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Ismail Sunni edited this page Aug 18, 2019 · 3 revisions

GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement Week 12 Report


Period: 12 August 2019 - 18 August 2019


  1. What did I complete this week?
    • Debug "Changing symbol doesn't always change the billboard"
    • Get help from Martin to fix the problem. It's updated because QgsTerrainTextureImage thinks it doesn't need to update the symbol due to the same extent.
    • Removing unrelated UI (transformation and material widget) for the billboard
    • Add set height option for the height of the billboard
    • Save the billboard symbol as a symbol attribute (previously using serialization)
    • Add selected symbol for the billboard. It's showing a black-symbol, not yellow-symbol like a normal selected one.
    • Save the billboard symbol to the project.
    • Fix flipped billboard
    • Video about this progress:
  2. What am I going to achieve for next week?
    • Addressing black selected symbol
    • Address size symbol issue
    • Finalize and submit PR
    • Write final report
  3. Is there any blocking issue?
    • N/A
  4. Code
    • Branch for billboard feature [1]
    • Repo for QT C++ billboard [3]
  5. Misc
    • N/A


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