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NMVC is a PHP base MVC framework


The NMVC can be installed with Composer.

composer create-project shafiul-islam/nmvc <project_name>

Run Your Project

By using PHP Built-in web server you can run your project easily

composer serve

you can change the port if you need

Directory Structure

│   file001.txt    
│   │   bootstrap.php
│   │
│   └───components
│   └───config
│   └───core
│   └───models
│   └───routes
│   └───views
│   │
│   └───index.php

The Basics


All route files are defined in app/routes directory

Web Routing

routes/web.php used for defines routes for application's interface.

here is a basic structure of web.php

use app\core\App;
$app = new app();

the most basic routing is closure aproch. it has 2 arguments. route uri as a string and a closure.

this route will work as a index page. example:

$app->router->get('/',function (){
    echo 'Hello World!';


$app->router->get('/hello',function (){
    echo 'Hello World!';

Router class ($app->router) has 2 methods right now. GET, and POST.
POST route can be create by useing


route medthods also accept contoller as a callback argument. we can pass a array where 0 index will be the calss name, and 1 index will be the function name

use app\controllers\Pages;


also we can we can define a view directly


API Routing

coming soon


base controller class

namespace app\controllers;
use app\core\Controller;
class Hello extends Controller

it will hold all you code and functions.

for routing functions take a request argument and must have a request method condition.

public function index(Request $request){
//get request
if ($request->isGet()){
    $data =[
//for post request
if ($request->isPost()){}

here $this->view('index',$data); render you view files. it takes 2 argument first one is you view file and second one is data that you are going to pass to your view file. view argument is basically a php file name inside a views directory without .php extension.
data argument is an associative array and for each value you will get a php variable inside you view. like if i pass

$data =[
    'hello'=>'this is a hello message'

ill get hello key ass my variable$hello inside my view
inside data you can pass your page/view metadata also.

$data =[
        'title'=>'Hello page',
        'description'=>'Here is my page description',

if you not set any metadata it will take all the info from config file as default .


NMVC ClI will make your development process much easier and faster. its a build in tool. you can crete controller,model, make migration by using cmd command.

run php nmvc

-h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet           Do not output any message
-V, --version         Display this application version
--ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
completion           Dump the shell completion script
help                 Display help for a command
list                 List commands
generate:controller  Greet a user based on the time of the day.