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isachpaz edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 7 revisions

The scope of this project is to overload the catheter of the patient brachytherapy plan. In particular, patient plans will be automatically transferred, including information on:

  • dwell times,
  • source dwell positions and
  • associated source strength with a virtual base QA plan comprising eight catheters (the number of the catheters is configurable).


An initial number of catheters defined by the patient plan, need to be overloaded and exported into a new QA verification plan of (8) eight catheters.


If the total initial catheter number is greater than the number of catheters in the QA plan (i.e. 8 catheters), then we need to create and export more than one QA verification plans. For instance, if the total number of the catheters in the patient is 22, then 3 QA verification plans need to be created: QA-1 with catheters from 1 to 8, QA-2 with catheters 9-16, QA-3 with catheters 17-22.

Library System architecture:

Howto use the library - A unit test example:

        var mockCatheterOverloadingParameters = new Mock<ICatheterOverloadingParameters>();
        mockCatheterOverloadingParameters.SetupGet(u => u.OutputPlanName).Returns("outputplan.dcm");
        mockCatheterOverloadingParameters.SetupGet(u => u.PatientPlan)
        mockCatheterOverloadingParameters.SetupGet(u => u.VerificationPlan)
        mockCatheterOverloadingParameters.SetupGet(u => u.TpsType)
        IDicomServices dicomServices = new DicomServices();
        ICatheterBlocks catheterBlocks = new CatheterBlocks(8);
        ICatheterBlockService catheterBlockService = new CatheterBlockService(catheterBlocks);
        var catheterOverloader =
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