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Closed Nov 26, 2021 100% complete

Closed on 2021-01-12 10:11:21 UTC

  • [Feature] Connecting to different libraries (SharePoint) (#11043)
  • [Feature] Default connection profile (Microsoft SharePoint Site) to connect so specific site (Sharepoint) (#10115, #11375)
  • [Feature] Create shared link for file (OneDrive, SharePoint) (#11373)
  • [Feature] Updated toolbar icons in Preferencs window (macOS)
  • [B…

Closed on 2021-01-12 10:11:21 UTC

  • [Feature] Connecting to different libraries (SharePoint) (#11043)
  • [Feature] Default connection profile (Microsoft SharePoint Site) to connect so specific site (Sharepoint) (#10115, #11375)
  • [Feature] Create shared link for file (OneDrive, SharePoint) (#11373)
  • [Feature] Updated toolbar icons in Preferencs window (macOS)
  • [Bugfix] No attempt to authenticate using SSH agent (SFTP)
  • [Bugfix] Allow browsing filenames containing forward slash (Google Drive)
  • [Bugfix] Allow accessing shortcuts for files and folders (Google Drive)

This milestone is closed.

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