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Turn your $10 Raspberry Pi Zero into a web USB stick!


  • Windows, Mac, or Linux computer
  • Internet connection
  • Raspberry Pi Zero (Wifi model not needed, but highly recommended)
  • 16gb+ micro SD card (We always recommend Samsung SD cards)
  • SSH client (Older versions of Windows only)
  • [OPTIONAL] VNC Viewer


SD Card Setup

  1. Flash a 16gb+ micro SD card with Raspberry Pi OS Lite (if you'd like a graphical UI for VNC, you can use a regular version) using Etcher
  2. Add a blank file called ssh to the root of the SD card (just ssh, nothing else)
  3. Open the cmdline.txt file, and add modules-load=dwc2,g_ether to the end of the file (not on a new line)
  4. Open the config.txt file, and add dtoverlay=dwc2 to a new line on the end of the file

Web Software Setup

  1. Plug in the Raspberry Pi
  2. Wait 30-90seconds for the Pi to boot up
  3. Open your SSH client (or terminal), and SSH into pi@raspberrypi.local (the default password is raspberry)
  4. Type in sudo raspi-config, and "Expand Filesystem", now, if you'd like, you may change the hostname to something else, rather than "raspberry", for example, mine is "usb"
  5. Restart when prompted
  6. After you restart, copy and paste the following command: sudo apt update && sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-php mariadb-server mariadb-client php-bz2 php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-imagick php-intl php-mbstring php-xml php-zip zip unzip -y && sudo a2enmod rewrite
  7. During that command, MariaDB will prompt you to select a password, type in any password (but remember it)
  8. Type cd /var/www (if you get an error, type sudo mkdir /var/www && cd /var/www)
  9. To give access to the system, type chmod 744 . (DON'T MISS THE DOT AT THE END)
  10. Type in sudo git clone
  11. Type sudo mv piusb/. . (AGAIN, DON'T MISS THE DOTS AT THE END)
  12. Now, you can put in sudo rm -rf piusb
  13. Navagate your browser to http://raspberrypi.local/index.html (or a different hostname if you changed it before)
  14. And boom! Now you have your piUSB setup! To install Owncloud, keep reading on.

Owncloud Setup

  1. To setup Owncloud, type sudo mysql -u root -p, then type in the password you created before.
  2. Type create database owncloud; into the MariaDB prompt
  3. Then, type create user 'owncloud'@'localhost' identified by 'owncloud'; into the prompt
  4. After that, type grant all privileges on owncloud.* to 'owncloud'@'localhost'; into the prompt
  5. Lastly, type exit; into the MariaDB prompt
  6. Type cd /var/www
  7. Now, you can type sudo wget to start downloading Owncloud
  8. To unzip Owncloud, type in sudo unzip
  9. Now navigate your browser to http://raspberrypi.local (or a different hostname if you changed it before)
  10. Select "Owncloud"
  11. Type in a username and password, and make sure "Storage & database" is dropped down
  12. Scroll down a little bit until you see the database information
  13. Make sure MySQL/MariaDB is selected (if you don't see this, just ignore it)
  14. The username is owncloud, the password is owncloud, the database name is owncloud, and the address is localhost
  15. Click "Finish setup"
  16. Login with the details you made in step 11.
  17. Done! You have set up Owncloud!

If you have any problems, you can leave a GitHub issue.

Create a GitHub issue with the "Problem" template.