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Disclaimer: This module has been made for educational purposes and serves as a Proof-of-concept of how a reverse proxy can be implemented and used. The author(s) do not condone or promote piracy in any form. Please use this repository judicially and under legal clauses of your host country.

Reverse Proxy 🚀

Redis FastAPI Python

An over-engineered Reverse-proxy implementation using FastAPI for the backend, Redis for the static-page caching, gunicorn and uvicorn to serve a uvloop-enabled multi-worker architecture, packaged using Poetry, written in Python with love.



  • A server (UNIX support only due to gunicorn)
  • Python 3.10+ (Usage of built-in unions instead from typing module)
  • Poetry for Python (Handling dependencies and running the server)
  • Redis Instance (Optional)
  • Docker and docker-compose (Optional)


The first step:

git clone && cd Reverse-proxy


The installation process is handled effortlessly with Poetry.

To install Poetry, follow

Once Poetry is installed:

  • Optional: Initialize a virtual environment to install and run the dependencies
poetry shell
  • Install all dependencies (poetry.lock is present in the repository to make sure the versions we install are the same)
poetry install
  • That's it!


Installation Instructions

I use docker-compose for installation (root or non-root, depends on your mileage). The Dockerfile has been made for zero-configuration by default, and also initiates Redis on its own. Based on your usage, remove Redis if unnecessary.

docker-compose up -d


Only required if you are not using Docker or you have a custom Redis instance.

  • First, edit the .env file properly and set the REDIS_URL variable. If you don't want to host your own Redis instance, you can create a free instance from Railway
mv .env.sample .env
  • Run the app using Poetry (python3 instead of python, depending on your system)
poetry run python reverse-proxy
  • Or without it
python reverse-proxy


By default, the proxy doesn't run as a daemon

  • Using Screen
    Run the proxy inside a UNIX Screen, so that you can let it run in the background.

  • Using systemd service
    Coming Soon! DIY

  • Inside a docker container
    Please refer to the Docker installation steps for the same. For managing the image on a remote server, I recommend using lazydocker


To run it as a daemon, add:

"daemon": "True"

in options dict in reverse-proxy/

This repo might look like a reverse-proxy for a particular web address, but it is to show an example of how different end-points which may return different type of responses should be handled.

To better understand how Redis caching can be enabled/used for certain end-points, please refer to the implementation of the /help end-point

Release notes


- Bug fix: Sorting on a user's torrent page works now (better handling of Query parameters in httpx requests)
- Formatting changes with Python Black
- Additional type safety

Future plans

  • Dockerize for OS-agnostic run Done
  • Improve how the number of workers is set
  • Make a non-Redis version/Redis decorator with a bool switch