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Ismail Sunni edited this page Jul 28, 2019 · 1 revision

GSoC QGIS 3D Improvement Week 9 Report


Period: 22 July 2019 - 29 July 2019


  1. What did I complete this week?
    • Fixed billboard size when changing the viewport.
    • Rendered the billboard (more) properly by discarding the transparent pixel. It's not ideal, but it doesn't show a black area around the symbol anymore. Billboard
    • Fixed the size of billboard shown (previously it's too small)
    • Filled 2nd phase evaluation
  2. What am I going to achieve for next week?
    • Make the billboard shows symbol from user
  3. Is there any blocking issue?
    • Currently, I am trying to use QgsSymbolButton, but it doesn't show up when I ran QGIS. I did the usual workflow (promote a QToolButton to QgsSymbolButton). I have checked that the object exists, but it's not shown and no error message. See the empty area in the style panel next to the Billboard Symbol label.
  4. Code
    • Branch for billboard feature [1]
    • Repo for QT C++ billboard [3]
  5. Misc
    • Currently in a block course (there is a class every day), so I had less time to work on it this week and need to reschedule the weekly meeting. It will finish this Thursday.
    • Thanks to Martin for helping me debug the rendering issue.


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