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Thank you for getting to this point. This repository was created for a project to learn Python. "2022 Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python " from UDEMY.

Quick note: The trainer (Jose Portilla) uses Anaconda, Jupyter Notebooks. I tried to follow along using VSCode.

Topics Covered

  • Section 1: Course Overview
  • Section 2: Python Setup
  • Section 3: Python Object and Data Structure Basics
  • Section 4: Python Comparison Operators
  • Section 5: Python Statements
  • Section 6: Methods and Functions
  • Section 7: Milestone Project - 1
  • Section 8: Object Oriented Programming
  • Section 9: Modules and Packages
  • Section 10: Errors and Exception Handling
  • Section 11: Milestone Project - 2
  • Section 12: Python Decorators
  • Section 13: Python Generators
  • Section 14: Advanced Python Modules
  • Section 15: Web-Scraping
  • Section 16: Working-with-Images
  • Section 17: PDFs-and-Spreadsheets
  • Section 18: Emailing-with-Python
  • Section 19: Advanced Python Objects and Data Structures
  • Section 20: Milestone Project - 3
  • Section 21: Bonus Material - Introduction to G

Install / Usage Process (My personal setup)

  1. Installed VS Code.
  2. Installed Python.
  3. Installed several plugins from within VSCode related to Python.+

Setting up Environment Variables in Windows 10 PRO x64


  • Python
  1. Press Start > Write environment > Click Edit the system variables environment
  2. Click Environment Variables
  3. Under System variables, click New
    • Variable Name = python
    • Variable Value = C:\Users\Ivan\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\
  4. Ok > Ok

Notes from the training per section

Section 2. Python Setup

  • CLI Basics (Windows)
  • Upgraded current python installation: py -3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Section 3: Python Object and Data Structure Basics

  • When to choose a list or dictionary?
    • Dictionary is OK when, for example, quickly wanting a value without needing to know its exact location--cons is that can't be sorted, sliced.

Section 4: Python Comparison Operator

  • Logical operators - Chain operators
    • and or not
    • Ex: 1 < 2 and 2 < 3

Section 6: Methods and Functions

  • *args to pass N values into a function in a tuple format
  • **kwargs (keywords arguments) to create a dictionary based on the values sent to a function
  • LEGB Rule
    • L: Local — Names assigned in any way within a function (def or lambda), and not declared global in that function.
    • E: Enclosing function locals — Names in the local scope of any and all enclosing functions (def or lambda), from inner to outer.
    • G: Global (module) — Names assigned at the top-level of a module file, or declared global in a def within the file.
    • B: Built-in (Python) — Names preassigned in the built-in names module : open, range, SyntaxError,...

Section 8: Object Oriented Programming

  • Allows users to create their own objects.
  • Allows us to create code that is repeatable and organized.
  • Camel Casing for classes
  • Syntax sample:
  • def when is inside of a class is called a method.
  • init is a special type that is always called when creating an instance of the class
  • self keyword connects the method to the instance of the class
class NameOfClass():

    def __init__(self, param1, param2):
        self.param1 = param1
        self.param2 = param2

    def some_method(self):
        #perform some action

Section 9: Modules and Packages

  • Packages is a collection of modules
  • Modules are scripts that you can call from a different .py files.
  • init identifies a folder that should be a package or subpackage
  • if __name__=="__main__": - original file or actual import
  • Code organization

Section 10: Errors and Exception Handling

  • Keywords
    • try: attempt
    • except: execute if error
    • finally:
  • pylint
  • unittest
  • pylint -r y
  • PEP 8

Section 12: Decorators

  • On/Off Switch for functions
  • @ operators is used and located above the function
  • we can pass functions as arguments

Section 13: Generators

  • Generate a sequence of values over time
  • usage of a yield statement
  • range()
  • Memory efficiency

Section 14: Advanced Python Modules

  • Collections (from collections import...)
    • d = defaultdict(lambda: 0) -- assign default value to dictionary
    • named tuple
  • OS
    • os.unlink(path) - delete a file
    • os.rmdir(path) - deletes a folder
    • shutil.rmtree(path) - remove all files and folders contained int he path
    • Better method: send2trash
  • Math and Random
  • Debugger
    • pdb.set_trace()
  • Timeit
  • Regular Expressions
  • Unzipping and Zip

Section 15: Web Scrapping

  • Automate the gathering of data from the web
  • Libraries
    • pip install requests
    • pip install lxml
    • pip install bs4
  • Sample:
    result = requests.get("")
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.text,"lxml")
  • Return tags. To remove'title')[0].getText()

Section 16: Working with images

  • pip install pillow
  • .rotate
  • .save
  • .paste

Section 17: Working with CSV and PDF

  • Pandas
  • Openpyxl
  • Google Sheet Python API
  • pip install PyPDF2

Section 18: Emails with Python

  • import smtplib
  • import imaplib


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