote-command shell [command] [flags]

--env-var stringArray Supply a set of environment variables for the remote command in the format KEY=VALUE
-h, --help help for shell
--timeout int Remote command timeout (seconds)
--work-dir string The working directory in which to execute the shell command

status - Remote command status

ironstar remote-command status [nameOrID] [flags]

-h, --help help for status

HTTP Retries

07 Mar 22:23
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An issue has been noted from the community that occasionally HTTP calls to the Ironstar API can fail due to the connection be closed or unavailable. It is currently unknown the true root cause of these intermittent problems, however this release aims to reduce the need to re-run CI jobs by automatically retrying HTTP calls that fail due to connectivity issues.

Also new in this release, a version for people using Linux on ARM!

RC for HTTP retries

07 Mar 10:47
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RC for HTTP retries Pre-release

Release candidate including the HTTP retry functionality from #41

Fix for logs

30 Dec 05:26
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A recent change to how logs were stored in Ironstar resulted in log output being temporarily broken in the CLI.

This version includes the fixes required for the iron logs command

Changes to Session Expiry Rules

10 Sep 20:49
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In line with changes made in the Ironstar API, relevant changes to the CLI were required. This includes removal of automatic token refresh and ability to set custom session expiry

Additionally, internal dependencies have been upgraded, and the Go version changed to 1.19 which should yield some minor performance benefits.

Fix for expired password reset for MFA users

03 Dec 21:10
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  • Fixes a bug where users that have MFA enabled would be unable to reset their password using the CLI if it expired