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Where the world store notes private or public, Millions of users build, push, and maintain their notes on Notegram — the largest and most advanced Notes Sharing platform in the world. Connect to see your friends notes.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Notegram Angular Client

It is a social media application where different users across the world joins the platform and build, push, and maintain their Notes. This project is build using Angular CLI 14.2.10, Node 16.13.2, NPM 8.1.2, OS win32 x64. Checkout for Backend express.js code. Checkout to view application in production. Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Home Component

Basic landing page build using Bootstrap and custom css, including login component.


About Component

Describes the workflow and tech stack of the application


Contact Component

Developer details will be displayed to connect and discuss upcoming feature and improvements.


Register Component

Users can fill the inputs and register into the system.


Login Component

Already registered users can directly login to the system from there.


Forgot Password Component

This component helps you to login without passwords by sending an login link to your email.


Dasboard Component

After login, the user redirects to this dashboard component, where your previous notes will be showed on left panel and you will get '+' sign to create new notes, you will get search bar to search specific note, and hamburger button to open sidebar for more options like profile, settings, logout.


Create Note Component

Here user have to type note title, description, and check private or public button to validate access from unauthorized user. Private Note will be visible to you only whereas Public Note will be visible to all the users on this platform.


Note Detail Component

By clicking any note, all the details of the note will be populated on the right panel, we can add more chunks to this note using bottom input box. there is a 3 dot on top right to modify or delete current note


Update Note Component

Here update your existing note by simply modifying inputs fields.


Hamburger Menu Component

Shows options like Note, Profile, Settings, and Logout.


Profile component

On left panel your logo and username will be displayed and a search bar to search other users registered on this platform, On right panel your other details and public notes will be displayed.


Profile Component

While typing any valid username in search bar you will get all the details of that user along with their public notes.


Note Detail Component

While clicking any public notes of other user, you will get all the chunks of that Note but you don't have permissions to manipulate that Note.


Settings Component

Here you can update your profile avatar, details and passwords.


Change Avatar Component

This component let's you to change your current profile avatar.


Change Details Component

This component let's you to change your current profile details.


Change Password Component

This component let's you to change your current profile password.


404 Component

This componet activates when user tries to access wild route.



Where the world store notes private or public, Millions of users build, push, and maintain their notes on Notegram — the largest and most advanced Notes Sharing platform in the world. Connect to see your friends notes.




