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Texterra Python Interface

License pypi Version

This package provides a Python interface for Texterra API. Texterra is a toolkit for natural language processing and knowledge base utilization, developed by a team of researchers at the Ivannikov Institute for System Programming.

See for more information about Texterra project.


  • Language detection
  • Tokenization
  • Lemmatization
  • Sentence boundary detection
  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Named entity recognition
  • Labelled dependency parsing
  • Term disambiguation
  • Key concepts extraction
  • Subjectivity detection
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Spelling correction

Currently, 2 languages are supported: English and Russian.


To install this SDK run:

python install

or you can install using pip:

pip install texterra


You can use pydoc to get help on the package:

pydoc texterra

and check the documentation of methods:

pydoc texterra.api


To use Texterra API in your project, you first need to get an API key here. Then, import the package and use your API key to create an access object:

import texterra
t = texterra.API('YOURKEY')

To access different tools, simply call the corresponding method:

tags = t.pos_tagging('Hello World')

Methods also accept iterables:

tagged_sents = t.pos_tagging(['Flat is better than nested.', 'Now is better than never.'])