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Single binary compression tool

This is the tool for compressing, archiving.


Known limitation

  • XZ is decompression only
  • File attributes in archive is not preserved
  • Format is not detected by automatic
  • Symblic link not supported


Getting Binary

Single Binary

you can get binary from github release page. Once you download it and add executable permission, you can execute it.

dotnet global tool

if you want to use as dotnet global tool, do following steps.

  1. install dotnet sdk 5.0 or later
  2. run dotnet tool install -g dotnet-compressor
  3. ensure $HOME/.dotnet/tools to your PATH


the command's basic format is dcomp [kind] [verb(d or c)] [options]. you can get kind list by dcomp --help, verb is c(compression) or d(decompression). and you can get individual subcommand help is dcomp [kind] [verb] --help


you can manupilate ZIP by zip subcommand.

Basic Usage

  • archiving files under dir1 and output dcomp zip c -b dir1 -o
  • extracting into dir1: dcomp zip d -i -o dir1

File globbing

  • archiving files under dir1 which has .txt extension: dcomp zip c -b dir1 -i '**/*.txt' -o
  • extracting files from which has .txt extension to dir1: dcomp zip d -i --include '**/*.txt' -o dir1

Converting filename encoding

  • archiving files and convert filename to Shift-JIS: dcomp zip c -e sjis -b dir1 -o
  • extracting and filename decoding as Shift-JIS: dcomp zip d -e sjis -i -o dir1

Password encryption

  • archiving files and encrypting with password abc: dcomp zip c -b dir1 -o -p abc
  • archiving files and decrypting with password abc: dcomp zip d -i -o dir1 -p abc


Basic Usage

  • archiving files under dir1 and output dir1.tar: dcomp tar c -b dir1 -o dir1.tar.
  • extracting dir1.tar into dir1: dcomp tar d -i dir1.tar -o dir1


  • archiving files under dir1 and output to standard output: dcomp tar c -b dir1 > dir1.tar
  • extracting data from standard input into dir1: cat dir1.tar | dcomp tar d -o dir1

File globbing

  • archiving files under dir1 which has .txt extension: dcomp tar c -b dir1 -i '**/*.txt' -o dir1.tar
  • extracting files from dir1.tar which has .txt extension to dir1: dcomp tar d -i '**/*.txt' -o dir1

Converting filename encoding

  • archiving files and convert filename to Shift-JIS: dcomp tar c -e sjis -b dir1 -o dir1.tar
  • extracting dir1.tar and filename decoding as Shift-JIS: dcomp tar d -e sjis -i dir1.tar -o dir1

set file permission(since 1.1.0)

  • set file permission '0755' for files which have '*.sh' extension: dcomp tar c -b dir1 -o dir1.tar -pm ".*\.sh=755"


Basic Usage

  • compress test.txt and output to test.gz: dcomp gz c -i test.txt -o test.gz
  • decompress test.gz and output to test.txt: dcomp gz d -i test.gz -o test.txt


Basic Usage

  • compress test.txt and output to test.bz2: dcomp bz2 c -i test.txt -o test.bz2
  • decompress test.bz2 and output to test.txt: dcomp bz2 d -i test.bz2 -o test.txt


Basic Usage

  • compress test.txt and output to test.lz: dcomp lzip c -i test.txt -o test.lz
  • decompress test.lz and output to test.txt: dcomp lzip d -i test.bz2 -o test.txt


Basic Usage

  • extracting test.xz and output to test.txt: dcomp xz d -i test.xz -o test.txt


  • archiving files under dir1 and compressing by gzip: dcomp tar c -b dir1 | dcomp gz c -o dir1.tgz
  • extracting from dir1.tgz into dir1: dcomp gz d -i dir1.tgz|dcomp tar d -o dir1


Basic Usage

  • compressing test.txt and output to test.zstd: dcomp zstd c -i test.txt -o test.zstd
  • decompressing test.zstd and output to test.txt: dcomp zstd d -i test.zstd -o test.txt

How to build


  • dotnet-sdk 5.0
  • mono(if linux or mac)
  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later(if windows)

here are prerequisits if you want to build native binary

  • windows
    • Build tools for Visual Studio 2019(if windows)
  • ubuntu
    • build-essential
    • libkrb5-dev
    • zlib1g-dev
    • clang
  • mac
    • xcode


  1. run dotnet tool restore
  2. run dotnet tool run dotnet-cake
    • if you want to build release binary, run dotnet tool run dotnet-cake -Configuration=Release -IsRelease

and then you will get nupkg in dist/[Configuration]/nupkg, binary executable in bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1

Build native binary

if you want to get single executable binary, you should do following steps.

  1. set CppCompilerAndLinker=clang-[version] env value if you do not have clang-3.9 and build in linux or macos.
  2. run dotnet tool run dotnet-cake -Target=Native -Runtime=[rid] -Configuration=[Debug or Release]

about rid, refer to this page

and then you will get native executable binary in dist/[Configuration]/bin

Generating sln

sln is not existed in repo.if you want to solution file(*.sln), you should do following steps.

  1. run dotnet tool run dotnet-cake -Target=SlnGen

and then you will get dotnet-compressor.sln file in top of the repo.