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College lab programs and stuff for jntuh

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Microprocessor and Microcontroller lab (3-1)

Cycle 1 : 8086 Experiments

  • arithmetic
  • logical
  • bitwise
  • string processing stuff

Cycle 2 : 8051 Experiments

  • arithmetic
  • Bitwise
  • Timer ( TMOD ) square wave generation
  • UART serial Send and receive

e-CAD LAB (3-2)


  • All Gate Design using HDL
  • 2 X 1 Decoder
  • 8 x 3 ENCODER
  • 8 X 3 Priority Encoder
  • Binary to GrayCode Conversion 4bit
  • 8x1 Multiplexer
  • D Flip Flop in hdl

Some Autocad software

  • design CMOS Inverter
  • design 2 Input CMOS NAND Gate
  • design 2 Input CMOS NAND Gate
  • Design 2x1 Multiplexer
  • Design 6 Transistor SRAM Cell

DSP LAB (3-2)

  • Generation of Sinusoidal Waveform or Signal based on Recursive Difference Equations
  • Histogram of White Gaussian Noise and Uniformly Distributed Noise.
  • To find DFT / IDFT of given DT Signal
  • To find Frequency Response of a given System given in Transfer Function/ Differential equation form.
  • Obtain Fourier series coefficients by formula and using FET and compare for half sine wave.
  • Implementation of FFT of given Sequence
  • Determination of Power Spectrum of a given Signal(s).
  • Implementation of LP FIR Filter for a given Sequence/Signal.
  • Implementation of HP IIR Filter for a given Sequence/Signal
  • Generation of Narrow Band Signal through Filtering
  • Generation of DTMF Signals
  • Implementation of Decimation Process
  • Implementation of Interpolation Process
  • Implementation of I/D Sampling Rate Converters
  • Impulse Response of First order and Second Order Systems.

Scripting Languages Lab (3-1)

  • Write a Ruby script to create a new string which is n copies of a given string where n is a non- negative integer
  • Write a Ruby script which accept the radius of a circle from the user and compute the parameter and area.
  • Write a Ruby script which accept the user's first and last name and print them in reverse order with a space between them
  • Write a Ruby script to accept a filename from the user print the extension of that
  • Write a Ruby script to find the greatest of three numbers
  • Write a Ruby script to print odd numbers from 10 to 1
  • Write a Ruby scirpt to check two integers and return true if one of them is 20 otherwise return their sum
  • Write a Ruby script to check two temperatures and return true if one is less than 0 and the other is greater than 100
  • Write a Ruby script to print the elements of a given array
  • Write a Ruby program to retrieve the total marks where subject name and marks of a student stored in a hash
  • Write a TCL script to find the factorial of a number
  • Write a TCL script that multiplies the numbers from 1 to 10
  • Write a TCL script for Sorting a list using a comparison function
  • Write a TCL script to (i)create a list (ii )append elements to the list (iii)Traverse the list (iv)Concatenate the list
  • Write a TCL script to comparing the file modified times.
  • Write a TCL script to Copy a file and translate to native format.
  • a) Write a Perl script to find the largest number among three numbers. b) Write a Perl script to print the multiplication tables from 1-10 using subroutines.
  • Write a Perl program to implement the following list of manipulating functions a)Shift b)Unshift c) Push
  • a) Write a Perl script to substitute a word, with another word in a string. b) Write a Perl script to validate IP address and email address.
  • Write a Perl script to print the file in reverse order using command line arguments